Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1113 Invitation letter from the island country

Sansheng Village.

After Li Fan typed for a while, he went on the Internet to read the comments and comments from various media and martial arts fans about today's update of the two-chapter Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Generally speaking, the reviews on the Internet are still very high. Although there are occasionally some reviews with ulterior motives, the number is very small, and they are drowned in a large number of reviews, and few people see it.

Even if someone sees it, they don't bother to pay attention, and they don't even have the interest to refute. Those comments with ulterior motives will naturally not make any waves.

After watching for a while, Li Fan got up and left the study. Just as he was about to go for a walk in the village, the phone rang and it was Li Ru calling again.

"Xiaoru, what's going on?" Li Fan answered the phone.

"Brother Fan, where are you?" Li Ru's voice came on the phone.

"at home."

"Brother Fan, please wait for me at home. There is a letter from you here. It seems to be some kind of invitation letter. The address is sent directly to the farm office. I will deliver it to you."

"Okay, thank you. I'll wait for you at home."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan felt a little strange, believe it? Invitation card? Who sent it?

It shouldn't be an acquaintance. Acquaintances usually call him directly, and there is no way to prepare letters or invitations.

After thinking about it for a moment, I stopped thinking about it. No matter who he was, I would find out soon.

Not waiting long, Li Ru came over. After seeing Li Fan, she handed the letter to Li Fan and said: "Brother Fan, this must be some kind of invitation letter, and it was mailed from the island country. Yes, I guess it’s more important, so I brought it to you as soon as possible.”

Li Fan took the letter, nodded, and said "Thank you!"

After Li Ru gave the letter to Li Fan, she went back to the office.

Li Fan looked at the letter carefully. It was indeed sent from the island country. He muttered and opened the letter. It was really an invitation letter and a page of letter paper.

Both the invitation and the letter were written in Chinese, which was quite thoughtful.

Of course, even if it is written in island language, Li Fan can understand it. He is a man who has used language skills books. No country's language in the world can stump him.

After reading the contents of the invitation letter, Li Fan was quite surprised. This was a reasoning competition called "Evergreen Cup" held by the island country.

Why did you send yourself an invitation letter to the reasoning competition held by the island country? This made Li Fan very confused.

However, after reading that page of letter paper, Li Fan understood.

The letter was written by a person named Suzuki Ichiro. This Suzuki Ichiro can also be regarded as Li Fan's old friend or old rival.

Li Fan also knows quite a lot about Ichiro Suzuki, who is the most famous reasoner in the island country and is best known as one of the smartest people in the island country.

However, this guy didn't make his debut with reasoning. He was first famous for his youth love, and then switched to reasoning.

This guy is indeed very talented in reasoning. Not long after he switched to reasoning, he became famous in Nuo University, and his reputation has surpassed that of his previous writing about youth love.

Now, its fame has reached its peak.

The first time Li Fan crossed paths with him was at the Magic University in Magic City.

At that time, students from Modou University and members of the Sakura Cloud Club from the island country held a competition at Modou University because of some conflicts.

In that competition, Li Fan took action for the students from Modou University, and Ichiro Suzuki competed with Li Fan on the same stage as a special guest of Sakura Cloud Club.

The result was naturally Li Fan's victory.

Later, when Li Fan released the detective work Young Bao Qingtian, in the first case "The Murder of the Prince", Ichiro Suzuki repeatedly told with great certainty who the real murderer of the prince was and mocked Li Fan. Fan's case design skills are not very good, but he can tell who the real culprit is at a glance?

As a result, Suzuki Ichiro guessed wrong again and again, until the truth finally came out.

Suzuki Ichiro never guessed correctly once, who is the real murderer?

The above are the two direct conversations between Li Fan and Ichiro Suzuki. The two complete defeats made Ichiro Suzuki very unhappy and he has always been brooding.

Junichi Takano, who challenged Li Fan with a comic book called Basketball Boy, is also a good friend of Ichiro Suzuki.

In the end, the basketball boy was completely defeated by Li Fan's slam dunk. Although Junichi Takano was disgraced, Ichiro Suzuki was also very unhappy.

Therefore, Ichiro Suzuki has always been "concerned" about Li Fan, and has been waiting for an opportunity, hoping to regain the lost face from Li Fan.

This time the reasoning competition held by the island country is obviously the opportunity that Suzuki Ichiro has been waiting for.

In this letter to Li Fan, Ichiro Suzuki introduced Li Fan in detail about the situation of this "Evergreen Cup" reasoning competition.

This is the first reasoning competition held by the island country, which is meant to promote the reasoning of the island country and develop better and faster.

Originally, this was only a domestic event for the island nation, but Ichiro Suzuki strongly suggested that the organizing committee invite Li Fan from China to participate.

Li Fan, who speaks about China, is also very good at creating mysteries. His mystery works such as Young Bao Qingtian and Song Ti Xingguan are very popular in China and have very high evaluations.

I believe that if Li Fan can participate in this Mystery Grand Prix, it will be a very good stimulus for domestic mystery writers and encourage them to create better mystery works.

In the end, the "Evergreen Cup" Reasoning Grand Prix Organizing Committee listened to Ichiro Suzuki's suggestion and sent an invitation letter to Li Fan.

Ichiro Suzuki expressed in the letter that he hopes Li Fan can accept the invitation of the organizing committee to participate in this reasoning grand prix.

He said that this was an excellent opportunity for Li Fan to increase his reputation. He worked hard to get the organizing committee to send an invitation letter to Li Fan, hoping that Li Fan would not miss this opportunity.

There are a lot of high-sounding reasons, but what is its real purpose? Li Fan naturally knew it all, but he just wanted to use this opportunity to defeat himself in front of the public.

Moreover, the reason why the reasoning competition organizing committee sent an invitation letter to Li Fan should have such a meaning.

They also hope to use this opportunity to let Suzuki Ichiro defeat Li Fan.

Because the last time Takano Junichi's basketball boy was completely defeated by Li Fan's slam dunk, the entire cultural world of the island country was quite upset.

Since you lost in comics, use mystery works to win back.

In fact, Suzuki Ichiro's letter did not hide his true purpose.

Because he knew that no matter how he tried to hide it, no matter how high-sounding his words were, he would definitely not be able to hide it from Li Fan.

If that's the case, why bother putting so much thought into it?

Therefore, this letter can also be regarded as, Ichiro Suzuki

Afraid that Li Fan would refuse to participate, he gave Li Fan a letter of challenge.

Because, according to Ichiro Suzuki's understanding of Li Fan, he knew that if he didn't add a little "spice" to Li Fan, Li Fan would probably ignore the invitation.

However, some superficial work still needs to be done, so this challenge letter looks quite high-sounding.

Fourth update, add update 5/6 for "Singing Your Tenderness"

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