Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1168 Hero, hero

Remember in one second【】

Genghis Khan was very happy to see Guo Jing and said that he was thinking about Guo Jing every day.

Guo Jing saw that Genghis Khan had white hair, a face full of wrinkles, and deep-set cheeks. It seemed that his days on earth were numbered. Thinking of Genghis Khan's kindness in raising him, he also lost a lot of his grudge against Genghis Khan for forcing his mother to death.

One evening at dusk, Genghis Khan asked Guo Jing to accompany him alone, and the two of them rode horses on the grassland.

Genghis Khan reined up his horse and looked around, and suddenly said: "Jing'er, I have built a great country that no other dynasty can compare with. Since the heart of the country reaches the extreme borders of all directions, it takes a year to ride on horseback in the southeast, northwest, and northwest. You talk about the heroes of ancient and modern times, Who can match me?"

Guo Jing pondered for a moment and said: "The great Khan's martial arts is unparalleled in ancient times. It's just that the Great Khan is so majestic, but the world doesn't know how many bones have been accumulated and how many tears of orphans and widows have been shed."

Genghis Khan raised his eyebrows and shouted: "What did you say?"

Guo Jing added: "A hero who is admired by the current generation and admired by future generations must be someone who benefits the people and cares for the people. In my opinion, killing many people does not necessarily mean he is a hero."

Genghis Khan asked: "Have I never done any good things in my life?"

Guo Jing said that of course there are good things, and there are many and big ones. However, Genghis Khan's expeditions to the south and west accumulated mountains of corpses. It is difficult to say clearly whether his merits and demerits were right or wrong.

Genghis Khan has been conceited all his life, but when he said this to Guo Jing, it was hard to argue with him. Looking back on his past, reining in his horse and looking back, he felt at a loss.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows again, with a look of pride on his face, and said loudly: "I have conquered the world and destroyed countless countries in my life, but according to you, I am not a hero? Hey, what a childish talk!"

Genghis Khan died in the golden tent that night. When he was dying, he murmured: "Hero, hero..."

The next day, Guo Jing and Huang Rong paid tribute to Genghis Khan's body, said goodbye to Tuo Lei, and returned south slowly.

The two of them saw skeletons and bones scattered among the long grass along the way, and they couldn't help but sigh. They thought that although the two of them were in harmony, there was no regret. But the world is suffering so much that we don’t know when there will be peace.

It's exactly this: There are only a few embers in a poor village.

No one is fighting for the dawn crossing, the cold sand is under the waning moon!

At this point, the whole book is finished.

Looking at the three words "complete book\

,"All readers suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" that they loved so much has finally come to an end, and such a finale brings people endless thoughts and a touch of sadness.

Whether they are martial arts fans, martial arts practitioners, or others who have finished watching the finale, they are all very emotional at this time, feeling emotional about the last two chapters.

Qiu Qianren suddenly came to his senses and followed Master Yideng. An injustice that had been lingering for twenty years was finally resolved.

A generation of martial arts master Ouyang Feng ended up in a state of insanity while practicing the Nine Yin Manual.

Even though his martial arts improved greatly, he defeated Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi, and even won the title of the best in the world in martial arts.

However, what can be done? Is the delirious Ouyang Feng still the former Western Poison Ouyang Feng?

During the second Huashan sword debate, Ouyang Feng, who was in a state of confusion, won the title of best in the world in martial arts. This was something no one expected.

In addition, Guo Jing's martial arts is so strong that he can fight 300 moves against Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi without losing. This makes everyone feel very surprised and gratified.

That child with dull qualifications back then finally achieved great success in martial arts. I think his father Guo Xiaotian, mother Li Ping, and the dead Six Jiangnan Monsters will also be very happy and gratified in heaven.

Then there is Mu Nianci. What all readers did not expect was that Mu Nianci gave birth to a son for Yang Kang.

Everyone has quite complicated feelings about Yang Kang. Yang Kang was born and grew up in the palace of Wanyan Honglie of the Kingdom of Jin.

He didn't know his life experience. He always thought that he was the young prince of the Kingdom of Jin. Before he knew his life experience, there was actually nothing to blame for what he did.

After he learned about his life experience, he also thought about accepting his life experience. He struggled, and he also wanted to kill Wanyan Honglie to avenge his biological father.

But in the end, he still couldn't let go of his glory, wealth, and status as the young prince of the Kingdom of Jin. He couldn't bear to kill Wanyan Honglie, so he helped Wanyan Honglie escape from Guo Jing.

In this regard, readers can only sigh with emotion, and they do not resent Yang Kang much.

From the young prince of the Jin Kingdom with a distinguished background to an ordinary farmer's boy, the gap in status is so big that Yang Kang can't let it go, which is understandable.

In addition, Wanyan Honglie was very good to Yang Kang and his mother Bao Xiruo, treating Yang Kang as his own son.

Wanyan Honglie's kindness in raising Yang Kang is undeniable.

Yang Kang couldn't bear to attack Wanyan Honglie, and readers can understand.

Of course, some of what Yang Kang did later was unforgivable.

For example, he designed to kill the Five Jiangnan Monsters, then put the blame on Huang Yaoshi, and framed Guo Jing and Huang Rong many times, etc.

In the end, Yang Kang also accidentally got Ouyang Xiu's snake venom and died because he wanted to kill Huang Rong to silence her.

It can be regarded as getting the retribution it deserves.

Throughout Yang Kang's life, he is also a tragic figure. His life is destined to be both true and false, intertwined, painful and confused.

Perhaps only death is the best destination for the tragic Yang Kang.

Now, Mu Nianci gave birth to a son for Yang Kang, and Yang Kang sadly

^0^ Remember in one second【】

A life of love and short life can be regarded as a continuation of life.

The readers were very emotional about this. If Yang Kang has a child, then Yang Tiexin will also have a child. When they think of Yang Tiexin having a child, the readers can't help but feel a little relieved.

I just hope that this baby, named Yang Guo, will be like the name Guo Jing gave him when he grows up, and that he can change it if he makes mistakes.

Don't be like his father and end up on a road of no return.

Then Guo Jingyi helped Song Fang defend the city without hesitation, "Although we are weak, we must do our best to defend the country from aggression. Even if we die on the battlefield, we will not be in vain for the education of our parents and teachers."

Guo Jing's martial arts aptitude may be dull, but his chivalrous heart is the best in the book, even worse than that of Hong Qigong.

Then there is the conversation between Guo Jing and Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan believed that he was the greatest hero of all time, but Guo Jing said that it was difficult to say whether his merits and demerits were right or wrong, so he may not be considered a hero.

Although Genghis Khan was still high-spirited, "I have dominated the world and destroyed countless countries in my life, but according to you, I am not a hero? Hey, what a childish talk!"

However, when he was dying, he murmured: "Hero, hero..."

Presumably, Guo Jing's words still made it difficult for him to let go. Is he a hero? He has been thinking about this problem.

Genghis Khan, a genius of a generation, will eventually reach his twilight years. Is he a hero?

All readers can’t help but think about this question in their hearts.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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