Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1333 The price that must be paid

Remember in one second【】

Jike and the other four muscular men were full of aura when they came, and their bastard energy leaked out, but when they left, they were like bastards, rolling and crawling out of the VIP area in extreme embarrassment.

The huge contrast between the coming and going was like the chasm between heaven and earth, leaving everyone at the scene dumbfounded and completely confused.

It wasn't until the four people completely disappeared from sight that everyone gradually came back to their senses, recalled the strange scene before, and slowly understood what was going on?

Judging from Jike's scream before, his left hand holding his right wrist, and the beads of sweat constantly appearing on his face, Jike's right wrist should have been broken.

The person who broke his right wrist was the poor boy they saw. He grabbed Jack's fist with one hand and broke it in an instant. Jack's wrist was so strong. How terrifying would it be with such skill and strength?

I understand, everything is understood, everyone finally understands, why does that boy, um, no, that gentleman look very indifferent from the beginning to the end?

It's not that he can't see the situation in front of him, but that he has such terrifying power and skills, and he has always been confident about it.

Everyone looked at Li Fan, looking at the seemingly thin body, and then they all shuddered unconsciously, their eyes full of awe.

Lineker and Wai'an were trembling a little. They regretted very much now. They regretted that they had not figured it out earlier. How could a person who could have three such beauties around him be an ordinary person?

It's a pity that they were fascinated by beauty before and preconceived that Li Fan used some unfair means to make the three beauties follow him, so that from the beginning to now, they have done one stupid thing after another.

They prayed in their hearts that this matter would pass, and that Li Fan would let them go.

However, this was naturally impossible and they had lost their chance.

Li Fan looked at Lineke and Wei'an in the crowd and smiled lightly: "Mr. Lineke, Mr. Wei'an, you seem a little scared?"

Lineker and Wei An trembled and secretly said, "It's over." Then they quickly apologized and said with a trembling voice: "This distinguished gentleman, we are blind and have offended him. Please, sir... .This...let us go."

He used to be arrogant and domineering, but now he is smiling and begging for mercy. The audience sighs, the strong is the king. This truth has not changed since ancient times.

Li Fan looked at the frightened two people,

Feeling a little funny, he said lightly: "The three of them just ordered some small drinks. I wonder if they are expensive?"

Linek and Wei An looked at each other and quickly understood what Li Fan meant. Linek quickly said: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive. Let's ask the waiter to bring the wine and invite this gentleman and the three of them." You are a beautiful lady, don’t refuse, it is the greatest honor in our lives for both Wei An and me to invite you to drink with us.”

Although their hearts were bleeding, Lineker and Wei An had no choice at this time. They knew that this was the price they had to pay for their stupidity today.

And this is obviously the lightest price. They understand that if Li Fan intends to retaliate against them, the price they will pay will be much greater.

Li Fan nodded and said: "Since the price is not expensive, let the waiter bring it over."

After hearing this, Lineker and Wei An breathed a sigh of relief. Since Li Fan said this, it meant that he would not make any other calculations.

He immediately ordered the waiter to drink the 1.82 million pounds of wine ordered by the three beautiful ladies before.

The waiter, who had been in the crowd all the time, was pleasantly surprised. He thought that this huge sum of money was flying out, but he never thought that after flying for a while, he would fly back again.

The waiter agreed excitedly, and then quickly ran to the bar to get ready.

After that, Li Fan said to everyone calmly: "What happened before has disturbed everyone's enjoyment of music. I am very sorry. Now everyone can leave and enjoy music as before."

When everyone heard what Li Fan said, they didn't dare to say "no" and dispersed. Soon, the VIP area returned to its previous appearance.

In the hearts of everyone who dispersed, apart from awe, they were also excited. What they had just seen, although it did not last long, was absolutely wonderful.

And everything that just happened is destined to be spread by them. I'm afraid it won't be long before it is completely spread.

As the crowd dispersed, Li Fan glanced in one direction of the crowd. This glance made two people in the crowd so frightened that they almost collapsed to the ground.

These two people were naturally Giroud and Telles. They could clearly see everything that happened just now.

Li Fan has such terrifying skills. If he wants to cause trouble for them, it would be easy for them to break his arm or something.

Fortunately, Li Fan just glanced at them and neither called them to stop nor said anything else. The two of them walked out of the VIP area in fear, feeling frightened and thankful at the same time.

Fortunately, they saw the previous scene and knew Li Fan's terrifying skills.

Otherwise, if they intercepted Li Fan outside and wanted to teach Li Fan a lesson according to their previous plan, they would be simply seeking death.

However, if this happens, they may really have to live in the bureau for a while.

The two sighed and sat down on the ground outside the VIP area, not wanting to continue looking for business.

After a while, Giroud sighed: "Enter the game, enter the game, it's better to break the arms and legs."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Telles really wanted to beat up Giroud now. Why did this kid take the initiative to provoke such a person?

Now I'm fine, I didn't get any benefits, but I ended up in trouble.

Of course, he also hated himself. Why did he follow this kid back then? It was just my head being caught in the door.

However, it was already too late. Facts have proved that if you provoke people you shouldn't provoke, you have to pay a price. This is the case for Lineker and Wei An in the VIP area, and so are a few of them.

The two of them sat on the ground, looking at the dense crowd in front of them, listening to the singing from the stage, sighing and feeling lost.

The singing on the stage continued, and the VIP area returned to its previous appearance.

Lineker and Wei An returned to their original positions, their heads hanging down, very frustrated.

It was already confirmed that Li Fan would not continue to argue with them, but they did not leave immediately, and they did not have the strength or mood to leave now.

The surroundings of Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying also returned to calm. Except for the occasional awe-filled glances at Li Fan, the people around them were not much different from before.

The wine the three girls ordered previously has not been delivered yet. The long table in front of them is still empty, but no one dares to have any strange thoughts.

Li Fan asked Lineker and Wei An to pay for the 1.82 million pounds of wine, which made the three women a little confused.

Su Qing asked: "Why do you want the wine we ordered before? We can't drink that much."

Li Fan smiled and said: "First, this is the price they two need to pay, and second, I need to use those wines to treat guests."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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