Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1335 Tonight’s music performance is a bit special

Remember in one second【】

Aihuaduo from the Oxford Publishing House said that he had a piece of news. Li Fan was quite interested in it and asked Aihua to tell more about it. . .

Eduardo smiled and said: "Mr. Li Fan may know that there are four major publishing houses in our country, namely Jared's Sander Publishing House, my Kesford Publishing House, and two other publishing houses, Lao La Publishing House and Langcheng Publishing House.”

Li Fan nodded and said, "I do understand this."

Aihuaduo nodded and continued: "After discussion, our four major publishing houses have decided to jointly hold a detective novel festival on January 20th the day after tomorrow. At that time, there will be many famous detective novelists in our country, as well as A large number of detective novel fans are present. I wonder if Mr. Li Fan is interested in this?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "I did hear Jared mention this briefly before. I would like to ask Mr. Eduardo, are detective novels very popular in your country?"

Aihuaduo smiled and said: "Of course, Mr. Li Fan, detective novels are one of the most popular novels in Lan Guo, and they have a very large readership of detective novels. In fact, detective novels have some very large readers around the world. There are a large number of readers in the market all over the world. Our four major publishing houses hold such a detective novel festival to enhance the influence of our country's detective novels in the world."

Li Fan said: "That's true. Detective novels do have a huge market around the world. But why is Mr. Eduardo so sure that I will be interested in the detective novel festival you organize?"

Aihuaduo smiled and said: "Mr. Li Fan is versatile and has achieved great success in many fields, including the field of detective novels. Mr. Li Fan's "The Appearance of Suspect X" is very popular in our country. It is extremely popular and sought after by many detective novel fans. Although our country's detective novelists are not convinced on the surface, they agree with it in their hearts. Mr. Li Fan also has many detective novels in your country. Therefore, I think Mr. Li Fan will be interested in this detective novel festival we are hosting.”

After hearing this, Li Fan laughed and said: "After listening to what Mr. Eduardo said, I found that I seem to be a detective novelist. In this case, I will go to the scene to learn some things the day after tomorrow."

Li Fan was indeed very interested. When he heard Jared mention this before, his interest was not that great, but now, he is very interested.

Just because, today in Langdon City, he first met the Cletierian Bar, and then discovered the legendary No. 221b on Baker Street.

At that time, he had the idea of ​​​​bringing the very influential detective novel from his previous life to this world.

The detective novel festival the day after tomorrow will undoubtedly be a very good opportunity.

Therefore, Li Fan became very interested and decided to take a look.

Aihuaduo couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that Li Fan agreed, and said quickly: "Mr. Li Fan is too humble. With Mr. Li Fan's strength and reputation, it will be a great honor for us to be here."

Edward knew that Jared should tell Li Fan the news, but he decided to tell it himself to see if there was a chance to invite Li Fan to the scene?

Naturally, he did this to further close the relationship with Li Fan, hoping that he would have the opportunity to work with Li Fan in the future.

He absolutely believed that Li Fan's best-selling books in Lan Guo were not just the Harry Potter series and "The Appearance of Suspect X".

In the future, Li Fan will definitely have more best-selling books published in Languo. If he gets closer to Li Fan, they, including Kesford Publishing House, will have the possibility of cooperating with him.

However, there is a problem with inviting Li Fan to the scene, that is, the detective novelists in Lan State, as well as some detective novel fans, may not welcome Li Fan's presence.

Aihuaduo knew this well, and the reason was not difficult to understand. In order to prevent Li Fan from feeling embarrassed or angry, Aiduoduo decided to make it clear first.

Otherwise, things are likely to be self-defeating. Not only will the relationship with Li Fan not be brought closer, but Li Fan may also become dissatisfied with their company, Kesford Publishing House.

After all, it was Kesford Publishing House that invited Li Fan to the scene.

However, Aihua had been brewing and hesitating for a long time, but he still hesitated to speak, not knowing how to speak?

Seeing Eduardo's appearance, Li Fan had already guessed what he was thinking, and said with a faint smile: "Mr. Eduardo seemed hesitant to speak. Do you want to say, you detective novelists from the Lan Kingdom? And some detective novel fans might not be very friendly to me?"

Aihuaduo looked relieved when Li Fan took the initiative to say it, and then said with some embarrassment: "This actually made Mr. Li Fan laugh. It's really hard for me to say it. Mr. Li Fan, look at this... ....”

Li Fan nodded in his heart. Eduardo's ability to explain in advance made Li Fan's impression of him a little better.

Then he said: "I will go to the detective novel festival the day after tomorrow. As for other detective novelists or detective novel fans, I can understand the reason why they may be unfriendly, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Evado. Don’t worry about this, Mr. Do.”

Aihuaduo was overjoyed after hearing this and expressed his gratitude to Li Fan repeatedly.

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "Mr. Evado, Mr. Yeftini, wouldn't it be nice to drink and enjoy music while drinking?"

Evado and Yeftini expressed their thanks again, and then Evado smiled and said: "When it comes to music, Mr. Li Fan is an absolute master. These songs today may be a little difficult for Mr. Li Fan to judge." , but it made Mr. Li Fan laugh."

Li Fan

^0^ Remember in one second【】

He smiled and said: "Mr. Evado is serious. The song being sung on the stage now seems to me very good. It must have been written by a famous artist."

Aihuaduo nodded and said: "It should be by a famous artist. You can tell by checking at the service desk. Tonight's original music performance is very special, with many famous artists' products."

"Oh?" Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying all exclaimed, "As expected."

They had been guessing that tonight's performance was a little special, but now that they heard what Eduardo said, it was indeed true.

Li Fan said: "May I ask Mr. Eduardo, what kind of special method is it?"

Aihuaduo said: "Tonight's original music performance is mainly based on folk music. It is said to be hosted by the National Music Association. It is intended to encourage musicians to create more folk music. Therefore, it attracts Many famous music figures and star singers were present.”

"I see." Li Fan and Su Qing nodded secretly. No wonder the songs they heard from the time they arrived outside the concert hall were all folk music.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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