Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1391 Chapter 4 serialization is indeed extraordinary

Remember in one second【】

February 7th, the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. Mobile terminal m.

Just as the martial arts fans expected yesterday, after the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" was released today, a large number of readers of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" chose to return.

The owners of major newsstands and bookstores across the country were also pleasantly surprised to find that "Laughing Jianghu" magazine has become a hot seller again.

Although there was still a big gap before the Xiao Longnu incident, the bosses had a clear premonition that in two or three more issues, the readers of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" should all be able to return.

After all the martial arts fans bought today's latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", without exception, they all first looked at the catalog.

Then I saw the table of contents and saw that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" had indeed been serialized into four chapters, and everyone seemed extremely excited. This time I was able to watch it thoroughly and thoroughly enjoyed it.

However, they didn't look at it for long, and they all sighed sadly at the same time.

Because they saw Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng both passing away at the same time after a battle on the top of Mount Huashan.

In Chapter 11, "Trapped in the Dust", Hong Qigong taught the "Five Ugly Sichuan Sects" a lesson and abolished their martial arts skills. Ouyang Feng came to the top of Mount Huashan for various reasons.

Moreover, he met Yang Guo and Hong Qigong.

At this time, Ouyang Feng was much more awake. Although he still couldn't remember who he was, he could recall many things.

Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong have been rivals for decades. They always fight each other, and this time is no exception.

After an earth-shattering battle, both of them were exhausted. At this time, Ouyang Feng suddenly seemed to have a flashback, and his heart was as clear as a mirror. The past decades were vividly in his mind, and everything seemed to be in the present.

At this moment, Ouyang Feng finally regained his consciousness and finally knew who he was?

In the end, Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng embraced each other and laughed at the same time. The laughter became lower and lower. Suddenly, the laughter stopped and the two of them became motionless.

The Northern Beggar and the Western Poison had been fighting fiercely for decades, and they were at loggerheads with each other. Little did they know that they would die at the top of Mount Hua at the same time.

The two had been resentful and entangled throughout their lives, but they hugged each other and laughed when they were dying. The hatred and hatred that had lasted for decades ended with a smile!

Bei Beggar is dead,

Xidu also died, Yang Guo was devastated and heartbroken, and all the martial arts fans also sighed sadly.

It took a lot of effort to wait until Hong Qigong appeared, but he passed away in a hurry.

When Xidu Ouyang Feng was about to die, he finally regained his consciousness, which made people feel a little relieved. After all, a martial arts master did not die in a daze.

Sighing in their hearts for a while, the martial arts fans continued to look down, and soon became excited again.

It turned out that Yang Guo had arrived at the heroes conference held in Lujiazhuang.

The Mongolian cavalry is about to go south, and the Beggar Clan spreads hero posts to recruit heroes from all over the world to form an alliance against the Mongolian cavalry.

The leader of the Beggar Clan at this time was Huang Rong, and Guo Jing and Huang Rong appeared again.

At the Heroes Conference, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, and Yang Guo have already arrived at the Heroes Conference. Naturally, they cannot just be spectators. They will definitely perform well.

All this made a lot of martial arts fans excited, but they never thought that there would be something even more exciting for them later.

That is, Xiao Longnu also appeared at the Heroes Conference.

Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu finally met again. They were leaning on each other and whispering in a corner of the heroes conference.

Then, the Mongolian National Master Jinlun took his two apprentices, Huodu and Dalba, to the Heroes Conference in an attempt to win the position of leader of the martial arts alliance.

Jinlun Guoshi was extremely powerful in martial arts. He briefly fought with Guo Jing twice, and the two were evenly matched.

This made many martial arts fans exclaim that they were on par with Guo Jing at this time, which means that the martial arts of this Mongolian master has reached the level of the four best in the world.

There is such a master in Mongolia?

Then, after a series of changes, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu became the protagonists of this hero conference.

With the help of the two of them, Master Jinlun had no choice but to leave with his apprentice in resentment.

Afterwards, Guo Jing greatly admired and thanked Xiao Longnu for her help. He was even more proud of Yang Guo and wanted to betroth his daughter Guo Fu to Yang Guo on the spot.

Of course, this has always been Guo Jing's wish, and he brought it up while Yang Guo's master, Xiao Longnu, was present and Yang Guo had just made another great contribution.

But he never thought that Yang Guo refused the marriage and said he wanted to marry his master, Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu also said that she would be Yang Guo's wife and that Yang Guo would not marry another woman.

As soon as these words came out, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, and the original group of heroes present were all shocked.

Because intermarriage between master and disciple is a treasonous act, and the love between the two cannot be tolerated by this world.

Later, after a series of disturbances, Xiao Longnu knew that her love with Yang Guo would make Yang Guo spurned by others.

In order for Yang Guo to be accepted by the world, Xiao Longnu left quietly and sadly.

Poor Yang Guo will once again embark on a journey to find Xiao Longnu.

After Yang Guo once again embarked on the journey to find Xiao Longnu, and a series of twists and turns occurred, the four-chapter serialization of this issue of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" came to an end.

After reading all four chapters, many martial arts fans just feel that a long time has passed.

Because in these four chapters, too many stories and changes happened.

Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng passed away, and the people of Lujiazhuang

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The Heroes Conference, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu finally meeting each other, Xiao Longnu sadly leaving again, etc., all of this makes people feel that a long time has passed.

Then, everyone had another completely opposite feeling at the same time, that is, time seemed to have only passed for a moment.

A series of wonderful plots made them completely addicted to it, and they could not feel the passage of time while reading.

By the time they finished reading the last sentence of today's serial, it seemed that only a moment had passed since they started reading it today.

These two completely different feelings are equally real, which makes many martial arts fans click their tongues.

Perhaps, only by looking at Gu Yong's products can they have such a completely different feeling.

Network has already been discussed hotly.

"Bei Bei and Xi Du fought for a lifetime and were enemies for a lifetime, but in the end they passed away while hugging each other and laughing, which makes people sigh."

"From now on, there will be no more Northern Beggars and no more Western Poisons. However, the legends about Northern Beggars and Western Poisons are destined to be circulated in the world forever."

"Finally I saw Guo Jing take action again, but this time it was too unsatisfactory. He took two simple actions. However, that Jinlun Imperial Master is very good. He can actually fight with Guo Jing on a par."

"Yang Guo finally found Xiao Longnu, and the two of them shined at the Heroes Conference. It was really refreshing. Unfortunately, not long after the two got together, Xiao Longnu left again. What the hell is this?"

"Alas! There is no way. We have already guessed before that the love between the two is destined to have twists and turns. The master-disciple love between Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu is indeed unacceptable to the world."

"Alas! Xiao Longnu is leaving this time. I don't know when she will meet Yang Guo again."


Four consecutive chapters, covering too much content, make those martial arts fans who have not yet bought "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" but choose to watch the discussions secretly on the Internet feel very itchy.

What? Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng died at the same time?

Hero meeting? Oops, I really want to see it.

Guo Jing took action again? Is there another Mongolian master whose martial arts skills are not inferior to Guo Jing's?

Yang Guo finally found Xiao Longnu? The two of them still shined at the Heroes Conference?

Xiao Longnu left sadly again? What's wrong with this?

Why do you feel like there is so much content in this issue? The four-chapter serialization is indeed extraordinary.

A series of problems have made those martial arts fans who still have not bought "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" really unable to resist the temptation.

As a result, a large number of readers of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" hurried to nearby newsstands or bookstores...

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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