Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1423 The Nezha Incident (2 in 1 large chapter)

Remember in one second【】

Nezha was bathing in Jiuwan River, causing the earth to shake and the mountains to shake. The book fans were amazed and continued to look down.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was sitting in the Crystal Palace. When he heard the palace palace shaking, he sent Li Gen, the patrolling yaksha, to see what was causing the trouble.

Yaksha Li Gen came to Jiuwan River and took a look. He saw that the water was all red and brilliant. He also saw a child dipping the red ruppa in the water to take a bath. He asked the child what was causing trouble. Dare to turn the river red and make the palace shake.

Nezha took a look and saw that the speaker was a Yaksha, with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, a huge mouth with fangs, and holding a big axe.

Then, the two had a conflict. Yasha Li Gen wanted to take Nezha, and Nezha threw the Qiankun Circle. The circle fell on Yasha Li Gen's head, and immediately beat Yasha Li Gen until his brains burst out and died.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King, was shocked and angry when he saw that Yaksha Li Gen had been beaten to death. Just as he was about to order his troops to go and check it out personally, Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon King, came out and said, "Father, please greet me. I will go out and get the little baby."

The third prince, Ao Bing, dispatched his dragon soldiers, boarded the water beast, carried the painting pole and halberd, walked out of the Crystal Palace, and headed in the direction of Nezha.

Ao Bing first asked who Nezha was. Nezha replied that he was the third son of Li Jing in Chentangguan.

Then, Ao Bing asked Nezha why he beat Yaksha Li Gen to death for no reason?

Nezha replied that he was taking a bath here, and it was Yaksha who came to get him first, so he shot Yaksha to death.

Ao Bing was furious and attacked Nezha. Nezha fought back and the two fought together.

Nezha had two treasures, the Qiankun Circle and the Huntian Ling. Ao Bing was no match for him. After the two fought, Ao Bing's body was knocked out by Nezha. It turned into a dragon, standing straight on the ground.

When Nezha saw it, he said, "Now that we've got the body of this little dragon, let's just pull out his tendons and make a dragon's tendon ribbon to bind my father's armor."

So Nezha took Ao Bing's dragon muscle and took it home.

When all the book fans saw this, they all sighed. First of all, they sighed that Nezha is indeed extraordinary. He has such abilities at the age of seven.

Then, he lamented that Nezha, this little kid, was too naughty. It was indeed wrong for the third prince to take him first, but Nezha beat him to death directly and even pulled his dragon tendon. This was obviously wrong. It's too much.

Moreover, the cause of this conflict was on Nezha's side. He took a bath and made the dragon palace vibrate.

Although it was unintentional, it did affect the Dragon Palace.

All the book fans sighed and sighed, they can only say that Nezha was very capable and naughty by nature, which was why he caused such a disaster.

It is indeed the cause of trouble. Although book fans have not read on, they know that Nezha must have caused trouble this time.

His own son was beaten to death and his dragon tendons were removed. How could Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, let it go?

Sure enough, Ao Guang was furious when he heard that Ao Bing was beaten to death by Nezha, the son of Li Jing in Chentangguan, and had his dragon tendons removed. He thought angrily: "Li Jing, you are studying Taoism in West Kunlun, and I also have a relationship with you. I am an acquaintance of you, you dare to indulge in wrongdoing and beat my son to death. This is the injustice of a lifetime. How dare you break my son's muscles again?"

So Ao Guang turned into a scholar and came to Qiantang Pass to meet Li Jing.

Li Jing was very happy when he heard that Ao Guang had come to visit, and he quickly dressed up and went out to greet him.

Ao Guang first socialized with Li Jing, and then angrily questioned Li Jing, asking his son Nezha why he first beat Yaksha Li Gen to death for no reason, and then beat the third prince Ao Bing to death, and also twitched Ao Bing's dragon tendon. go?

Li Jing was shocked after hearing this. He said that his third son Nezha was only seven years old and could not leave the house. How could he do such a thing?

Then, Li Jing asked Ao Guang to wait while he went to find Nezha and prepared to ask clearly.

When Li Fan found Nezha and asked about the relevant matters, Nezha did not hide anything and told the truth. Only then did Li Jing know that what Ao Guang said was indeed the truth.

Li Jing was shocked and angry, not expecting Nezha to cause such trouble, so he took Nezha to see Ao Guang.

When Nezha saw Ao Guang, he returned Ao Bing's dragon tendon to Ao Guang, saluted and said, "Uncle, my nephew made a mistake without knowing it. I hope my uncle will forgive me and return the dragon tendon to my uncle, untouched at all."

Seeing the injury, Ao Guang said to Li Jing, saying that his son Ao Bing was a righteous god, and Yaksha Li Gen was also an imperial writer. How could he be beaten to death for no reason?

He wanted to report it to the Jade Emperor and ask him to make a decision.

After Ao Guang left, Li Jing was very sad, saying that he had given birth to such a rebellious son, which caused the disaster of annihilation of the family. The third prince Ao Bing was the god of rain, and now he was killed by Nezha. Tomorrow Ao Guang will go to the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor will not be sure. They will be spared for as long as three days or as short as two dynasties. Their furniture will be a ghost under the sword.

After hearing this, Nezha knelt down and said that if one person is responsible for something, he was responsible for this disaster, and he would never harm his parents and family. He then went to Qianyuan Mountain and explained the matter to his master, Taiyi Zhenren. Master Yi must have an idea.

After that, Nezha came to Qianyuan Mountain and told Master Taiyi what happened in detail, and asked Master Taiyi to forgive him for his sin of ignorance and pray for help.

Taiyi Zhenren thought to himself, "Nezha was ignorant and accidentally injured Ao Bing. It is only a fate. Ao Guang committed desecration of heaven because of this. He is really ignorant of the matter."

Then, Master Taiyi drew a talisman on Nezha's chest, and told Nezha to go to Baodemen, and then what to do.

Later, Nezha came to Baodemen and saw Ao Guang waiting for the Jade Emperor to summon him in front of the Nantian Gate. Nezha couldn't help but feel angry when he saw Ao Guang, and he clashed with Ao Guang in front of the Nantian Gate, and the two sides started fighting.

Ao Guang was also no match for Nezha. Under Nezha's coercion, Ao Guang followed Nezha back to Chentangguan.

Nezha told Li Jing that he had gone to the Nantian Gate to invite Ao Guang back, and that Ao Guang would not go to the Jade Emperor again.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

However, Ao Guang was furious and told Li Jing about Nezha beating him at Nantianmen, and said that he was forced by Nezha to come back. Now he is going to gather the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas together and go to Lingxiao Palace to redress his grievances. .

Afterwards, Ao Guang turned into a breeze and left.

After Ao Guang left, Li Jing said that the matter was getting worse and worse, what should be done?

Nezha said that he had consulted his master and said that he was the reincarnation of the spirit bead and was entrusted with the talisman of Yuxu Palace. In the future, he would follow Ming Jun and follow the way of heaven. Even if he beat all the dragon kings of the four seas, he would not What's the matter?

If there is any major problem, his master Taiyi Zhenren will definitely handle it so that his parents don't have to worry.

Seeing this, all the book fans were speechless. This boy Nezha was quite confident.

However, no one expected that Nezha would cause another trouble immediately.

Nezha came to the tower of Chentangguan to enjoy the cool air. He saw a bow and three arrows on the weapon rack, and thought to himself: "Master said that I will be a pioneer in the future and conquer the world. In this case, there are ready-made bows and arrows here." , why not practice?”

So Nezha took the bow in his hand, took an arrow, nocked the arrow as a string, looked to the southwest and shot an arrow, only to see red light and auspicious colors circling.

Nezha didn't know that this bow and arrow was the treasure of Chentangguan. The bow was called "Qiankun Bow" and the arrow was called "Shaking Sky Arrow". Since Huangdi Xuanyuan defeated Chiyou, it has been passed down to this day, and no one has been able to pick it up.

Of course, Nezha has now picked up the Qiankun Bow and shot an arrow.

However, this arrow caused Nezha to cause another trouble.

I saw the arrow shot through the sky and shot straight to the bone cave in Skull Mountain.

There was a disciple of Empress Shiji, named Biyun Tongzi, who came to the foot of the cliff with a flower basket to collect herbs. He was hit in the throat by an arrow and fell to the ground dead.

Empress Shiji saw the words "Li Jing, the general of Chentangguan" under the arrow feathers, and thought it was shot by Li Jing. She couldn't help being furious and said: "Li Jing, you can't become enlightened. I will help you go down the mountain in front of your master." I seek wealth and honor in the world. You are now a prince, and you don’t want to repay kindness. Instead, you shoot my disciple to death with an arrow. It is simply repaying kindness with hatred."

The angry Empress Shiji came to Chentangguan and asked Li Jing for an explanation. Only then did Li Jing learn that Nezha had caused trouble again.

Then, I was very surprised. No one could hold the Qiankun Bow, but now it was taken by Nezha.

Of course, he was surprised. The trouble Nezha got into this time was not small. As a result, Li Jing had no choice but to take Nezha to the Bone Cave in Skull Mountain and ask Empress Shiji to come to his rescue.

But he never thought that when he arrived at the White Bone Cave, Nezha would cause trouble again. Thinking of the principle of striking first, he would advance to the Qiankun Circle and knock down Caiyun Boy who came to call him into the cave.

Seeing this, all the readers were speechless again. This kid Nezha is really a bit confused, and he doesn't know how high the sky is.

It was indeed an unintentional mistake for him to shoot Biyun Boy to death with the Qiankun Bow, but now he dared to knock down Caiyun Boy in front of Empress Shiji's cave, which was intentional.

This boy Nezha is indeed too naughty and too ignorant.

In this way, you will suffer a loss in the end.

Sure enough, when Empress Shiji saw that Nezha had hurt her disciple again, she couldn't help but become even more angry, and immediately took action to teach Nezha a lesson.

Nezha panicked and used the Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ling to defend against the enemy, but never thought that the Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ling were easily confiscated by Empress Shiji.

Nezha, who lost the Qiankun Circle and Hun Tianling, turned around and ran away, with Empress Shi Ji chasing him all the way.

Nezha found himself in front of Taiyi Zhenren in Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain and shouted for help.

Seeing that Nezha caused trouble again, Master Taiyi was quite annoyed. After scolding him, he asked Nezha to hide in the cave while he went out to meet Empress Shiji.

Then, after some negotiations between Master Taiyi and Empress Shiji failed, the two started fighting.

In the end, it turned out that Taiyi Zhenren was more virtuous. He accepted Empress Shiji, took back the Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ling and gave them back to Nezha.

Then, Master Taiyi said to Nezha: "Nezha, go back to Chentangguan quickly. The Dragon Lord of the Four Seas has announced to the Jade Emperor that he is here to get your parents."

After hearing this, Nezha burst into tears and begged Master Taiyi to save his parents, saying that he was the one responsible for the disaster and now his parents are being implicated, making him feel uneasy.

Seeing this, all the book fans nodded secretly. Although Nezha was playful and a little ignorant, he was a most filial person, which was gratifying.

Master Taiyi saw that Nezha was extremely filial, so he told Nezha a method that could save his parents this time.

Nezha hurried back to Chentangguan and saw the Four Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, Ao Guang, Ao Shun, Ao Ming, and Ao Ji, who were about to attack their parents. He immediately shouted sternly: "Everyone is responsible for his actions. I will kill Ao Bing and Li Gen." , I have to pay with my life, how can there be any reason for a son to harm his parents?"

Then he said to Ao Guang: "I am a very human being, but I am a spiritual bead. I am destined by the Jade Void Talisman to be destined for the next world. Today I have a caesarean section, remove the intestines, and debone the meat and return it to my parents. I will not burden them. What do you think? How about it? If you don't want to, I will go with you to Lingxiao Palace to see the King of Heaven, and I will have something to say."

Ao Guang said: "Well, since you are like this, saving your parents is also a filial piety."

So, Nezha held the sword in his right hand, first cut off an arm, then cut open his abdomen, gouged out his intestines and bones, dispersed seven souls and three souls, and returned his life to the spring.

When Ao Guang saw that Nezha had taken his own life, he stopped embarrassing Li Jing and his wife and left with the other three dragon kings.

Seeing this, many readers were shocked and sighed.

Nezha voluntarily died and returned the bones and meat to his parents, and did not want to cause troubles that would harm his parents. He was truly the most filial person in the world.

Nezha lost seven souls and three souls, but his Yuan

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It's the treasure's incarnation, and all of them still have residual souls.

The remnant soul of Nezha floated in the wind and came to Qianyuan Mountain to find Zhenren Taiyi.

Taiyi Zhenren said to Nezha: "This is not your final destination. You return to Chentangguan and ask your mother for a dream. Forty miles away from the pass, there is a Cuiping Mountain with an open space on the mountain for your mother to build. In a Nezha palace, you can stay in the world for three years and assist God. You can go there quickly without delay!"

So Nezha's remnant soul returned to Chentangguan and asked his mother to build a palace for him in Cuiping Mountain.

The mother did not dare to tell Li Jing about this, so she secretly ordered people to build a palace for Nezha in Cuiping Mountain behind Li Jing's back.

Then, Nezha appeared as a saint in Cuiping Mountain, and residents from far and near came to offer incense.

Half a year later, Li Jing found out about Nezha's visit to the palace and was very angry, thinking that he was causing trouble before and would fool the people after his death.

So, Li Jing whipped Nezha's golden body to pieces and set fire to Nezha's palace.

Nezha lost his palace and lived in it, so he looked for Taiyi Zhenren again.

This time, Master Taiyi borrowed two lotus branches and three lotus leaves from the Five Lotus Pond to reshape Nezha's body and make Nezha reborn.

After rebirth, Nezha's face was as pink as powder, his lips were painted with vermilion, his eyes were shining, and he was six feet long, and he was the incarnation of a lotus flower.

Then, Master Taiyi gave Nezha two more treasures, the Fire Point Spear and the Wind and Fire Two Wheels.

Nezha was very angry about his father Li Jing destroying his golden body and burning his palace, so he decided to go to Chentangguan to find Li Jing to avenge the whipping.

So, Nezha stepped on the hot wheel, held a fire-pointed spear in his hand, wrapped Huntian silk around his waist, and wore a Qiankun circle around his neck. He came to Chentangguan majestically, shouted to Li Jing, and asked Li Jing why he wanted to destroy his golden body and burn it. His palace?

Then, Nezha attacked Li Jing, and Li Jing raised his halberd to meet him. However, Nezha was so powerful that Li Jing was no match for him, so he turned around and ran away.

Li Jing fled, Nezha chased him, the two father and son chased each other, and a series of things happened.

In the end, Li Jing was chased by Nezha until he had no way to go to heaven and no way to the earth. At the critical moment, he met a Taoist priest.

The Taoist brought them together, hoping to reconcile the two father and son as before, saying that the two would soon become ministers of the same palace, and would jointly assist Ming Jun to achieve his righteousness.

However, Nezha refused and insisted on seeking revenge against Li Jing.

Upon seeing this, the Taoist ordered Li Jing to build an exquisite golden pagoda to subdue Nezha.

After Nezha tasted the pain of the Linglong Golden Pagoda, he did not dare to disrespect his father anymore. He admitted his mistake to Li Jing and left, returning to Qianyuan Mountain.

Li Jing knelt down to thank the Taoist and asked for his name.

It turns out that the Taoist is the Randen Taoist from Yuanjue Cave in Lingjiu Mountain.

Taoist Ran Deng said to Li Jing that today Shang Zhou has lost his virtue and the world is in chaos. Li Jing no longer needs to be an official. He can hide in the valley and forget about fame and fortune for the time being. He will wait for Wu Zhou to raise his army and then come out to make contributions.

After Li Jing thanked him, he returned to Guan and disappeared.

Later, Li Jing assisted King Wu in defeating Zhou and became a saint physically. Naturally, he was Li Jing, the King of Natota.

After reading the story about Nezha, all the book fans were amazed!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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