Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1429 The End of

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan groped in the stream ditch for a while, and already touched more than a dozen fist-sized crabs.

Li Fan used a rope to tie a dozen big crabs to the big pliers, and then connected them in a long string, which was quite spectacular when he held them in his hand.

The tourists on the shore admired it after seeing it, while other tourists in the ditch who were touching crabs were very envious.

A young man next to Li Fan said: "Hey! Brother, your skills are too good. You can do such a big series in a short time."

Li Fan laughed and said: "It's not a skill, it's just that I'm used to touching it and I'm not afraid. Unlike you who are timid and don't dare to reach out and touch when the water is muddy. First, I'm afraid of touching something else, but I'm afraid of touching something else." Caught by a crab.”

The young man also smiled and said: "Brother is right, it is indeed the case. By the way, brother, you just said you are used to touching me. Do you come here often to touch me?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "Yes, I have been touching it since I was a child."

"Have you been touching it since you were a child?" The young man was suffocated, unable to react, and asked subconsciously: "What do you mean?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "I have been touching crabs here since I was a child, and I have been touching them until I grew up."

This time the young man understood what he meant, but he was still a little dazed. After being stunned for a moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he remembered something, and he looked at Li Fan with wide eyes. He finally knew why he was seeing this in front of him. Young man, he seems a little familiar.

Then, the young man said unexpectedly and pleasantly: "Mr. Li Fan, is that you?"

Li Fan raised a bunch of crabs in his hand and said with a smile: "I am Li Fan, but in this village, everyone generally calls me 'Master Li'."

Although it was not unusual to meet Li Fan in the village, the young man still seemed very excited, and even the tone of his voice changed slightly, "Yes, Master Li, it's Master Li. …”

At this time, the tourists who were trying to touch crabs had already gathered around.

Obviously, they heard the conversation between the two of them just now.

After gathering around, everyone seemed surprised and excited, shouting "Hello, Master Li" and the like.

Li Fan chuckled and said, "Hello everyone,

Everyone, keep touching crabs, don't pay attention to me, I've touched so many crabs, it's enough, I have to go ashore. "

After hearing this, the tourists who gathered around smiled and said "Okay", and their interest was obviously higher than before.

Then, Li Fan said "goodbye" to the tourists and jumped onto the bank of the stream.

After landing, he had some fun with the tourists on the shore. Then he walked up to Qin Yulin and Tang Ying, waved a bunch of crabs in his hand in front of the two women, and said, "How is it? What do you know? Is it called real technology?”

The two girls were extremely happy. Qin Yulin said, "Brother-in-law, let me take a look."

Then he reached forward, ready to take the crab from Li Fan's hand.

Li Fan smiled and handed the crab he was holding into Qin Yulin's hand. Qin Yulin just took it, but his hand suddenly sank.

Obviously, this bunch of crabs is not light.

Qin Yulin glared at Li Fan with some annoyance and said, "Brother-in-law knows that he is very heavy, but he didn't remind me."

Li Fan chuckled and said, "I don't feel heavy."

Qin Yulin cut it, took the crab and looked at it carefully, then handed it back to Li Fan and said, "I'll give it back to you. I want to eat steamed crab tonight, two, no, three."

Li Fan said: "Okay, you can eat whatever you want."

Afterwards, Li Fan swung the crab and left the stream ditch with Qin Yulin and Tang Ying.

As I walked, I saw Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng not far ahead.

Li Fan and three others each shouted. Qin Lie and others turned around when they heard the sound. Their eyes lit up when they saw a large bunch of crabs in Li Fan's hand.

Qin Lie said: "Would you like to eat crabs tonight? Good food, really good food."

Qin Yulin chuckled and said, "Grandpa, I asked him to go down and catch them. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten crabs to eat."

Li Fan rolled his eyes, not bothering to argue with the girl, and then said: "Mr. Zheng, Mr. Liang, please invite Aunt Zhang and Aunt Wu to come to our house for dinner tonight. Let's add crabs tonight."

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng smiled and nodded at the same time.

Then, after everyone talked casually for a while, Qin Lie said: ""The Romance of the Gods" is coming to an end soon. The next mythological work will be that one."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Indeed, we are almost ready. The serialization of "The Romance of the Gods" will begin after it is completed."

Qin Lie added: "The Romance of the Gods is extremely successful. In that work, you have to maintain the same level."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Grandpa, you can rest assured that the next one may be better than "The Romance of the Gods"."

Qin Lie nodded and said, "That's good."

At this time, Su Yilin said again: "Is it the work about Sun Wukong that you mentioned at Lao Qin's birthday last time? What's its name?"

Li Fandao: "Indeed, it is that one, called "Journey to the West"."

"Journey to the West? Hmm." Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng nodded. At this time, they didn't feel anything else.

Then, after talking for a while, Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying came to Ji.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

I said goodbye and went to play elsewhere.

After walking around the village for a while, the three of them returned home. Li Fan began to pack the crabs and prepare to steam them for dinner at night.

In the evening, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, his wife, his third uncle, his third wife, and the little girl all had dinner at Li Fan's house.

A dozen big crabs were made into delicacies by Li Fan. Qin Yulin and the little girl each ate three, and the rest of the group ate one each. It tasted extremely delicious.

After eating, Qin Yulin and the little girl yelled at Li Fan to get some more to eat tomorrow.

Others also expressed their support.

Naturally, Li Fan wouldn't have any objections. It wouldn't take much trouble to catch a few crabs anyway. Everyone likes to eat them, so just get some more and eat them back.

The next day, "The Romance of the Gods" continued to be serialized, and after two more days of serialization, it came to its finale.

Seeing that King Wu's army was approaching Chaoge City, King Zhou knew that the situation was over, so he set fire to himself in Lutai and died. The Chengtang Dynasty, which had ruled for more than 600 years, finally collapsed.

King Ji Fa of Zhou Wu replaced him and changed the name of the country to "Zhou". The Zhou Dynasty, which would last for more than 800 years, officially entered the stage of history.

Jiang Ziya presided over the Ceremony of Conferring Gods, and conferred the title of deity on all the people who were qualified to enter the list of conferred gods.

At this point, the magnificent "The Romance of the Gods" has officially come to an end.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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