Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1482 Two more songs can be played

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

The companions and girls were very surprised. Li Fan wrote this poem after seeing the crowds of tourists in the village. Since they were also tourists, they naturally played a part in the birth of this poem.

I just wonder if Li Fan saw them within his sight range while looking at the scenery from a high place?

They saw this poem by Li Fan, and many other tourists also saw this poem. Even those who have not seen this poem on the Internet have now heard about it. A poem.

Because this poem is now in the village and has spread through the mouths of tourists.

"We are looking at the scenery, and at the same time we become the scenery in other people's eyes. This poem is so charming."

"It is indeed very charming, but what I want to know now is whether Mr. Li Fan really saw a beautiful girl on a bridge and then wrote this poem?"

"Haha! It's possible, but there are many bridges in this village, and there are more beautiful girls. I wonder which bridge Mr. Li Fan saw? And which girl?"

"Hehe! No matter which girl she is, at night, she will walk into Mr. Li Fan's dream, tsk tsk!"

"So genius poets are different. They obviously want a girl in their dreams, but they say 'you decorate other people's dreams'. Instantly they become full of charm and poetry. They can think of girls so freshly." Refined, elegant and unique, the pen in the hands of a literati is truly capable of anything. Of course, it must be a talented literati."

"So, which girl will decorate Mr. Li Fan's dream tonight?"

"This issue is a bit complicated. It may not be just one girl, but multiple girls together."

"It makes sense, the more the merrier."


While enjoying the scenery, tourists discussed and joked about this poem, and their interest was very high.

With this poem, they realized that while they were looking at the scenery, they were also seeing the scenery in other people's eyes, which was very interesting.

Of course, other tourists have also become scenery in their eyes.

In fact, while they were looking at the scenery,

They were indeed looking at other tourists, but they had not realized before that those tourists were actually the scenery in their eyes.

Of course, what they are most excited to talk about is which beautiful girl will decorate Li Fan's dream tonight?

The beautiful tourists in the village heard these comments and had different reactions, which was quite interesting.

One girl blushed slightly and spat lightly.

Some girls were pleasantly surprised, hoping that they could really decorate Li Fan's dream.

There were also girls who smiled slightly, knowing that those were just jokes, and couldn't bear the slightest ripple in their hearts...

Li Fan walked in the village, listening to the teasing comments of the tourists, with a wry smile on his lips.

What a wonderful poem that can be appreciated from so many angles. Why do everyone like "Beautiful Girl" the most?

Well, he actually likes beautiful girls the most.

When he walked near the creek, some familiar tourists recognized him and greeted him with a smile:

"Hello, Mr. Li, we have all seen your poem. It is so well written. It turns out that we are all part of the scenery in the village."

"Master Li, are you really attracted to a beautiful girl?"

"Look at what you said, no matter how beautiful the girls in the village are, how can they be as beautiful as Mr. Su? Zhuang Li will obviously not fall in love with any girl. Therefore, the word 'fancy' is not used accurately enough. Zhuang Li is the most beautiful Just picking up flowers."

"Yes, yes, Master Li is just picking flowers."


These tourists are quite familiar with Li Fan. Not only do they not feel any restraint when meeting Li Fan, they sometimes even make some friendly jokes, just like now.

Li Fan laughed and said: "As the saying goes, you can die under peonies and be a ghost. The girls in the village are the most beautiful scenery. You, don't miss this most beautiful scenery."

Hearing what Li Fan said, all the tourists' eyes lit up, and they all laughed and said:

"Yes, yes, the girls are the most beautiful scenery. We must not miss it. Thank you, Master Li, for the reminder."

"Does this mean we can keep an eye on the girls openly?"

"Yes, that's it. After all, Village Master Li said that the girls are the most beautiful scenery in the village. We are just enjoying the scenery."

"I see, I can finally see the girl openly. Thank you, Master Li, for your guidance."

"Not bad, not bad, thank you, Mr. Li."


The tourists laughed and thanked each other, but Li Fan waved his hands and said, "What are you talking about? It's windy and I can't hear you clearly."

The tourists laughed again after hearing this, and then someone said: "By the way, Master Li, that poem is so good, how about you do another one?"

"That's right, Master Li will play another song!"

"Master Li writes another song!"


The rest of the people's eyes widened after hearing this, and they all started shouting.

"One more song?" Li Fan thought for a moment, smiled, and said, "Okay, it's just one poem. It's simple. There's more than one poem. I can do two more."

After hearing this, the tourists were all refreshed and some

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The man immediately said: "Really? Master Li, are you going to compose a poem now? Or two poems?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course."

The tourists were more energetic and were all ready to listen. They knew that Li Fan's poems were classics, and the poems he was about to write now were certainly extraordinary.

Not to say it's better than "You Look at the Scenery on the Bridge", but at least it's not that bad. It's definitely another classic, well, two songs.

Seeing the tourists' eyes shining, Li Fan smiled, coughed slightly, and said, "Listen up, everyone, I'm going to read it. Forget it, who of you has paper and pen? I'd better write it out. Yeah, I’m really not used to reading poetry.”

"Yes, yes, I have it, Master Li, I have it." As soon as Li Fan finished his words, a tourist said excitedly.

As he spoke, he quickly took out paper and pen from his backpack and handed them to Li Fan.

Li Fan took it, said "thank you" with a smile, and then started writing directly on the paper.

Soon, Li Fan stopped writing and folded the paper with the poem on it.

After that, he first returned the pen to the tourist, then handed the folded paper to the tourist, and said to everyone: "Okay, the two poems are written on it. You can enjoy it slowly. I Well, let’s leave first.”

When they heard that Li Fan said he wanted to leave first, the tourists were a little regretful, but they could only say, "Master Li, goodbye!"

Li Fan nodded, said goodbye to everyone and slowly walked away.

After Li Fan walked a certain distance, the tourists couldn't wait to ask the tourist just now to quickly open the paper and see what kind of poems they were.

The tourist just nodded and opened the paper. All the tourists put their heads to it and saw that the two poems were written like this:

The first song: "Praise to the Girl"

"The sea is full of water.

A fine horse with four legs,

Girl, you are so beautiful,

In addition to the nose, there is also a mouth. "

The second song: "Praise to Baiyun"

“The white clouds in the sky are so white!

Really, very white, very white, very white,

Very, very, very white,

Very white, very white,

extremely white,

The thief is white,

It's all in vain,

ah! "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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