Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1506 Who gave her the courage?

Remember in one second【】

West Lake, Tangzhou station audition site.

The audition was still going on, and the conversation between two girls in the crowd reached Li Fan's ears, arousing some interest in Li Fan.

"Nana, we are all here, and it's your turn soon. Why do you give up again?"

"Xiaoyun, I still don't dare to go. I don't look good, and most importantly, my singing voice, my singing voice... Oh! With my condition, I shouldn't like singing."

"Nana, you have to have confidence in yourself. Who said you're not good-looking? Also, your voice is your biggest feature. Others don't have it yet. Maybe this is your talent."

"What kind of talent is this? I will definitely arouse ridicule when I speak. Xiaoyun, forget it, let's go back."

"Nana, this is the third time you have come to the audition. The year before last, you arrived at the audition, but you didn't dare to go up, so you just abstained. Last year, you arrived at the audition, but you didn't dare to go up, so you just abstained. This year you are again Do you want to give up and wait until next year? Nana, I know you really want to go up. Otherwise, you wouldn't sign up for three consecutive years. Just give it a try this year. If it doesn't work, it's better. Think about it.”

Li Fan looked over in search of the voice and found the two people speaking. They were both young, about twenty-three or four years old.

The woman named Nana is indeed not beautiful, but she is not ugly either. She has an average appearance, but she has a pretty good figure.

The woman named Xiaoyun is more beautiful. Although she is not very beautiful, she can still be regarded as a beauty.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that through the conversation between the two, Li Fan learned that the woman named Nana likes to sing very much. This is the third audition she has signed up for.

I signed up for the first two times and arrived at the audition, but gave up at the last moment and didn't dare to go on stage to sing.

Judging from the current situation this year, I am afraid it will be a repeat of the previous two times, and the woman named Nana will give up again.

The reason why he didn't dare to sing on stage, judging from the conversation between the two, was because his voice when singing was very special, and it was likely to attract ridicule when he opened his mouth.

So, what kind of special thing is it? Is the voice hoarse? Sound bad? Or is her voice very special, even sounding like a male voice?

Li Fan had a hint of curiosity,

I saw that the woman named Nana had a look of hesitation on her face at this time.

Xiaoyun continued: "Don't hesitate any more. You can't wait until next year. One year is too long. Just go up and give it a try. There is absolutely no problem with your singing skills. Moreover, I believe your voice will definitely If it becomes your characteristic, everyone will definitely accept it.”

After Nana hesitated for a while, she said: "Okay, Xiaoyun, I won't run away this year. When it's my turn, I'll go up. Anyway, I finally tried it. If it doesn't work, I won't." You don’t have to wait until next year, and you can give up the thought of singing.”

Xiaoyun was obviously relieved and said, "Nana, you have to believe in yourself, you will definitely be able to do it."

Nana nodded and said: "I will work hard, Xiaoyun, let's go backstage to prepare, I will be here soon."

After saying that, the two walked through the crowd and went backstage.

"Is it coming soon?" Li Fan thought in his heart, looking forward to it.

On the stage, a boy in his twenties was eliminated. The boy walked off the stage with a ashamed, embarrassed and polite smile on his face. The next candidate singer who walked onto the stage was the woman named Nana.

"Hello, three judges. My name is Wang Na. I am twenty-four years old. The reason why I came to participate in today's audition..."

As usual, Wang Na first made a brief self-introduction.

Perhaps because of Wang Na's average appearance, the three judges had no reaction and just nodded slightly.

The audience watching now also had no reaction. They just stared at Wang Na, waiting for her to start singing.

For these ordinary-looking campaign singers, everyone is only interested in what songs they can sing.

Wang Na on the stage sighed softly in her heart and said to herself: "On this kind of stage, appearance is indeed very important."

She remembered clearly that when the beautiful and handsome campaign singers in the past stood on the stage, the reaction was definitely not like this.

However, after finally deciding to stand on the stage, Wang Na didn't want to think too much. She decided to sing well.

This was the first time she sang on stage, and perhaps the last time. She knew her situation and was mentally prepared.

She must sing with all her heart and finish singing the section she chose.

However, the development of things is often unexpected and cruel. After she sang a few lines, she found that it became a luxury for her to sing a complete song of her choice on this stage.

She only sang two lines before she was interrupted by the judges.

Because her voice when singing really sounded like a male voice. As soon as she opened her mouth, both the three judges and the audience were stunned.

After being stunned, there was a burst of laughter.

Amidst the roar of laughter, the judges ruthlessly interrupted her singing. The three judges said one after another:

"Wang Na, I'm sorry, you may not be suitable for singing. Your tone is too... too special."

"Wang Na, it's good to like singing, but not everyone who likes singing is suitable to be a singer. My words may not be popular, but I just

^0^ Remember in one second【】

I hope you will stop dreaming of being a singer, so as not to waste your time. "

"Wang Na, I know you like to sing, but unfortunately God didn't give you a voice suitable for singing. So, I'm sorry, you can't pass."

All three judges chose "fail", and Wang Na was naturally eliminated.

Some of the discussions at the scene also reached Wang Na's ears.

"No, she's here to participate in the audition. Who gave her the courage?"

"The way she opened her mouth really scared me to death. It was really ugly for a girl to sing with a boy's voice. Fortunately, her voice was a girl's. Otherwise, I would have thought she was a boy pretending to be a boy."

"She doesn't look very good, and her singing voice sounds like a man's. How dare she come to participate in the audition? I really don't know where she got the courage?"

"This shows that she really likes singing and wants to become a singer. It's just a pity that this is destined to be just a dream."

"Yes, it is destined to be just a dream. If your singing skills are not good, you can still practice diligently. But if the tone is like this, it means that you are born with a deficiency. No matter how hard you work the day after tomorrow, it is destined to be in vain."

"There are all kinds of singers at the audition, but she is definitely the most special one and the most courageous one. In fact, we should encourage them based on their courage."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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