Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1528 Self-pity

Remember in one second【】

Regarding "The Voice of China", there are voices of excitement, confusion, and doubt on the Internet.

But no matter what kind of voice it is, "The Voice of China" is completely popular on the Internet, that's for sure.

Netizens are discussing it hotly, and people in the TV station circle are also paying attention.

What they are most concerned about, besides the identities of the four mentors, is the broadcast time of "The Voice of China".

It will be broadcast in the near future, which is obviously going to be broadcast at the same time as "Dream Singer".

People in the TV station circle were greatly surprised. They originally thought that Li Fan would deliberately stagger "Dream Singer" and wait until "Dream Singer" was finished before broadcasting it.

In this case, the ratings may not be too bad.

But now that Li Fan has chosen to air it at the same time as "Dream Singer", isn't he afraid that the ratings will be disastrous?

Or is he really confident that "The Voice of China" can compete with "Dream Singer" in ratings?

Li Fan once said before that the collection rate of "The Voice of China" will exceed that of "Dream Singer". Naturally, everyone remembers this sentence clearly, and it aroused everyone's laughter at the time.

After laughing, everyone thought that Li Fan was just talking, but looking at what he meant now, it was obvious that Li Fan was not just talking, he really had this confidence.

Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have chosen "The Voice of China" to be broadcast at the same time as "Dream Singer".

Does he really not see anything wrong with that fatal flaw?

People in TV circles are talking a lot.

"Why is Li Fan so confident? I really can't figure it out. That shortcoming is really fatal and will really affect the ratings!"

"If we, as people in the circle, cannot represent the broad audience, but after his Weibo update today, the point of 'only talking about the voice' has aroused so many people's doubts. This can always explain the problem, right? Audiences really don’t like watching talent shows without handsome men and beautiful women.”

"Li Fan's Weibo updates came first, and netizens' questions came later. In other words, when Li Fan made the decision to air "The Voice of China" at the same time as "Dream Singer", he didn't know that it would be broadcast at the same time. There are so many netizens questioning that. Maybe he regrets it now.”

"This is indeed possible,

But now that I have posted on Weibo, there is no point in regretting it. "

"Indeed, with Li Fan's status, it would be too shameless to go back on his words. So, no matter what, "The Voice of China" will definitely be broadcast at the same time as "Dream Singer". Hehe! This is interesting. "

"I hope the ratings of "The Voice of China" won't be too dismal."


Magic City TV.

If you want to say which TV station is most concerned about the fact that "The Voice of China" will be broadcast at the same time as "Dream Singer", it is naturally Shanghai TV.

Their feelings are naturally significantly different from those of other satellite TV stations.

Station director Wei Xiangyang frowned and said: "Li Fan dared to choose to be broadcast at the same time as our "Dream Singer". Why is he so confident? Did we really make a mistake?"

Wang Ke, director of the operations department, said: "No, not to mention that everyone in our entire TV station community sees it this way. Countless netizens on the Internet also have the same doubts. They are ordinary viewers and naturally have the most say. Therefore, The ratings of "The Voice of China" are definitely not optimistic."

Liu Yang, director of the entertainment department, said: "Is it true that as people say in the circle now, before Li Fan posted on Weibo, he didn't know that there would be so many people questioning the point of 'only talking about the voice'?"

Deputy Director Ma Zhedao: "At present, it seems that this is indeed the only possibility. Since he himself chose to broadcast at the same time as us, then don't blame our "Dream Singer" for crushing his in ratings. "The Voice of China". I hope he won't hate our Magic City TV for this. Although we are not optimistic about the program he planned this time, we have to admit that it will be very troublesome if he is hated by him. things.”

Director Wei Xiangyang said: "In this way, we don't have to worry about the collection rate. However, now "The Voice of China" is very popular on the Internet, and its topicality far exceeds our "Dream Singer". "

Deputy director Ma Zhe said: "This is normal. After all, Li Fan just announced the news about "The Voice of China", and netizens still think it is very fresh. And our "Dream Singer" is mature enough, so the topic is naturally less .”

Wang Kedao, Director of Operations Department: "That's true, and Li Fan is very good at marketing and knows how to maximize the topicality. It's like the identities of the four mentors have been confirmed, but they have not been announced, which has attracted a lot of attention. Countless netizens have speculated.”

Wei Xiangyang nodded and said: "Speaking of the identities of the four mentors, who do you think they will be?"

"It's hard to guess. Now we only know that they are two men and two women. However, the four mentors should be very famous. After all, Li Fan's identity is there, and whoever he invites will be given face. This has to be admit."

"You think, if the four mentors invited by Li Fan are top-notch superstars, will it increase the ratings of "The Voice of China"?"

"If this is the case, the ratings may increase a little, but it will not be big, and it will not have an impact on us. Because, except for the die-hard fans of the four mentors, others will not go out of their way to watch "" "The Voice of China". Compared with the vast audience, the proportion of their die-hard fans is too small and will not have any impact on the ratings.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Influence. "

"Indeed, no matter how famous the four mentors are, they can't be more famous than Li Fan. Ordinary viewers don't go out to watch "The Voice of China" just because Li Fan planned it. Naturally, it's even less likely that the four mentors will be more famous than Li Fan. As a mentor, I went to see it. ”

"In this way, I am finally completely relieved. However, I am indeed very curious about the identities of the four mentors."


Who are the four mentors?

Magic City TV is speculating, and people in the TV station circle are speculating.

On the Internet, countless netizens are speculating.

Star singers in the entertainment industry are also speculating.

Their feelings are naturally different from those of ordinary netizens and people in the TV station circle.

Is the creativity of "The Voice of China" good or bad? Are there any fatal flaws? They didn't care too much. What they cared about was that the planner of this show was Li Fan.

In this case, whoever the "Voice of China" program team sends out invitations to join is actually who Li Fan sends out invitations to join.

In other words, the four celebrities invited by the program team were recognized by Li Fan, who believed that they were qualified to serve as mentors for the students.

Being recognized by Li Fan, who is currently the number one music player in the world, is definitely a supreme honor. It is even more authoritative than receiving certain music awards.

Therefore, although the identities of the four mentors have not yet been made public, singers in the entire entertainment industry can be said to be envious and jealous of the four mentors.

Some celebrity singers who think they are famous enough and have enough musical talent feel very sorry for themselves for not being invited by the program team, "Why weren't I selected by Mr. Li Fan?"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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