Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1540 There is more expectation again

Remember in one second【】

Sichuan South TV took the lead in announcing the specific time for the first episode to be broadcast.

From the announcement of Southern Sichuan Satellite TV, the outside world not only knew the specific broadcast time, but also learned a very important piece of information.


It was actually going to be broadcast live. An entertainment program was broadcast live. No entertainment program had ever done this!

Not to mention that live broadcasts have very high requirements for the program and cannot make any mistakes. The key is that since it is an entertainment program, later editing is essential.

A very attractive entertainment program, in addition to the program itself, often requires powerful post-editing, some special effects, and some perhaps funny or sensational clips, etc.

If it is a live broadcast, all post-processing methods will be gone.

The only way for a program to attract people is the quality of the program itself.

It was not favored by the outside world in the first place, and now it is messing around like this. Are you really planning to do whatever you want, regardless of the ratings?

In other words, when Li Fan planned such a program, he did not consider the issue of ratings. He simply wanted to provide a stage for those who have music dreams but cannot express themselves through other talent shows. .

As a result, Sichuan South TV and E-Sale Electric Appliances have been taken advantage of. One family invested a total of 50 million, and it seems that this is really going to be wasted.

In this announcement from Southern Sichuan Satellite TV, the live broadcast format completely stole the limelight of the broadcast time, and everyone from all walks of life was talking about it.

People from the TV station circle.

"Oh no! The rumors of a live broadcast are actually true. Sichuan South TV is probably out of its mind."

"Hey! From the moment they decided to cooperate with Li Fan, their minds were already filled with water."

"In this case, I'm thinking that the rumors that most of the players they selected are crooked are probably true."

"It has been looked down upon by the outside world, and most of the contestants are crooked. Now there is another live broadcast. Is this to prove that the ratings of entertainment programs are not the lowest, only lower?"

"Alas! It seems like a farce is really going to be staged. I wonder what the four mentors are feeling now?"

"What else can it be like? I'm complaining secretly.

I obviously didn't want to accept the invitation, but I couldn't refuse it, so I had no choice but to go ahead. "

"Haha! This is interesting. Four major stars are on stage at the same time, but the ratings are terrible. It's embarrassing. Their die-hard fans will probably be furious."

"Oh! I can't wait to see it start airing now."

"Hey! Me too."


The circle of entertainment stars and singers.

"Tsk tsk! @Ling Hua and @Jiang Huan are in the limelight. If this continues, the ratings will probably not be very good. A big-name superstar like you will definitely not be able to afford to lose this person. Otherwise, for the sake of If I don’t want to embarrass you, go talk to Mr. Li Fan and say that you don’t want to be a mentor. I’m not famous anyway, so I’m not afraid of embarrassment.”

"Yes, yes! I am not famous and I am not afraid of embarrassment. You can suggest to Mr. Li Fan that I become a mentor."

" @Ling Hua, @Jiang Huan, come out quickly and seriously consider my suggestion. I am doing it for your own good."

"Go away! For someone who is a first-tier superstar after all, can you have some moral integrity? Besides, why are you less famous than us? How can I bear to let you embarrass yourself?"

"Yeah, it's just embarrassing. What's there to be afraid of? You guys! Stop thinking about it. Tell you, no way! Mr. Li Fan invites us. It only proves that we are more suitable to be mentors. You guys are old Just stay in front of the TV and watch us select students."

"Jiang Huan is right. No matter how hard you try, it's useless. It starts in less than a week, and it's still live broadcast. Oh! I'm looking forward to it!"

"You're right, look forward to it!"

"Go away! You two are so rude!"


Major companies across the country are also talking about live streaming.

"Live broadcast? Although I don't understand entertainment programs, I also know that many of the highlights of entertainment programs are edited in post-production. If you engage in live broadcasts, E-Sale Appliances' 50 million yuan will really be wasted, tsk tsk!"

"Haha! This is a good thing. Hasn't Yishou Electric Appliances always boasted of being accurate? Let's see how they end up this time?"

"Sit back and watch as E-Sale Electrical Appliances becomes the laughing stock of all walks of life."


A lot of netizens are also talking about the live broadcast.

They also know that if entertainment programs adopt the form of live broadcast, it will undoubtedly kill one's own arms, which is equivalent to automatically abandoning all the later highlights and flexible program editing formats.

This is indeed not a wise decision.

However, live broadcast also has an advantage that is far inferior to recorded broadcast, that is, the audience feels completely different when watching live broadcast and watching recorded broadcast.

Watching the recording, everyone knows in their hearts that this has been recorded a long time ago, and there is a feeling that the ending has already been determined.

Moreover, no matter how secretive the organizers keep the show, there will always be some gossip leaked, and everyone will know more or less what is going on.

This will more or less affect everyone's expectations for subsequent programs.

And the feeling of watching the live broadcast is completely

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It’s completely different, everything happens in real time, no one knows what will happen in the next second? Naturally, it is even more impossible to know what the ending will be like?

This feeling is something you will never have when watching a recorded program. It is easier for the audience to become excited and look forward to it!

If you want to ask an audience, does he prefer to watch live broadcast or watch recorded broadcast?

The answer is nine times out of ten, I prefer watching live broadcasts.

This is somewhat similar to how fans feel when watching football. Watching replays of games will never be as exciting or as exciting as watching live games.

Therefore, considering the two broadcast formats of live broadcast and recorded broadcast, the audience will definitely prefer watching live broadcast.

For a program, the key is whether the live broadcast can attract enough viewers?

As an entertainment program, can live broadcast attract audiences?

In the opinion of most people, the answer is no, so choosing live broadcast is a wrong decision.

On the Internet, netizens are talking about this. Although they prefer to watch live broadcasts, they can't understand why they choose live broadcasts?

Of course, it is undeniable that because they chose to live broadcast, their expectations for it have once again increased.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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