Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1546 In the studio

Remember in one second【】

Stage waiting area. . . !

The more I think about the 20 players who are about to appear, the more nervous I feel.

A band teacher saw the nervousness of the contestants, smiled slightly, and said: "Don't be nervous, everyone. You are all very well prepared. When the time comes, just sing well and don't think about anything else. Now it's even more Don't think about other things, everyone can 'communicate' with each other and chat casually."

When the students heard what the band teacher said, they felt a little calmer. They also knew that no matter how much they thought about it now, it was useless, so they tried their best to persuade themselves not to think about those 'messy' things.

Then following the band teacher's advice, everyone started chatting with each other. After a week of getting along, they were already quite familiar with each other.

This chat distracted their inner attention, and they were no longer as nervous as before.

The band teacher smiled slightly. After a week of getting along, he was also quite familiar with the players.

How did the players perform tonight? Which students will win the favor of mentors? He is also looking forward to it very much.

He silently wished every player good luck in his heart, but he also knew that some players would definitely be eliminated. There was no way around it, so he could only express regret.

Who is the most nervous person on the show team right now?

Of course it is the director Wang Pingsheng. He is the general conductor of the show. The show is broadcast live and there is no chance of any mistakes. How much time does each link of the show take? He needs to go through repeated deductions so that he can direct the program more accurately and calmly during the live broadcast.

Of course, he was nervous, but he didn't appear panicked. He directed the program on the spot to prepare for the upcoming live broadcast, and seemed very orderly.

"Xiao Wang, the 'operation' you just made to change the lights took 7 seconds, which was a little longer. Continue to be proficient. During the live broadcast, it must be completed within 5 seconds."

"Okay, Director Wang, no problem, I will definitely be able to do it."

"Xiao Li, please check the relevant audio equipment again to make sure everything is perfect."

"Okay, Director Wang, I'll be there."


Who among the program crew is the least nervous right now? Who has the most leisure time?

Of course it’s Li Fan,

He has already done everything that this program should do, and he has fully explained what should be explained in this program.

Seeing that Wang Pingsheng's on-site command was orderly and reasonable, Li Fan was very satisfied. In this way, he could feel more at ease.

Station director Meng Tao was also present in Studio 1. Seeing the program crew busy in the studio making final preparations for the live broadcast, he actually felt a little nervous.

He has invested a total of 50 million in this program. If it messes up, his position as director will definitely be lost.

Although he absolutely believed in Li Fan, people couldn't be 100% assured without seeing the final result.

Besides, this is still a live broadcast. If anything goes wrong, Sichuan South TV will be completely reduced to a joke.

Of course, risks and benefits always coexist. If today's premiere is successful, the influence of South Sichuan Satellite TV will definitely reach a new level.

Meng Tao's reputation will also rise to an unprecedented level.

He was so looking forward to the result, which was why he was a little nervous.

His eyes swept around the studio, and when he saw the calm and calm Li Fan, he secretly said "Ashamed" in his heart. Why couldn't he reach the level of calm and calm Li Fan?

Is it because he, Li Fan, cares more about the results of this show?

The answer is absolutely no. Although there are rumors that Li Fan does not care about the results of the show, Meng Tao knows that Li Fan definitely cares about the results.

The reason why he is so calm and calm is because he has absolute confidence, and also because he absolutely believes in director Wang Pingsheng, believes in other members of the program team, and believes in the 20 contestants who are about to appear.

In other words, he absolutely believed that his eyes would not see the wrong person.

This is a state that is extremely difficult for ordinary people to achieve. Meng Tao knows that even he is still far away from this state.

Meng Tao smiled bitterly in his heart, there really are people who surpass the genius level in this world.

He walked towards Li Fan and said, "Mr. Li Fan, the horse racing is about to begin."

Li Fan also smiled and said: "The director seems a little nervous."

Meng Tao laughed, without hiding it, and said, "That's true, it made Mr. Li Fan laugh."

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "It's normal for the director to be a little nervous. With a total investment of 50 million and the glory of Sichuan South TV, I am also nervous."

Meng Tao sighed and nodded.

At this time, a member of the program staff came over and said, "Mr. Li Fan, four instructors are here."

"Oh?" Li Fan smiled, "Invite them directly to the studio."

"Okay, Mr. Li Fan." After the program staff finished speaking, they turned and left.

Not long after, the four instructors, led by the program staff just now, walked into the studio and walked towards Li Fan and Meng Tao.

"Mr. Li Fan, Chief Meng." The four of them greeted Li Fan and Meng Tao respectively.

Li Fan and Meng Tao also responded one by one, and both sides exchanged a few polite words.

Later, Yunfei said: "This studio is very good, it can accommodate at least four to five thousand viewers, especially

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The stage has a sense of déjà vu as a top stage. Is this a brand new one? "

Meng Tao smiled and said: "It is indeed brand new and uses the most advanced technology."

Ling Hua clicked his tongue and said, "Mr. Meng, it costs a lot, right?"

Meng Tao nodded and said: "It's indeed a lot. The stage construction and sound equipment cost a total of nearly 30 million."

The four instructors were all speechless after hearing this. Jiang Huan smiled and said: "I finally understand why an investment of 100 million is needed. The money spent on equipment alone is already a huge amount of money." .”

Zhang Yuhan said with some expectation: "The world's top audio equipment. The sound quality from such equipment should be very enjoyable to listen to, right?"

Ling Hua, Jiang Huan, and Yun Fei's eyes also lit up. They were obviously very interested and looking forward to it.

Li Fan smiled and said: "The sound quality will indeed be very comfortable to listen to, and you will also feel very comfortable while sitting."

"Oh?" The four eyes lit up again, Ling Hua said, "Mr. Li Fan is referring to the four tutor chairs?"

Li Fandao: "Of course, the cost of the four tutor chairs is also not low. Each one costs 1.5 million. To be honest, I have never sat on such an expensive chair. You are so lucky." "

"A chair worth 1.5 million? A chair costs 1.5 million?" All four people's eyes showed surprise. This is really mistaking money. Whose program dares to do this?

The total investment for most entertainment programs is less than 1.5 million.

The cost of a chair exceeds the total investment. No wonder it requires an investment of 100 million.

In addition to being surprised, they were very fond of and looked forward to the tutor chair. A 1.5 million chair would indeed be quite comfortable to sit on, right?

Ling Hua clicked his tongue and said, "Mr. Li Fan, let's go over and have a look. To be honest, I'm very happy and looking forward to it now."

Li Fan smiled and said: "I was going to go over to see it. You also need to familiarize yourself with the instructor's chair in advance. Let's go over here."

The fourth update, add an update to the roar of tigers and roars of lions

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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