Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1568 The “different” player

Remember in one second【】

Because of the rapid rise in ratings for the second phase of The Voice, Sichuan South TV gained many new viewers. Among them are ordinary friends, senior leaders and ordinary employees of satellite TVs such as Shanghai TV and Funan TV, people from almost all TV stations, and some contestants who dream of being singers, etc. They chose to watch Sichuan South TV, some simply out of curiosity, and some to find out about the enemy. But no matter what the reason was, when they just switched the TV channel to Sichuan South TV, they were a little confused about the scene, just like the previous batches of new viewers. But it won't take them long to understand. ...The voice show scene. Station Director Meng Tao was very excited when he saw the ratings of the second stage. 3. No matter what kind of programs they have, Sichuan South TV has never had a ratings of 3. This is already a ratings record for various programs on Sichuan South TV. The reason why Meng Tao is so excited is not only the record-breaking ratings of 3, but also because the ratings of 3 are definitely not the end of The Voice. He believes that once the ratings for the second phase 3 are released, the outside world will be shocked, and then many more people, for various reasons and with various purposes, will choose to watch Sichuan South TV. The number of viewers of Sichuan South TV will increase rapidly, and the ratings will naturally continue to rise rapidly. After the ratings for the third stage come out, the outside world will be even more shocked, and then more people will choose to watch The Voice. This is a virtuous cycle. The ratings of The Voice will continue to rise. What height will it reach in the end? Meng Tao is not sure now and cannot predict, but he is very much looking forward to it! He excitedly said to Li Fan: "Mr. Li Fan, the ratings for the second stage are out, 3, the increase is very big!" Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "This is normal, and the increase will be even greater in the future. "Meng Tao said with a smile: "Yes, yes, since Mr. Li Fan said so, the increase will definitely be greater. By the way, Mr. Li Fan, how high can our ratings be in the end?" Li Fandao said. : "I can't say for sure, but it will definitely be a very gratifying number." Meng Tao nodded, looking forward to it in his heart! At this time, the fourth contestant on the stage had finished singing, and Jiang Huan and Yun Fei turned around for him. After some competition between the two, the fourth contestant finally chose Yun Fei. After everything was settled, the fifth contestant appeared. But the result was very regrettable. There was no mentor to turn around for the fifth contestant, and the fifth contestant was eliminated. He was also the first contestant to be eliminated tonight, and the audience felt the cruelty of the show for the first time. But there is no way. This is a program and a competition. Since it is a competition, someone will be eliminated. Everyone can only hope in their hearts that he can continue his music dream and wish him good luck in the future. Of course, although the fifth player was eliminated, the harvest was actually not small. First, he underwent a week of professional training under the guidance of a professional music teacher. Secondly, after he finished singing the song, the four people automatically turned around and commented on his performance, pointed out the good and bad aspects of his performance, and put forward their own suggestions for his future development direction. These are all very precious. Also, he sang a song on the stage of The Voice, which has been seen by countless audiences and will more or less win a certain number of fans. Therefore, even though he was eliminated, his gains were actually not small. Of course, for the fifth player, it is still very regretful and reluctant, but there is no way, he has been eliminated. He may still have a chance to participate in the revival competition and make a comeback next year, but now, the stage of The Voice is closed to him. Therefore, after he bowed and waved to leave, although he kept a smile on his face, tears welled up in his eyes. This made the four instructors and all the audience sigh softly in their hearts.

There is no way, this is the game. Next, the sixth player appears. When the contestants' entrance door opened and the sixth contestant appeared on the stage, the pupils of everyone present and in front of the TV suddenly shrank, and they couldn't help but let out a low cry, and the expression on their faces The expression was very surprised. The sixth contestant was clearly a person with handicapped legs and feet. He was sitting in a wheelchair, gently turning the wheels with his hands, and the wheelchair slowly rowed towards the center of the stage. Everyone looked at the figure in the wheelchair quietly. It was a man in his thirties, with a faint smile on his face. He was clean, sunny, and looked a little handsome. From the man's sunny smile, it can be felt that the man is not frustrated because his legs cannot stand. He is in a good mood and is very optimistic about life. The wheelchair slid to the center of the stage and stopped. The man bowed slightly and greeted everyone. At this time, the scene suddenly remembered the very warm applause. No one cheered, everyone just applauded quietly, for the smile on the man's face, for the man's courage to come to the stage, and for the show The Voice. It is obvious that the man likes singing very much and has a dream of singing. Even though his legs and feet are inconvenient, he never gives up. However, this dream of a man was absolutely impossible to realize before. No program would provide a stage for men. It is impossible for a man to have the opportunity to stand on a real stage in his life. But now, with the stage of The Voice, men finally have a chance to realize their dreams. At this moment, the audience just wants to thank the stage of The Voice and Li Fan! They all believed that Li Fan planned the program The Voice based on his own wishes and regardless of the actual market situation. But now, they know they were wrong, very wrong, and the market needs programs like The Voice. In this world, there are still many people with music dreams, but their appearance is not so ideal. What they need is a stage like Good Voice. Moreover, they also found that this stage is more beautiful than other similar stages, more touching, more exciting, more exciting, and surprises can appear at any time. Being able to see such a stage, they suddenly felt that they must be lucky. The applause at the scene lasted for a while and then gradually stopped. On the faces of the audience, there was a burst of excitement at the beginning

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The shock, and now the continuous applause, all made the four instructors understand that the contestants who are preparing to sing on the stage must be very "different". Otherwise, the audience at the scene would not behave like this. This made them very curious and looking forward to it! ..., after the content is updated, you need to refresh the page to get the latest updates! nt

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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