Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1575 It really went to heaven

Remember in one second【】

The audience walked out of the studio while talking.

On the other hand, the four instructors and the students they selected each have their own arrangements under the arrangements of the relevant staff.

The entire The Voice program crew is also in absolute excitement. Tonight's program was so successful, far beyond their imagination.

They must have a good celebration tonight.

It's just that it's not the time for them to celebrate yet, they have to complete the follow-up work after the live broadcast of the show.

Station director Meng Tao was also extremely excited. The ratings of The Voice far exceeded his imagination and were even higher than he had ever dreamed of.

The ratings for the final stage have not yet been released, but Meng Tao believes that they will be higher than the 5 in the previous stage.

This is a miraculous ratings show. This is a show that has created a miraculous rating.

Looking back now, the investment of 50 million yuan in exchange for such a program is definitely one of the most successful investments in the world.

If we had known beforehand that The Voice would achieve such high ratings, not to mention an investment of 50 million, but an investment of 200 million, 300 million, or even 500 million, the TV stations would have grabbed our heads. Be cooperative.

But they only invested a mere 50 million, which was cheap, really too cheap.

The leaders of the major TV stations must have regretted their bowels for a long time. Meng Tao couldn't help but feel very happy when he thought about the regretful expressions of the leaders of the major TV stations at this moment.

How could he not know that many TV station leaders, and even most people in the TV station circle, were waiting to see his jokes and see him step down.

But now, he kept hitting his face with his backhand, and it felt so good.

There was another person at the scene who was in the same excited and comfortable mood as Meng Tao, and that was Yuan Yue, the boss of E-Sale Electrical Appliances.

Yuan Yue decided to use 50 million to exclusively sponsor The Voice, just because he absolutely believed in Li Fan, thinking that since it was a program planned by Li Fan himself, no matter how bad the ratings were, they would not be much worse. , an investment of 50 million will definitely not be lost.

When the show first started, host Ling Shao came up with new advertising methods, which already surprised him.

Now, The Voice has achieved a ratings of more than 5, which is too exaggerated.

Although he is not a member of the TV station circle, he still knows what a ratings of more than 5 means?

If he knew that the ratings of The Voice would exceed 5, not to mention the 50 million naming fee, but the exclusive naming fee of 500 million, Yuan Yue would not hesitate at all.

Moreover, he may not be able to get it, and there must be companies competing with him. Although Yisui Electric Appliances is a well-known large company in the country, there are also bigger and more well-known companies than Yishu Electric Appliances, and there are several of them.

They may not be able to compete for easy-to-sell electrical appliances.

Now, with a mere investment of 50 million, he has obtained the exclusive naming rights for The Voice. This is definitely one of the most correct decisions that Yuan Yue has made.

Those companies that are waiting to see their easy-to-sell appliances lose all their money and make a joke should have understood by now that they themselves are the biggest joke.

Yuan Yue was in an excited and comfortable mood. Together with several other leaders, he found Li Fan and expressed his excitement and gratitude.

Li Fan responded with a smile and said that there was no need to thank him. Yuan Yue took the risk of losing all his money and believed in him. Li Fan invested 50 million to sponsor The Voice, and now it is reasonable to receive such a return.

Having said that, the rewards that Yisale Electric Appliances has now received are too great, far exceeding their expectations and imagination.

Yuan Yue and several leaders are still grateful.

The Voice is over, and many corporate leaders are also thinking about The Voice at this time.

They didn't watch The Voice. They were not interested in watching any talent show. They were just concerned about the final ratings of The Voice.

E-Sale Electric Co., Ltd. previously invested 50 million to be the exclusive sponsor of Good Voice, causing a stir among major companies. Many companies are waiting to see the joke of E-Sale Electric Co., Ltd.

To see the joke, you must first know the ratings of The Voice.

"By the way, the live broadcast of The Voice should be almost over now, right? How are the ratings? Does anyone know?"

"I don't know. I haven't paid attention to it before. However, programs like this will have periodic real-time ratings. Although they are not completely accurate, the error is not big. You should be able to check it online. I will check it out."

"Go ahead and tell us if you find it. I wonder if it can exceed 5?"

"No need to check, I just saw it. But, alas! I think it's better for you not to know, lest you regret it. I regret very much now that I saw the ratings, I shouldn't have watched it."

"What do you mean? Does The Voice have good ratings?"

"It's not bad, really. You will definitely regret it after you find out. It's better not to know."

"Tch! What regrets can there be? The worst thing is that the ratings of Good Voice are not bad, and the 50 million invested by E-Sale Electric Appliances will not lose money, or make a small profit. We don't think it's a joke."

"That's it, tell me, 5? 0? Or how much? Just don't tell us and we will check it ourselves."

"Okay, then you should be mentally prepared. The ratings for the final stage of The Voice have just come out, and the data is 8!"

"What? 8? This is absolutely impossible, you

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Do you think it is the News Network or the CCTV Spring Festival Gala? 8 ratings, how is this possible? Even if it flies into the sky, it cannot be so high. "

"That's right, you must have read it wrong. How could it be 8? The ratings of a talent show are 8. It is going to the sky!"

"Forget it, forget it, I'll watch it myself. Really, I can't tell even if I look at the ratings."

"Alas! I hope I'm wrong, but it turns out that good voices really come from heaven. Also, didn't I just say that it's best for you not to know, because knowing it will only make you regret it? and discomfort.”


Seeing that the ratings of The Voice were 8, the leaders of major companies absolutely did not believe that a talent show had a rating of 8. How could this be possible? Do you think you are a news network?

They decided to check the relevant data in person. The ratings data on the relevant data is public and anyone can check it.

There may be a slight error between the above ratings data and the real ratings data collected by major TV stations, but the error is very small and can be ignored.

And when they saw the relevant data, the ratings of the final stage of The Voice, their eyes suddenly widened.

It’s really 8!

From the initial 5, it skyrocketed all the way to the final 8. What the hell is going on?

The leaders of major companies were completely stunned.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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