Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1583 Mr. Li Fan has come in?

Remember in one second【】

The heads of various film and television companies are enjoying it now.

They wandered around the village, and after meeting each other, they made an appointment to visit the village together. They were originally competitors, but now their relationship is quite harmonious.

They were playing and chatting in the village, and they were very interested.

Journey to the West ended today. This matter was closely related to them, so they naturally paid special attention to it.

They saw the heated discussions among book fans, various reports from the media, and comments from celebrities on the Internet, which made them very excited.

Originally, Journey to the West was already popular enough, but now there are various reports and discussions, and most importantly, celebrities have spoken so highly of it, which will undoubtedly increase the influence of Journey to the West again.

The greater the influence of Journey to the West, the less risk they will have in purchasing the film rights of Journey to the West, and the greater the rewards they will get.

This is definitely an exciting thing.

Of course, there is also a disadvantage, that is, the price of purchasing copyright will probably be higher.

However, based on their understanding of Li Fan, Li Fan should not deliberately raise the price. He should not care whether the copyright fee is higher or lower. What he cares about is whether the major film and television companies will put their heart into filming.

Otherwise, he would not have granted the storytelling copyright of Journey to the West to storytellers across the country for free.

Therefore, the heads of film and television companies are not worried that Li Fan will raise the price.

They chatted while playing, talking about the food and beautiful scenery of Sansheng Village. They all had a tacit understanding and did not mention the copyright sale tomorrow.

And while they were playing in the village, other film and television companies came to the village one after another.

As of six o'clock in the evening, the number of film and television companies arriving at Sansheng Village had reached 42.

After Li Fan learned the news, he nodded secretly. There should be almost these 42 film and television companies participating in the sale of film copyrights tomorrow.

There are so many film and television companies interested in the film copyright of Journey to the West, and Li Fan is very proud.

the next day.

At 10 o'clock this morning, the sale of the rights to the Journey to the West movie will be held in an activity room in Xianyuan Building.

The activity room was ready two days ago.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the heads of major film and television companies walked into the activity room one after another. After registering with Li Ru at the front desk, they looked for seats that they were satisfied with in the activity room.

This time, more than forty film and television companies came to the scene. The strength gap between the film and television companies is very large. There are the most well-known first-class film and television companies in the country, there are also less famous film and television companies, and even small film and television companies that have just started.

The competitiveness gap between various film and television companies is naturally very large.

However, there is no problem with this.

Because the positioning and goals of each film and television company are different. The goals of those first-class and famous film and television companies are the most exciting and influential stories.

As for those small film and television companies, their targets are stories that have relatively little influence and are not favored by big film and television companies.

Although the stories in Journey to the West are all wonderful, relatively speaking, the excitement and influence of each story are still different.

The heads of various film and television companies found seats that they were satisfied with. After sitting down, they started talking quietly with the people around them.

"It's about to start. There are more than 40 film and television companies. The influence of Journey to the West is really not that big."

"Of course, you also saw the big guys' evaluation of Journey to the West yesterday, as if they were evaluating a classic literary masterpiece. The influence of Journey to the West will continue to increase."

"That will definitely continue to increase. Mr. Li Fan can write such works, he is really extraordinary!"

"Are you from Shanghai Film and Television? You, Shanghai Film and Television, are a big film and television. How about it? Which story is your goal? Making a fuss in the sky? Three dozen white-bone demons? Or the Kingdom of Women in Qujing?"

"These stories are all the most influential. How dare we at Film and TV to bother with it? We can be satisfied with just one of them if it's a slightly inferior story."

"I saw that Giant Film and Television is also here. Is it the most powerful film and television company at present? I wonder if their goal is to cause trouble in heaven?"

"Not only is Giant Film and Television, its capabilities are not much worse than Giant Film and Television, but several film and television companies are also here. Those stories with the greatest influence will definitely be divided up by them. Alas! I am so envious!"

"Yeah, I'm really envious. Their goals are the stories with the greatest impact, but we can only pick out the ones we missed and see if we can be lucky enough to get one. Alas! What a gap!"

"I don't know how many movie rights Mr. Li Fan plans to sell. I hope he can sell more."

"Some book fans said online that they hope every story in the book can be made into a movie. They dare to think about it."

"Don't tell me, as long as Mr. Li Fan is willing to sell the copyright, it is really possible. However, I guess Mr. Li Fan will not do so."

"It's almost 10 o'clock. Mr. Li Fan should be here soon, right? I haven't met Mr. Li Fan yet, so I'm still a little excited."

"I've always heard legends about Mr. Li Fan, and now I'm finally going to meet him in person, and I'm a little excited."

"I'll see you later. When Mr. Li Fan comes in, someone will definitely notify him, and there should be people coming in by then.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

ceremony. "

"That's for sure. What is Mr. Li Fan's identity? There must be a grand entrance ceremony for his entrance."


The heads of major film and television companies were discussing in a low voice. There were more and more people, and the time was getting closer to 10 am.

At 9:50 in the morning, Li Fan came to the door of the activity room and walked directly into the activity room without being informed.

Li Ru at the front desk saw Li Fan coming in and said hurriedly: "Brother Fan, you are here."

Li Fan nodded and said with a smile: "Is everyone here?"

Li Ru said: "They are all here. There are 48 film and television companies in total. After 6 o'clock last night, three more companies arrived, and three more companies arrived this morning."

"Oh? There are a few more." Li Fan nodded.

At this time, people closer to the front desk whispered:

"Hey! Did you just hear what the beautiful woman at the front desk called the young man?"

"The person shouting seems to be 'Brother Fan'. Could it be that he is Mr. Li Fan?"

"No way, Mr. Li Fan just walked in like this? With his status, there must be a grand entrance ceremony so that we can get up and welcome him!"

"No, he should be Mr. Li Fan. Why would Mr. Li Fan care about the welcome ceremony you mentioned?"

"Yes, judging from the rumors related to the president, Mr. Li Fan has been hiding in the city. It is quite normal for him to just walk in like this."

"It turns out that he is Mr. Li Fan. I finally met the real person. He is younger than the rumors!"


The news that Li Fan had entered the activity room slowly spread throughout the activity room, and everyone who heard it was surprised.

"No way, Mr. Li Fan has already come in? There is no reaction at all."

"Real or false? Who is Mr. Li Fan?"

"I don't know. I'm watching it too, and I feel like there's no disturbance at all."


In the activity room, everyone was talking in low voices and looking forward. I wonder if Li Fan has really come in?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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