Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1594 Who is the monkey baby?

Remember in one second【】

The monkey boy left the cabin and rushed to his home, which was in a village outside Shaoxing.

His father did not return from his monkey performance in another place, so he called his father. After his repeated assurances, his father finally believed his words. He was pleasantly surprised and hurried home.

When the monkey baby arrived home, it was not dark yet, and his father was not home yet. There were three people at home: mother, grandfather, and grandmother.

When the monkey boy told the news, his mother, grandfather, and grandmother didn't believe it at first. It sounded too incredible.

The monkey boy said: "Grandpa, do you still remember what I told you before, the young senior master who saved my life that night?"

Grandpa said: "Of course I remember, that senior expert saved your life. He is the benefactor of our family. How can I forget? However, I still don't believe that there are people with such high skills in this world."

The monkey boy said: "Grandpa has not seen it in person, so it is really hard to believe it. Grandpa, I should know the identity of that senior master by now."

Grandpa was startled and asked quickly: "Who is it?"

Houwa said: "He should be Mr. Li Fan."

"Mr. Li Fan?" Grandpa said thoughtfully, "Mr. Li Fan, the author of Journey to the West and the owner of Xianyuan Farm?"

The monkey boy said: "Well, I can't be wrong."

Grandpa nodded slowly and said: "In the past one or two years, there has indeed been a rumor in the martial arts world that Li Fan, the owner of Xianyuan Farm, is the most skilled in the world. If I saved you that night That senior is really Li Fan, so his skills are obviously higher than what is rumored."

Houwa nodded and said: "It is indeed higher than the rumors."

Those who have heard of Houwa in Shaoxing all know that Houwa comes from a family of monkey opera, but almost no one knows that in addition to being a family of monkey opera, Houwa's family is also a family of martial arts. The family's unique Hou Zongquan is very popular in the martial arts. Prestigious.

Grandpa said again: "So, what you just said is true? Is it true that Mr. Li Fan likes you and invites you to play the role of Sun Wukong?"

Houwa said: "Of course it is true. This matter has probably been spread in Shaoxing City by now."

Grandpa said: "Okay, okay, okay! You must try your best to perform well, so that you will not let down this great opportunity.


The monkey boy said: "Grandpa, don't worry, I know, I will try my best to act."

That night, his father Zhang Zongyi also returned home. After hearing that the monkey boy said that the senior master who saved him that night was probably Li Fan, he said to his grandfather: "Father, now that we know the identity of the senior master, we Do you want to go to Sansheng Village to pay your respects?"

Grandpa said: "I have thought about this problem just now. It is not appropriate for us to go there rashly, so I think there is no need to go there for the time being. I will keep this kindness in my heart. If there is a more suitable time in the future, it will not be too late to come and thank you." .”

Zhang Zongyi nodded and said: "Okay, listen to father."

For the next two days, the monkey boy spent time at home making preparations.

Two days later, the monkey boy said goodbye to his family and entered Shaoxing City. Through the business card left by Yang Jie, he found Yang Jie, Lin Xin and Liu Yu.

Yang Jie smiled and said, "Is everything ready?"

"Everything is ready," said the monkey boy.

Yang Jie nodded and said, "Then let's leave Shaoxing now."

Houwa said: "Okay, everything will be according to Mr. Yang's arrangement."

Then, the four of them left Shaoxing and returned to Xiaojianghu Studio in the provincial capital.

Sansheng Village.

Two days ago, Yang Jie reported to Li Fan about the successful invitation to Monkey Baby, and Li Fan then updated his Weibo again.

Mainly, the crew of the Journey to the West TV series has officially begun to openly recruit actors. Actor auditions will begin in two days. Interested parties can audition at Xiaojianghu Studio.

Another important point is that two leading actors have been confirmed, namely Monkey Boy who will play the role of Monkey King, and Yan Huaili who will play Sha Monk.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately became the focus of the outside world.

The crew of Journey to the West has officially begun recruiting actors. This is expected by everyone, and many people are waiting for it.

But the actors of Sun Wukong and Sha Seng have been confirmed, which surprised everyone. What is going on? Could it be that Li Fan had already taken a liking to those two actors?

The casting of Sun Wukong and Sha Seng has become the center of attention, especially the casting of Sun Wukong has become the absolute focus.

When it comes to the casting of the character in Journey to the West that everyone pays most attention to, it must be the casting of Monkey King.

Since the last time Li Fan announced the completion of the Journey to the West crew, everyone has been speculating and discussing with great interest, who will Li Fan choose to play the role of Monkey King?

Everyone knows that it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to play the role of Sun Wukong well, and especially the TV series version of Sun Wukong has very high requirements for actors.

If it were the role of Monkey King in the movie adaptation, the requirements would be relatively low.

So, who will Li Fan choose to play the role of Sun Wukong? It is always the focus of attention from the outside world.

Some star actors who think they can play Sun Wukong well are also eager to try, preparing to wait until the actor recruitment begins to successfully win the role of Sun Wukong.

But he never thought that Li Fan had already confirmed the actor for the role of Monkey King, Monkey Boy.

Suddenly, Monkey Boy became the focus of all walks of life. Everyone was very confused, who is Monkey Boy? Never before

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Have you heard of it? Why did you suddenly become the actor of Monkey King?

Of course, everyone knows that Li Fan must have chosen Monkey Baby to play the role of Monkey King himself, so no one questioned it. Except for the star actors who originally wanted to fight for the role of Monkey King, who felt very sorry, everyone was just curious. , very curious.

Who is the monkey boy? Why was he chosen by Li Fan to play the role of Sun Wukong? This is the time to become an instant hit!

The name "Monkey Boy" is obviously a stage name or an alias. It's definitely not his real name anyway. I just don't know whether he was originally called Monkey Boy, or whether he was named Monkey Boy after he was confirmed to play the role of Sun Wukong because Sun Wukong is the monkey of heaven and earth. Given the name "Monkey Baby"?

Also, why was Li Fan attracted the attention of Monkey Boy? Good acting skills? Spiritual? Is there any story in this?

On the Internet, countless netizens speculated. Naturally, there were many people in Shaoxing who wanted to go. They saw that so many people were very interested in the identity of the monkey baby, and they seemed very excited.

Since there are so many people who are eager to know the answer, they are very interested in unveiling the mystery of the monkey baby for everyone, so that more people can get to know the monkey baby in advance and know the story of the monkey baby.

The monkey baby is their monkey baby from Shaoxing City, and they are very proud of it.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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