Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 416 Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes

Meniscus looked at Xiang Yangsheng who was lying on the sofa, sighed softly, and got up to make a cup of hot tea for Xiang Yangsheng.

He knew that Xiang Yangsheng was just a temporary qi and blood attack, and he would be fine after a rest.

After making tea, Meniscus returned to the sofa and sat down, frowning in thought.

"The Sword of the Yue Girl", they all misunderstood.

However, the matter has come to this point, regret is useless, and anger is even more useless. At this time, what is most needed is calm.

Gu Yong, what a terrible newcomer! What is terrifying is not only his creative talent in martial arts, but also his control and confidence in the situation.

Perhaps, from the moment Xiaojianghu put "Yue Jianghu" into the big martial arts competition, Gu Yong had already foreseen the situation today.


Crescent Moon suddenly laughed at herself, in vain that they had always thought that the situation was under their control.


Sansheng Village.

Zheng Jie's Weibo was completely within Li Fan's expectations, but Yi Tian's Weibo surprised Li Fan. He didn't know whether the old professor was interested in martial arts or "White Ape and Yue Nv". ?

I think there should be both, otherwise the old professor would not be interested in watching "The Sword of the Yue Girl".

Yi Tian and Li Fan are no strangers. At the last Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Conference, Yi Tian once appreciated several of his poems.

Now that there are Yi Tian and Zheng Jie's Weibo, Li Fan doesn't need to explain it by himself, and the whole incident is about the same.

Li Fan believes that after today's incident, it is too exaggerated to say that the names of Gu Yong and "The Sword of the Yue Girl" are well known across the country, but it is certain to say that they have made a name for Nuoda.

Some people who have never watched martial arts should also have some interest in martial arts.

The next thing is simple, you only need to borrow those classic works from the previous life, and bring the vast number of martial arts fans, as well as some people who are not fans of martial arts for the time being, to one after another, the wonderful world of Jianghu. That's it.

As for some people who say that "The Sword of the Yue Girl" has tampered with history, Li Fan can only say "hehe" twice, and he is too lazy to explain. He believes that his book fans will "papapa" these people. on the ground.


Who is the most excited person right now? Those are undoubtedly the fans of the original "Yue Nujian", and the fans of Gu Yong now.

Although they had always believed that Gu Yong would turn the current situation around, they were actually very uneasy. After all, the loopholes about "Yue Girl Sword" put forward by those famous martial arts masters were indeed loopholes in their opinion.

Even after Gu Yong stood up, it is estimated that it is difficult to explain these loopholes, and at most use tricks to circumvent them.

But I never thought that Gu Yong's counterattack after standing up was so enthusiastic that he completely crushed everything back.

The other party worked hard to create a situation for a whole day, but it was easily smashed by several Weibo posts of Gu Yong. It looked simply casual and relaxed.

Now that I think about it, that guy Guyong is also a big bad!

It was possible to break the game early tomorrow, but it did not break, so I watched the other side perform like a clown, and when the climax of the performance just came, he suddenly shot, causing the other side's climax to stop abruptly.

What do you think the other party is suffering from?

Gee! It's pathetic thinking about it! As the saying goes, you can live if you do something wrong, but you can't live if you do it yourself!

"Haha! My feeling right now is just one word, cool!"

"All of us are cool. Thinking about how those people were speechless just after being stomped on by us, it's not only cool but cool."

"Yeah, the bird spirit of this day has finally been completely returned, and Gu Yong is very mighty."



Some people are excited, then naturally some people are suffering.

Now apart from those martial arts authors, the most painful people are those martial arts fans who slander "The Sword of the Yue Girl".

They never dreamed that it was a sure-win situation, but it turned into what it is now.

well! The loser must accept ruthless ridicule.

Those fans of "The Sword of the Yue Girl" who were ridiculed for a whole day by them are now ridiculing them to the point that there are cracks in the ground, and you won't be allowed to get in.

How painful would you say they were?

It stands to reason that at this time, they should hate Gu Yongcai very much, in fact, they really want to do so.

However, Gu Yong's third Weibo made them feel passionately out of their control.

He clearly wanted to hate someone, but he was so excited by the other person's words that his blood boiled.

You see the whole thing, the pain, this is the real pain.

Since it is so painful, should this be the way to relieve a little pain? Many people ponder this question in their minds.

Suddenly, someone's eyes lit up, and other loopholes were perfectly filled by Gu Yong, but what about tampering with history? This is always a fact, there should be no evidence to make up for it?

Ha ha! Saved.

Some people, refreshed, began to type with a vigorous "pop".

"The fans of "The Sword of the Yue Girl", you are very arrogant now. Come on, how do you explain the fact that "The Sword of the Yue Girl" tampered with history?"

"Fuck, there are still people jumping again. This kid's IQ is negative. Which eye did you see that "The Sword of the Yue Girl" tampered with history? Is it that the country of Yue did not destroy the country of Wu, or what?"

"Falsification of Nimei, "The Sword of the Yue Girl" is a martial arts novel, not a historical document. If you read "The Sword of the Yue Girl" as a historical document, this kid must be stupid."

"Hey! According to what your kid said, "Romance of the Kingdoms" also tampered with history. Do you dare to say it?"

"Hey! Everyone withdrew, thought they found a new loophole again, that's all? Boring."

"Yeah! Withdraw."



Some people who were just alive and alive, immediately became dead dragons and tigers again.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at his fans cheerfully, and slapped each other on the ground, thinking that today's events should also be over.

After thinking about it, I decided to post the last Weibo of today.

"Thank you very much to Professor Yi Tian, ​​Zheng Lao for their support, and also to everyone who supports Gu Yong and "Yue Girl Sword".

Someone asked me, 'Gu Yong, is the world far away? ’

I said, not far, because people are in the end of the world, how can the end of the world be far away.

Someone else asked me, 'Gu Yong, what is Jianghu? ’

I said, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Others asked me, 'Gu Yong, how big is the river? What else is there in the rivers and lakes? ’

I said, as big as your heart is, the rivers and lakes are as big as the rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes are in the hearts of each of us. In the rivers and lakes, there are swords, lights, swords, shadows, love and hatred, sunflower collections, and Jiuyin scriptures.

The flowers bloom and fall, and the children of the rivers and lakes are also affectionate.

Ladies and gentlemen of the rivers and lakes, let's see you again! "


Thank you very much, Smoke Ring Walk and Zhou Zhou Ping'an for the reward! grateful!

(To be continued.)()

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