Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1613 Brother Chun, okay

Remember in one second【】

Duan Yu overheard the strange things about the "Infinite Jade Bi", but fell off a cliff because he was chased by two disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect.

All the martial arts fans were nervous at first, but then they relaxed.

They knew that although Duan Yu fell, nothing would happen to him. After all, he was the protagonist, so he couldn't have fallen off the cliff at the beginning, right?

And this is indeed the case. After Duan Yu fell off the cliff, he was unscathed for various reasons.

Not only that, the cliff where Duan Yu fell happened to be the same cliff where the "Infinite Jade Bi" was located.

The hearts of all the martial arts fans were wondering, this guy Duan Yu might have a chance here, right?

Thinking like this, my heart suddenly became very expectant, and I continued to look down.

Although the opportunity has not come yet, Duan Yu unintentionally solved the mystery of the "Immortal Shadow on the Jade Wall" on the infinite jade biscuit.

People from the Wuliang Sword Sect believe that the figures wielding swords on the Wuliang Jade are immortals dancing with swords, but this is obviously not the case.

It was two people dancing swords somewhere at the bottom of the cliff. After two reflections, the figures dancing the swords were reflected on the jade.

At first there were two people, a man and a woman. Later, I wonder if the man left or died? Only the woman is left dancing the sword.

Duan Yu solved the mystery of the "Immortal Shadow of the Jade Bi", and then thought about the sword-dancing woman who danced the sword alone in this valley, and was very likely to die in depression, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

All the martial arts fans also sighed in their hearts. According to the descriptions of the two grand masters of the Wuliang Sword Sect, the two men who danced swords in the valley had very high martial arts skills that were absolutely astonishing.

But in the end, he doesn't end up depressed. What's the use of having higher martial arts skills?

The martial arts fans sighed inwardly and continued to look down.

Duan Yu was running around in the deep valley, looking for a way out of the valley. By various chances, he accidentally came to a man-made cave. Various objects in the cave showed that someone had lived here.

I think they must have been the man and woman who danced the sword back then, but I don't know if the man left or died later? Only the woman lives here alone.

The eyes of all the martial arts fans were bright.

Everyone is thinking, is Duan Yu's chance coming?

This is indeed the case.

Duan Yu found a jade statue of an extremely beautiful girl in the cave. The jade statue was as big as a real person and lifelike. There was a faint red color in the texture of the white jade on the face, which was no different from ordinary human skin. Seeing Duan Yu calling her "Sister Immortal", he was so dazzled that he seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He could no longer look away from the jade statue.

After a while, another line of words was found next to the jade statue, "Wu Yazi wrote a letter for Qiu Shui Mei. There is no sun and moon in the cave, which is the greatest happiness in the world."

Wu Yazi and Qiu Shuimei are obviously the names of the man and woman from back then.

There are two futons in front of the jade statue, which seem to be used for people to kneel and worship, and there are also the words "Kowtow a thousand times for me to encourage you".

Duan Yu was so amazed by the beauty of the fairy sister that he was so fascinated that he knelt down and kowtowed without thinking.

After kowtowing a thousand times, the small futon used for kowtowing suddenly cracked, revealing a silk bag inside.

Opening the silk bag, Duan Yu learned that Sister Shenxian's sect is called "Xiaoyao Sect". Inside the bag was the essence of Xiaoyao sect's martial arts. Two of the martial arts seemed to be particularly good, called "Beiming Shen Kung" and "Lingbo Weibu". .

Why are these two martial arts so awesome? Because the name looked awesome, all the martial arts warriors thought in confusion.

Then I thought, Duan Yu's opportunity has indeed come. Although I still don't know, what kind of family name is Xiaoyao Sect? But from the shocking martial arts of Wu Yazi and Qiu Shuimei, we can know that the Xiaoyao Sect must be a very outstanding sect. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the martial arts of the Xiaoyao Sect.

The martial arts fans were very excited and continued to look down.

Duan Yu lingered in the fairy sister's cave for a long time, and finally left the cave with great reluctance. He still had to find a way out of the valley to report the news to the Zhong family and save Zhong Ling.

Coming out of the immortal sister's cave, Duan Yu finally found his way out of the valley.

After leaving the valley, I identified the direction and followed the path Zhong Ling said. Finally, I arrived at the "Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations" where the Zhong family was located.

However, reporting to Zhong Ling's father, Zhong Wanchou, the master of the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, did not go smoothly.

For some unknown reason, Zhong Wanchou had great hatred for people named Duan in Dali. After learning that Duan Yu's father was Duan Zhengchun, he became even more angry and screamed, "You... you are that thief Duan Zhengchun." Son?" It seemed that there was some sworn hatred between him and Duan Zhengchun.

Zhong Ling's mother Gan Baobao's reaction after learning that Duan Yu was Duan Zhengchun's son was also quite intriguing. She not only asked Duan Yu in a low voice, how was his father in recent years? There were still tears in his eyes. He turned his back and stretched out his sleeves to wipe away the tears.

This made many martial arts fans wonder, what is going on?

Looking at it like this, could it be that Zhong Wanchou was cheated on by Duan Yu and his father, Duan Zhengchun?

This is quite possible, because Zhong Wanchou is extremely ugly, but Gan Baobao is very beautiful.

However, looking at how much Zhong Wanchu loves Gan Baobao, there should be another possibility, that is, Gan Baobao had that kind of relationship with Duan Zhengchun before marrying Zhong Wanchu, and after marrying Zhong Wanchu , and I will never forget Duan Zhengchun.

And Zhong Wanchou obviously knew that, so he cried loudly after getting angry, saying, "Ah Bao, are you finally going to leave me and go to find him?" After learning about Gumball

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Bao didn't want to be overjoyed again after following Duan Yu to find Duan Zhengchun.

Then due to some reasons, Zhong Wanchou was unable to go to rescue Zhong Ling in person. Gan Baobao secretly stuffed Zhong Ling's birth date into Duan Yu's hands and asked Duan Yu to go find his father Duan Zhengchun to rescue Zhong Ling. Duan Yu must tell Duan Zhengchun, "Ask him to save our daughter."

Duan Yu naturally thought that Gan Baobao was talking about saving her and Zhong Wanchou's daughter, but all the martial arts fans were thoughtful.

This is a birth date, and it is said to rescue our daughter. Isn't this...

In short, the relationship seems to be very complicated.

All the martial arts fans now admire Duan Yu and his father, Duan Zhengchun, and want to say, "Brother Chun, it's okay!"

After admiring it, continue to look below.

In order to allow Duan Yu to rush back to rescue Zhong Ling within the stipulated time, Gan Baobao sent someone to accompany Duan Yu to a place and borrowed a good horse.

The owner of the horse was a young woman and a friend of Zhong Ling. Duan Yu rode the borrowed horse straight to Dali.

However, this journey has not been smooth either.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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