Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1636 The situation becomes tense again

Remember in one second【】

All the martial arts fans were uneasy and prayed in their hearts that Xiao Feng could leave smoothly.

Keep looking below.

After Xiao Feng drank the wine given to him by Ah Zi, he took Ah Zi and left the South Court Palace.

After Xiao Feng drank the poisonous wine, he didn't have any strange reactions for the time being and was able to leave with A Zi, which made martial arts fans feel a little more at ease.

I was thinking in my mind that the holy water that Concubine Mu gave to Ah Zi had expired? This couldn't be better.

Even if it didn't fail, it didn't look like the kind of poison that would kill immediately. As long as Xiao Feng could leave smoothly before the drug took effect.

Hope arose in the hearts of all martial arts fans.

Xiao Feng took Azi to the outside of the South Courtyard Prince's Mansion and found that the entire South Courtyard Prince's Mansion had been heavily surrounded by Liao soldiers.

However, Xiao Feng easily broke out of the siege, reached the city gate, and jumped up to the top of the city.

There are no soldiers guarding the outside of the city. As long as you jump down from the city, the sea will be as wide as a fish can jump, and the sky will be open to birds flying, and you will no longer be restricted.

Xiao Feng was so happy that he was about to jump down with Ah Zi.

All the martial arts fans also let out a long breath and were equally happy in their hearts. It seemed that Xiao Feng could leave smoothly. As soon as he got outside the city, relying on Xiao Feng's peerless martial arts, Yelu Hongji even sent thousands of troops to chase him. I am also determined not to catch Xiao Feng.

However, things are often cruel, and the beauty in my heart cannot always be realized, and it is the same now.

Xiao Feng was about to jump down when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, followed by his limbs going limp and his whole body becoming weak.

It turns out that the holy water given to Ah Zi by Concubine Mu is a poison that can make people defenseless in a short period of time.

At the critical moment when Xiao Feng was about to jump off the city, an attack occurred.

Azi also knew at this time that she had fallen into Concubine Mu's trick, but it was too late.

In the end, Xiao Feng and Azi were caught by the Liao soldiers who were chasing them, and were taken back to wait for Yelu Hongji's death.

When passing a river on the road, Ah Zi escaped into the river.

The Liao soldiers captured Xiao Feng and took him back to the Prince's Mansion in the South Campus.

Yelu Hongji did not meet him, but asked someone to imprison Xiao Feng in an iron cage.

A majestic and upright hero became a prisoner. All martial arts fans felt very angry and sad.

Should Azi be blamed? Maybe it's to blame.

But Azi's innocence and infatuation were only taken advantage of. When she learned that the bowl of wine she gave Xiao Feng was actually a bowl of poisoned wine, the regret, self-blame and grief in her heart were probably stronger than ever before. I'm just afraid that I won't be able to die to apologize.

Martial arts fans do not want to embarrass this woman who, although she is unruly and willful, is completely infatuated with Xiao Feng.

The only fault is that Concubine Mu and Yelu Hongji took advantage of Ah Zi's innocence and infatuation to deceive Ah Zi.

But objectively speaking, Yelu Hongji was actually really good to Xiao Feng. He was afraid that Xiao Feng would fall in love with the Southern Dynasty and tried every means to prevent Xiao Feng from leaving. This was actually understandable.

Even though all martial arts fans knew that Xiao Feng would never defect to the Song Dynasty or betray the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Hongji didn't know that.

Even if he knew, he didn't dare to let Xiao Feng leave.

After all, Xiao Feng really knew many military secrets of the Liao Kingdom, and his martial arts skills were extremely high. Once he defected to the Song Dynasty, he would really be a serious problem for the Liao Kingdom.

Even if Xiao Feng will not join the Song Dynasty now, what about in the future? Who can say it clearly?

Therefore, from Yelu Hongji's perspective, there is nothing wrong with him trying every possible means and using intrigues to keep Xiao Feng.

After all, he is the emperor of Liao, and his position is in Liao.

So, whose fault is it that Xiao Feng is now imprisoned in an iron cage and has become a prisoner?

Martial arts fans are indignant and sentimental, but they can't help but think about this question. After much deliberation, there is no answer.

This may not be anyone's fault, but Xiao Feng is a Khitan but grew up in the Song Dynasty. He is neither willing to betray the Liao Kingdom nor harm the Song Dynasty.

This kind of contradiction can never be reconciled. When they intersect, it creates a situation where Xiao Feng is unable to advance or retreat and becomes a prisoner.

All this is not anyone's fault, but the fault of fate. It is fate that always likes to play tricks on the world and watch the world struggle under its tricks.

All the martial arts fans felt sad. Fortunately, the soldiers guarding Xiao Feng were very polite to Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng was not in fear of his life, so he finally had some comfort.

When the story reaches this point, everyone knows that Tianlong Babu is about to come to an end.

They are now feeling angry, sad and worried for Xiao Feng, but they are also reluctant to let go of the story of Tian Long Ba Bu ending like this.

Although none of the stories in Tian Long Ba Bu seem to be beautiful, all people are miserable, and all emotions are evil, Tian Long Ba Bu has an extremely strong charm and attraction that makes people unable to help themselves. Enter its miserable world.

Demi-Gods and Dragons is coming to an end, what will be Xiao Feng's final fate? Touching the hearts of hundreds of millions of readers.

Xiao Feng has been imprisoned in the iron cage for more than two months.

In the past two months, Yelu Hongji sent his troops and generals to prepare for a large-scale southern expedition. The more Xiao Feng prevented him from going south, the more he wanted to go south. He wanted to convince Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng knew that if Yelu Hongji was so powerful this time and really took over the Song Dynasty, he would definitely let him out and show off his power in front of him.

But if Yelu Hongji’s expedition fails and he is defeated,

^0^ Remember in one second【】

And when he comes back, he will definitely be too shameless to see him again, and he will be the first one to kill.

This means that if Yelu Hongji wins, Xiao Feng can regain his freedom, but if Yelu Hongji loses, Xiao Feng will have no choice but to die.

To put it simply, if the Song Dynasty is defeated, Xiao Feng regains his freedom; if the Song Dynasty wins, Xiao Feng dies.


All the martial arts fans couldn't help but shout "Wotai"! How do you choose this?

Fortunately, they didn't need to make a choice, someone came to save Xiao Feng.

Duan Yu, Xu Zhu, Shaolin monks, Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing, members of the Beggar Clan, subordinates of Lingjiu Palace, subordinates of the Duan family in Dali, heroes from the Central Plains, etc., there are many, many people.

It turned out that after Azi escaped halfway that day, she went to the Song Dynasty and met Elder Wu of the Beggar Clan. He told Elder Wu that Xiao Feng was imprisoned by the Emperor of Liao because he was unwilling to lead troops to the south.

After Elder Wu went to Beijing to inquire in person, he knew that what A Zi said was true, so he spread the matter around the world.

The heroes from the Central Plains were grateful for Xiao Feng's benevolence and righteousness. Under the leadership of Shaolin monks, they came to Beijing to rescue Xiao Feng.

Martial arts fans were delighted. In this way, Xiao Feng could regain his freedom, and they no longer had to answer the multiple-choice question.

After the heroes of the Central Plains, Wanyan Aguda also led his troops to rescue him.

Finally, after a lot of fighting, Xiao Feng, the heroes of the Central Plains, and Wanyan Aguda successfully broke through the siege and escaped from Shangjing.

Wanyan Aguda left, while Xiao Feng and the heroes from the Central Plains rushed towards Yanmen Pass.

Xiao Feng was rescued, and Yelu Hongji suffered a huge defeat at the hands of the Central Plains heroes and the Jurchens led by Wanyan Aguda. He would definitely not be resigned to it. He would definitely feel very humiliated and would definitely send heavy troops to chase him.

Only after passing Yanmen Pass can Xiao Feng and the heroes of the Central Plains be truly safe.

This was indeed the case. Yelu Hongji personally led an army to chase Xiao Feng and the Central Plains heroes.

Both sides chased each other, and small-scale battles broke out from time to time.

A few days later, Xiao Feng and the heroes from the Central Plains finally arrived at the Yanmen Pass, and Yelu Hongji's 100,000-strong Liao army was already chasing them.

However, as long as Xiao Feng and the heroes from the Central Plains enter the pass, Yanmen Pass will be easy to defend but difficult to attack, so there will be no danger.

However, the Yanmen Pass gatekeepers were afraid of Liao spies and saw that the Liao army was approaching in an instant, so they closed the gate tightly and refused to open it.

Xiao Feng and the Central Plains heroes were unable to advance and negotiated with the city defenders. After a delay, the Liao army slowly pressed forward from the front.

The hearts of the martial arts fans jumped, and at the same time they complained about Gu Yong. Why does that guy always make the situation so tense?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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