Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1643 Holmes is dead?

Remember in one second【】

The analysis and discussion of the Eight Tribes of the Dragon have been going on for a while, and in the distant country of Lan, a lot of people were gathering on Baker Street at this time.

It is normal for people to gather on Baker Street. Since the birth of Sherlock Holmes, this street has changed from its previous deserted state and has become very lively.

But today's situation is obviously different from usual. In addition to the significantly larger number of people, everyone seems to be particularly excited.

They spoke loudly.

"Oh! God, this is certainly not true. I absolutely do not believe that Holmes will die."

"Of course Holmes will not die, but Li Fan of China killed Holmes."

"I really can't understand. Li Fan of China personally shaped Sherlock Holmes, why would he kill him now?"

"It is impossible for Holmes to die. I will never allow Holmes to die. I will never allow it!"

"I've just accepted Holmes' death and I really want to vent now."

"Oh! Guys, maybe we don't need to be so excited. Holmes just fell down the Reichenbach Falls with Moriarty, and he doesn't necessarily die. This may be just a joke played by Li Fan on us."

"I really hope it's just a joke, but it doesn't look like a joke to me. No matter what, Holmes must not die."

"Of course, Holmes cannot die."


In addition to Baker Street, the entire Internet is full of such voices. Not only the United States, but also the entire European continent and many other countries that have introduced Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes fans from all over the world all feel the same at this time: sadness, anger, confusion, excitement, etc.

Why is this happening? Just because of one case in the Sherlock Holmes series, the last one.

In this case, Watson made it clear from the beginning that he recorded this case with a very sad mood.

This made all the Sherlock Holmes fans feel their hearts skip a beat. They wondered why Watson was feeling so sad.

The previous case was the "Naval Agreement Case\

,"Because Holmes's intervention prevented a serious international dispute, everything was still very normal. Holmes fans don't understand why Watson's mood became heavy when this case came up.

The case began when Holmes went to Watson's consulting room to find Watson. Watson found that Holmes was paler and thinner than usual.

Holmes tells Watson that he is now scared, and he invites Watson to join him on a week-long trip to the European continent.

Watson felt strange. He saw that Holmes was very haggard and nervous now, which made him feel a little weird.

Holmes saw Watson's doubts and took the initiative to tell the reason.

It turned out that there was a professor named Moriarty in Langdun. His influence spread throughout Langdun, and his crime reached its peak.

Half of all criminal activities in Langdun were organized by him, and almost all undetected criminal activities were organized by him.

But almost no one has heard his name, no one knows he exists.

He is a wizard, a philosopher, a profound thinker, a mathematical celebrity, and a retired professor. His wisdom is enough to keep pace with Sherlock Holmes.

If someone wants to commit a crime, steal documents, rob a home, or assassinate a person, all he needs to do is send a word to Moriarty, and the crime will be carefully organized and implemented.

Holmes fought with Moriarty for three full months, and finally had to admit that Moriarty's intelligence was by no means inferior to his. He admired Moriarty's ability even more than he hated his crime.

Fortunately, Moriarty finally made a mistake, a very small mistake. Holmes caught this mistake and laid a trap around Moriarty.

Now everything is ready, just waiting to be collected.

If all goes well, in three days, Moriarty and a group of his main henchmen will all fall into the hands of the police.

After a long game between the two, Holmes finally gained the upper hand.

But after all, Moriarty is a person whose intelligence is not inferior to that of Holmes. He sensed Holmes' methods, found Holmes, and showed off his cards to Holmes.

He tells Holmes to stop immediately or they will perish together.

Holmes replied that if Moriarty could be destroyed, he would be willing to die with Moriarty.

Moriarty left, and in the following time, Holmes would always encounter various attacks. Many times, he escaped successfully at the critical moment without losing his life.

Now, the police are about to close in according to Holmes' arrangement. Holmes invites Watson to travel with him for a week.

Watson will naturally agree, and Holmes is very happy and makes a detailed departure plan for Watson.

The next day, Watson strictly followed the plan formulated by Holmes and successfully met Holmes at the train station.

The two first arrived in Brussels, where they stayed for two days, and on the third day they arrived in Strasbourg.

In Strasbourg, Holmes and Watson received a message.

The police broke up the entire criminal syndicate, but failed to catch Moriarty. Holmes was not around, and no one could catch Moriarty.

Holmes asked Watson to go back to Lan Country first, because it would be dangerous to follow him now.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Holmes knew that Moriarty would definitely come for revenge and would find him.

But Watson refused to leave first, and Holmes had no choice but to continue their journey.

It's an enjoyable trip, but danger can arise at any time.

Holmes was very vigilant but energetic. He told Huasheng many times that if he could get rid of the scourge of Moriarty for society. Then, he is willing to end his detective career, and he has not wasted his life at all.

The two arrived at a small village in Meiringen and checked into a hotel. Then at the suggestion of the innkeeper, the two set off together again, planning to cross the mountains and spend the night in a small village in Rosenloi.

On the way, they came to a place called Reichenbach Falls.

This waterfall is very beautiful and spectacular, but at the same time very dangerous. The melted snow turns into a torrent and pours into the abyss with high splashes.

At this time, a little boy sent them a letter, written by the hotel owner.

The letter said that a woman suddenly fell ill in the hotel and needed a doctor urgently. The shopkeeper knew that Watson was a doctor and hoped that Watson could rush back to save the woman's life.

Watson couldn't ignore it, and after hesitating for a while, he hurried back to the hotel. Holmes did not go back with him, saying he would wait for Watson here.

Watson hurried back to the hotel, found the owner, and asked about the woman's current situation. However, the owner was full of confusion and did not understand what Watson meant.

It turned out that there was no woman suffering from sudden illness in the hotel, and the letter was not written by the owner.

Only then did Watson realize that he had been fooled. When he rushed back to the Reichenbach Falls anxiously, Holmes had disappeared.

Only Holmes's alpenstock was still leaning against the rock on which he had leaned when they parted.

Watson called loudly, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

His loud calls went unanswered, and he only found the letter, or rather the last words, that Holmes had left for him.

It turns out that when the little boy came to deliver the letter, Holmes already knew that it was a scam. The letter was not written by the shopkeeper, but by Moriarty.

Moriarty finally found them.

Holmes did not reveal anything and asked Watson to rush back to the hotel. The grudge between him and Moriarty eventually needed to be resolved, and he did not want to implicate Watson.

Based on the traces at the scene, Watson deduced that after he left, Moriarty appeared and then had a fierce fight with Holmes.

In the end, both men fell into the abyss of the waterfall at the same time, with almost no possibility of finding their bodies.

The most outstanding detectives and the smartest criminals will be buried forever in the bottomless abyss of whirlpools and boiling bubbles.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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