Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1645 Li Fan’s response

Remember in one second【】

How did Sherlock Holmes fans in previous lives express their anger and pressure on Conan Doyle? Li Fan didn't know.

But Li Fan really felt the confusion, confusion, excitement and anger of the Sherlock Holmes fans in this world.

The more dissatisfied and angry Sherlock Holmes fans are, the more they show their love for the work.

For them, Holmes is no longer just a fictional character, but a real-life detective who lives in the apartment at 221b Baker Street.

Not long ago, Lan Guo media launched a selection of the 10 most influential people in Lan Guo, and Sherlock Holmes was on the list, ranking eighth.

Sherlock Holmes is the only virtual character. The other characters on the list are either political leaders or superstars.

It can be seen that Sherlock Holmes is more than just a virtual character in Lan Country.

Of course, it's not just Lan Guo, it's the same in many other countries. Sherlock Holmes is also not just a virtual character.

Everyone loves Holmes so much that naturally they cannot accept his death.

On Baker Street, outside Cuxford Publishing House, and on the Internet, Sherlock Holmes fans were excited, expressing their confusion and anger.

On Baker Street, many media reporters came to interview the emotional Sherlock Holmes fans.

Sherlock Holmes fans have expressed that they will never accept Holmes' death and they hope that Li Fan can resurrect Holmes.

They also said that they were planning to go to the Three Saints Village in China. If Li Fan did not resurrect Holmes, they would continue to protest in the Three Saints Village until Li Fan resurrected Holmes.

Others suggested that since in the last case, Holmes' body was not found.

Then, Li Fan can show that Holmes is not actually dead in the next story, which will not seem abrupt.

Obviously, everyone has only one request, and that is that Li Fan must resurrect Holmes.

Otherwise, they would go to Sansheng Village in China to cause trouble.

They knew that no matter how much trouble they made on Baker Street or outside the Cuxford Publishing House, it would not have the slightest impact on Li Fan.

It has no effect at all.

In this case, if they go to Sansheng Village to cause trouble, it will definitely affect Li Fan.

There is still a possibility for Li Fan to resurrect Holmes.

The media reported on it one after another after the interview.

"In the latest Sherlock Holmes story released today, in the final case, Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty were buried in the abyss of the Reichenbach Falls. Such a result is unacceptable to countless Sherlock Holmes fans. They Gathered on Baker Street in hopes of resurrecting Holmes."

"A large number of Sherlock Holmes fans said that they are planning to go to the Three Saints Village in China to put pressure on Li Fan, so that Li Fan must resurrect Sherlock Holmes."

"Holmes was on the list of the top 10 most influential people in Lan Country last time, ranking eighth. He was also the only virtual character on the list. Holmes has already had great influence in Lan Country. Influence."

"Everyone should thank Li Fan for creating a character like Sherlock Holmes, but everyone will never accept Holmes' death."

"Why did Li Fan let Holmes die? This is a question worth exploring."

"In the last case, Holmes's body was not found, which provided the possibility for Holmes' resurrection."


Li Fan was able to learn about the various reactions of Sherlock Holmes fans and the various reports from the media at the first time.

Li Fan is very pleased about this. Everyone loves Sherlock Holmes so much, and it’s not in vain that he brought this work to this world.

As for all Sherlock Holmes fans, their urgent wish for Sherlock Holmes to be resurrected will naturally come true.

In the previous life, Conan Doyle resurrected Sherlock Holmes in the Empty House Case, and Li Fan will naturally do the same in this world.

Li Fan has no doubts about those Sherlock Holmes fans who say they are coming to Sansheng Village to cause trouble. He believes that those guys are not just talking.

Li Fan was very happy about this. He wanted to welcome those guys, but he was not ready to let those guys come.

It's not that he's afraid of those guys making trouble, it's that he can't bear to let those guys come to the distant country of China.

The reason why he launched the last case was to see how the Sherlock Holmes fans in this world would react?

Now that he has seen the reaction of Sherlock Holmes fans, there is no need to deliberately delay the matter.

Therefore, Li Fan personally responded through the official channel of Cuxford Publishing House, telling everyone not to get excited. Everyone's favorite Sherlock Holmes may not be dead. Perhaps it won't be long before Holmes appears in front of everyone again.

Although Li Fan used the word "maybe" in his response, everyone understood that since Li Fan responded like this, it meant that Holmes would definitely be resurrected.

Li Fan's response spread to dozens of countries immediately, and countless Sherlock Holmes fans cheered.

This time they were equally excited, but this time the excitement was completely different from the previous ones.

They celebrated in the streets and on the Internet, celebrating that Holmes was not dead.

They are excited, they are excited, as if they are celebrating a festival

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Baker Street.

When Li Fan's response spread to the streets, a large number of Sherlock Holmes fans could not restrain their excitement.

They cheered loudly, with extremely excited expressions on their faces, and then they kept high-fiving and hugging each other, expressing congratulations to each other.

The laughter, high-fives, and congratulations never stopped, spreading far away, causing people in the nearby streets to turn their heads and watch.

Outside of Coxford Press.

When Li Fan's response reached here, the reaction of the Sherlock Holmes fans gathered here was no different from the Sherlock Holmes fans on Baker Street.

Everyone was equally excited and excited, and they were also giving each other high fives, hugs, and congratulations.

After a while, after everyone had expressed their excitement, they slowly left in small groups.

Now that it was confirmed that Holmes would be resurrected, they naturally no longer had the need to continue to surround here.

The crowd finally dispersed, and the security personnel guarding here finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

They were once very worried that those emotional Sherlock Holmes fans would do something irrational, but now they are finally safe.

Eduardo also breathed a sigh of relief. This time the crisis was finally passed without any danger.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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