Remember in one second【】

Sherlock Holmes returned safely, and all the turmoil about Sherlock Holmes' death disappeared. Everything returned to what all Sherlock Holmes fans were familiar with.

Huaguo, in the deep mountains outside Shaoxing City.

Li Fan stood on the top of a big tree and looked at a certain place in front of him.

Not far from this big tree, there is a small wooden house, which is the small wooden house where the monkey baby lived before.

Li Fan came to this place again for the two blind bears.

On the night when the monkey boy was in danger, Xiao Ju discovered that the talent potential of the two blind bears had reached 75%.

Although there is still a huge gap between the minimum requirement of 95% and the possibility of growing into a divine beast, 75% talent potential is already extremely rare.

The talent potential of two blind bears, a male and a female, are both 75%, which is even more rare.

Of course, although 75% talent potential is extremely rare, Li Fan doesn't have much interest in it.

The reason why he is coming again now is for the descendants of the two blind bears.

Blind bears are solitary animals. Generally speaking, two blind bears will not live together unless the two guys need to reproduce the next generation.

In fact, the blind female bear was indeed pregnant at the time.

According to Xiao Ju, it is difficult to say how high the talent potential of the next generation born from two blind bears with talent potential reaching 75% is, but it will certainly not be low.

In this case, Li Fan will definitely come back and take a look. If the little guy's talent potential can reach more than 95%, it will be a big surprise.

If you can't reach it, that's okay.

According to time calculation, the little guy should have been born, so Li Fan is back.

"Xiao Ju, have you sensed where the little guy is?" Li Fan asked Xiao Ju in his heart.

"Not yet, Master, not within a radius of ten kilometers. It seems that those two guys were frightened that night and had already fled from the place where they originally lived." Xiaoshu replied.

Li Fan nodded. It was indeed very possible. In that case,

Then we can only search randomly, hoping that those two guys won't run too far.

Then, Li Fan jumped down from the tree, chose a direction, and ran forward.

Along the way, there were rustling sounds in the grass, which were rats, insects, snakes and ants scrambling to escape in all directions.

After running for about ten minutes, the voice of the little curse sounded, "Master, we found them."

Li Fan felt happy and hurriedly stopped and asked, "Where is it?"

Xiaoshu said: "It's about nine kilometers ahead on the left. It's just a pity, Master."

Li Fan said: "What's a pity? Isn't the little guy's talent potential not enough?"

Little Curse said: "Yes, Master, the little guy's talent potential is only 79%. Although it is extremely rare, the gap is too big after all."

"Only seventy-nine percent?" Li Fan was slightly disappointed, but only a little disappointed.

Animals with talent potential reaching over 95% are extremely rare.

If you meet someone, it's fate. If you don't, it's normal. Don't force it.

Therefore, after Li Fan was a little disappointed, he quickly felt relieved.

In this case, Li Fan decided not to disturb the little guy and let the little guy live freely in the mountains.

Afterwards, Li Fan no longer hesitated and walked towards the outside of the mountain.

He has been away from the Journey to the West crew for a few days, and it's time to go back.

The crew is now in a small town in Shaoxing, not too far away.

So far, one-third of the entire filming process has been completed, and the progress is not slow.

The Journey to the West movies of major film and television companies have been filmed one after another, and post-production and promotion are in full swing.

The release time is getting closer and closer, and countless people who are looking forward to it are getting more and more ready to move.

Among the people who are looking forward to it, there are book fans who have read the original work of Journey to the West, and there are also more people who have not read the original work.

They didn't read the original work because they didn't like it, not because they didn't like Journey to the West.

In fact, although they have not read the original work, they also like Journey to the West because they have more or less understood Journey to the West through various channels.

I know that Journey to the West tells the story of Tang Monk, his master and his four disciples, who went to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures.

I've probably heard that you'll encounter some monsters on the road, what kind of monsters?

This makes them also like Journey to the West, and their expectations for the TV series and movies of Journey to the West are the same as those fans who have read the original book.

Li Fan is also looking forward to it. When the movie is released, he will definitely go to see it.

He wants to know what the Journey to the West movie produced by film and television companies in this world looks like?

Longjie Town, a small town in Shaoxing.

Currently, the Journey to the West crew is stationed in this small town.

Li Fan took a bus and arrived at the small town.

Li Fan likes small towns very much, likes the streets of small towns, and likes the different customs and customs in different small towns.

After passing through several narrow but very lively streets, Li Fan arrived at a hotel. The Journey to the West crew had booked the entire hotel.

It was now almost evening, and the crew had returned to the hotel. When the crew saw Li Fan, they were all very surprised.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Say hello.

Li Fan was away for a few days and finally came back.

When Yang Jie heard that Li Fan was back, he hurried over to meet him and said with a smile: "Mr. Li Fan, you are back."

Li Fan also smiled and said: "I'm back. I've been lucky to Director Yang these days."

Yang Jie waved his hand and said, "Mr. Li Fan is serious. I don't feel lucky at all."

Li Fan smiled and added: "Yunfei Film and Television's The Monkey King has just come out and will be officially released in a week. Director Yang and I will go and watch it together."

Yang Jie said: "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, I can't wait very much."

Yunfei Film and Television's The Monkey King has just come out, and a specific release date has been confirmed, just one week from now.

The Monkey King was first released as the opening story of Journey to the West, and now it is the first to be broadcast among all the Journey to the West movies, giving people a very strong sense of expectation.

.On the Internet, countless people can’t wait.

"The first movie is finally going to be released. After waiting for so long, it's finally here. Excited, excited!"

"Moreover, the first movie released happened to be the opening story of Journey to the West. Is this a coincidence?"

"In one week, one week left, I can see Brother Monkey on the screen. I'm so looking forward to it!"


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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