Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1650: Be a hero

Remember in one second【】

When everyone around saw the bodyguard's tall and thick body, they dared not speak out in anger and could only look at the bodyguard with hatred.

The bodyguard obviously felt the gazes of everyone around him. He snorted and raised his eyes to slowly scan around.

Everyone around him caught the bodyguard's gaze and hurriedly moved their gazes aside, not daring to look any further.

Seeing everyone like this, the bodyguard snorted proudly, with a sarcastic look on his face.

But Wang Zhe, who was surrounded in the middle, seemed not to have seen what had just happened, and had no reaction from beginning to end.

Some of the fans who surrounded Wang Zhe frowned slightly and were no longer so excited and excited, while others were still the same as before, not paying attention to what just happened.

A few fans were even more excited, with a hint of pride on their faces. It seemed that their idol's bodyguard was so domineering, which made them feel very proud.

The team continued to move forward, and the two bodyguards in front continued to clear the way. The baby just now was still crying violently, and the young mother's coaxing had little effect.

It was obvious that the baby had just been frightened.

Li Fan frowned slightly, slowly walked out of the crowd, and stopped right in front of the bodyguard who just pushed the stroller away.

"Xiao Ju, how is the baby?" Li Fan asked Xiao Ju in his mind.

"Master, although the baby was quite frightened, there is nothing wrong with it and his body will not be affected." Xiao Ju replied.

Li Fan nodded slowly.

At this time, the bodyguard also saw that Li Fan was blocking his way, and shouted very dissatisfied: "Get out of the way, kid, didn't you see us coming? Don't block the way."

Li Fan did not respond and seemed not to hear the bodyguard's words, and everyone around him also noticed Li Fan.

Someone kindly reminded: "Young man, get out of the way."

Some people had worried looks on their faces, and a few had gloating looks on their faces.

But no matter what everyone's thoughts are, everyone has a common question in their minds, that is, "What is this kid doing? Why doesn't he get out of the way? Didn't he see those two fierce bodyguards?"

On the face of the bodyguard,

There was also a trace of doubt. It was strange that he didn't let the boy get out of the way when he shouted just now.

At the same time, the bodyguard also felt that this made him lose face and his dignity was challenged.

Walking up to Li Fan, he shouted loudly again: "Get out of your way, kid, didn't you hear me?"

While shouting, he also stretched out his kick and kicked Li Fan hard. If an ordinary person was standing here, the damage caused by this kick would definitely be considerable.

Li Fan frowned even more. He could have stood still, but the bodyguard's kick would have definitely felt like he was kicked on a steel plate.

But Li Fan didn't do this. He moved slightly and avoided the kick from the bodyguard.

The bodyguard's kick was in the air, and he couldn't help but let out a small "Hey". It was really strange that an ordinary person could avoid his kick.

Before the bodyguard had time to think about it, he heard Li Fan say calmly: "Why do you say it was me who blocked your way? And not you who blocked my way?"

This statement made everyone stunned. After thinking about it carefully, this statement was indeed correct. When everyone met in the square, it was true that there was no one who blocked the other's way. Rather, it should be said that both sides blocked the other's way.

But everyone has a subconscious, or acquiescence, that one side, or the side with fewer people, blocks the way of the side with more people.

This is a kind of acquiescence, and no one thinks there is anything wrong with it.

Of course, everyone can also see that Li Fan deliberately blocked the way.

But what about deliberately blocking the road? There is nothing wrong with saying that.

The bodyguard was also stunned, and no longer thought about why Li Fan was able to avoid his kick just now, but said: "You just came over just now, of course you were blocking our way."

Li Fan said calmly: "If you feel that I am blocking your way, then you can go around."

Go around? Of course it is possible, but in this case, will their face be lost?

The bodyguard sneered and said, "Do you know who this is?"

Li Fan said lightly: "I don't know, who is it?"

The bodyguard raised his head and said: "Third-tier superstar Wang Zhe, the appearance fee for a trip here is 500,000. If you waste time, you can't afford to pay. If you are smart, apologize quickly and get away." "

"Wang Zhe, it turns out to be Wang Zhe."

"It is indeed Wang Zhe."

Some people around who didn't know or weren't sure who "Daji" was thought in their hearts.

They don't know who "Daji" is, but as a third-tier star, Wang Zhe still knows.

"Third-tier star? The appearance fee is high? Time is precious?" Li Fan still said calmly, "Then, so what?"

"Then?" The bodyguard choked. When he thought about it, if the other party knew Wang Zhe's identity as a third-tier star, shouldn't he immediately become excited and excited, or hurriedly step aside? Why would you ask and then what?

Everyone around was also stunned. They thought that Li Fan would get out of the way in a hurry when they heard that he was a third-tier star. They did not expect that Li Fan would ask such a question.

They looked at Li Fan, felt Li Fan's indifference, and felt in their hearts

^0^ Remember in one second【】

There were ripples.

The bodyguard didn't react, and then heard Li Fan say: "Why did you push the stroller out with force just now? Don't you know that doing that will frighten the baby in the car?"

The baby was still crying, and the young mother was still coaxing.

Of course, she also noticed the situation between Li Fan and the bodyguard. When she heard what Li Fan said, she looked at Li Fan very gratefully, with tears in her eyes.

They were tears of gratitude, relief and grievance.

When everyone around heard what Li Fan said, they instantly understood Li Fan's intention of deliberately blocking the way.

That's because the previous bodyguard, regardless of the safety of the baby on the stroller, deliberately pushed the stroller out with force, which angered Li Fan.

In fact, the bodyguard's action angered many people at the scene, but everyone dared not speak out. Only Li Fan stood up.

After understanding this, most people looked at Li Fan with praise and admiration, but also some worry.

Only a few people's eyes still looked like they were gloating. They thought to themselves, "This stupid boy probably saw that the young mother was quite beautiful and wanted to stand up for her, but he didn't even look at how much he weighed." How many liang? Now we have a good show, that stupid boy can’t be a hero, but he will definitely not be able to run away.”

When the bodyguard heard Li Fan's words, he also understood Li Fan's intentions. He said that it felt like this guy was deliberately blocking the way. It turned out that he was trying to stand up for what happened just now.

The bodyguard naturally knew that the baby in the car would be frightened by the force he just pushed out.

But if you're frightened, you're frightened, and you won't get hurt, so what's the big deal?

The bodyguard squinted his eyes, looked at Li Fan carefully, and said jokingly: "Why are you so brave and dare to deliberately block the way? It turns out that you want to be a hero. You are looking at that woman You’re beautiful, so you’re here to stand up for her, right?”

Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "What you said is both right and wrong. As for which part is right? Which part is wrong? I don't want to say it. Just go back to the question I just asked."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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