Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1661 Priceless Treasure

Remember in one second【】

Everyone watched Li Fan leave. Does anyone want to say something? He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Wang Zhe's die-hard fans originally wanted to ridicule a few words, saying that Li Fan was afraid that his handwriting would be ugly and he would be laughed at, so he ran away after finishing writing, but for some reason, they did not say anything.

There was an eerie silence at the scene. It wasn't until Li Fan turned a corner and completely disappeared that the buzzing sound of voices returned.

Wang Zhe's die-hard fans finally sneered at this time.

"He ran away after he finished writing. It seems that he also knows that his writing is not very good, so he is somewhat self-aware."

“I have the courage to write, but I don’t have the courage to face everyone’s comments. I don’t know whether to say he is not courageous enough or that he is self-aware?”

"It's a pity that he left. Otherwise, we would have asked our Daji to give him a good review. Maybe he would have benefited a lot from it. It was a great opportunity wasted without realizing it."

"Forget it, just run away. You are a great master no matter what. If someone laughs at you for your poor calligraphy, it will be very shameless after all."


The fans were talking a lot, their voices high-pitched. Wang Zhe sneered in his heart, "He actually ran away. It seems that I still think highly of him."

Then, Wang Zhe was secretly proud that he had indeed the foresight to comment on Li Fan while he was still writing.

If he says what he just said now, without Li Fan as the protagonist, the sense of satisfaction will be greatly reduced.

Wang Zhe was secretly proud. With Li Fan gone, he no longer had to worry about Li Fan using tricks on him. The sense of superiority of a third-tier star was completely back.

He was thinking now that if Liu Dong was willing to beg him hard and beg him to attend today's promotion, as long as he gave him enough face, he might agree.

After all, the appearance fee of 500,000 is not a small sum.

His assistant understood and said loudly on purpose: "Boss Liu, that guy is gone, and things here are over. If you still want us to attend your promotional activities, just show some sincerity, and maybe our Daji will Consider attending.”

However, after Liu Dong heard it, he didn't react at all and remained motionless.

You seem to be thinking hard about something?

The assistant was very unhappy when he saw that his words were ignored. He snorted heavily, and Wang Zhe's face instantly turned darker again.

Liu Dong did hear the assistant's words, but he ignored them. He was wondering who the "Xianyuan Jiashi" could be. He could feel that he must know who this person was? But just a little bit, a little bit...

Liu Dong was thinking, and everyone at the scene was talking about it. Since the words were still spread out on the long table, most people at the scene had not seen the words.

When they heard the voices of those die-hard fans, they couldn't help but think, "Are those idiot fans really right? Is that young man really worried that his handwriting is too ugly, so he ran away in a hurry? But what if If I’m really worried about my handwriting being ugly, there’s absolutely no need for him to write it.”

Everyone was confused and talking. They originally thought that Liu Dong would soon ask the people around him to display the words so that everyone at the scene could see clearly.

But who would have thought that after waiting for a long time, Liu Dong didn't seem to have any intention of letting anyone show the words, but was just thinking about what he was doing?

Someone couldn't wait any longer and said loudly: "Boss Liu, shouldn't you show that calligraphy for everyone to see? Everyone is waiting."

"Yes, Boss Liu, if you have any questions, let's think about it later. Let's take a look at the handwriting first and see how well the young man writes?"

"Although that young man gave it to you as a gift, you should also let us see it."

"Boss Liu, if you don't show it, we will all come over!"


Everyone wanted to rush in and see what was going on, but in the end they held back because there were too many people.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that Boss Liu Dongliu, who had been motionless, suddenly seemed to be very excited, and even his body seemed to be trembling slightly due to excessive excitement.

Just when everyone was confused, Liu Dong said excitedly: "Sorry, sorry, very sorry! I will show this word to everyone and encourage everyone. Xiaolin, let's raise this word together, For everyone to enjoy.”

Xiao Lin was Liu Dong's assistant. Hearing this, he quickly agreed and walked to the other end of the long table, preparing to raise the paper with Liu Dong, one on each side.

Liu Dong's hands were trembling slightly. It was obvious that he already knew who the "Xianyuan layman" was?

He knew that this pair of words would be a priceless treasure.

The calligraphy itself, the content of the sixteen characters, the birth process, and most importantly the identity of the author, will make this calligraphy an absolutely priceless treasure, and the birth process will also become a beautiful story.

Frame these words and hang them in a shopping mall. Liu Dong can't imagine how popular his shopping mall will be.

Liu Dong believed that if he offered a price, even if it was an astronomical figure, there would be many people chasing after the word.

Of course, it was impossible for him to make an offer.

Liu Dong was excited as never before and said to Xiao Lin: "Xiao Lin, be careful, be careful, be extremely careful."

Xiao Lin hadn't realized who "Xianyuan Jushi" was, and was a little puzzled by Liu Dong's excitement. He said, "Mr. Liu, your hand

^0^ Remember in one second【】

If you are trembling, you are the one who wants to..."

Xiao Lin wanted to say, "You should be more careful." But it seemed that something was wrong with what he said, so he only said half of it.

Liu Dong understood what Xiaolin meant, laughed, and said, "Of course I will be very careful."

Then, the two of them jointly raised the words, and Liu Dong said to everyone: "'Serve with heart, be honest, be sincere, and be trusted by everyone.' This was the gentleman's message to me. Now please enjoy it together, and I encourage you all."

Everyone at the scene finally saw the content of this sentence clearly.

Then, there were exclamations everywhere, and everyone had looks of shock and disbelief on their faces.

I saw 16 big characters running around like dragons and snakes, they were carefree and unrestrained, and their momentum was extraordinary. Everyone who saw them felt relaxed and happy, as if they were intoxicated!

"The word this, this, this"

Some people want to say something and comment on this word, but find that they don’t know what words should be used to express it?

It seems that all the words are not enough to express the feelings in their hearts at this moment.

Is this what the young man wrote? It's really shocking.

They actually thought that the young man left early because he was worried that his handwriting was not good. How ridiculous!

Wang Zhe was stunned. Although he didn't know calligraphy, he knew that the person who could write such words was definitely the best among everyone.

How could that boy be so young and have such profound attainments in calligraphy?

Wang Zhe never believed it, but those words were right in front of him, and he had to believe them.

Suddenly, Wang Zhe felt fear in his heart. It was a kind of fear that arises involuntarily when facing an overly powerful enemy.

Although it cannot be said that the young man was Wang Zhe's enemy, Wang Zhe still had this feeling of fear.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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