Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1666 Well done

Remember in one second【】

In the movie hall.

The Monkey King in the first appearance of the Monkey King is far from Li Fan's requirements in terms of appearance, movements, and performance, and the soundtrack is also relatively average.

However, as mentioned before, putting these aside, in the eyes of an audience who has never watched any Journey to the West film and television works, this is a wonderful movie.

For example, the other audiences in this movie hall are very excited to watch, and they exclaim "Wow, wow, wow" from time to time.

The plots of entering the Water Curtain Cave, becoming the Monkey King, traveling across the sea to learn skills from a master, and returning from studying skills to go to the Dragon Palace to collect treasures are very restored, and the use of special effects is also good. There are many places that still make Li Fan nod frequently.

The movie was very long, a full 150 minutes, but when the movie ended, all the viewers were still unsatisfied and wondered why it was so short. Do you have half an hour?

When they knew that a full 150 minutes had passed, they all felt very unbelievable that such a long time had passed without any feeling at all.

It can be seen that this is a successful movie.

Although the audience was still reluctant to leave, the movie finally ended and everyone had to walk outside the theater.

Li Fan, Yang Jie, Liu Yu, and Lin Xin were also among the crowd.

As everyone walked outside, they excitedly talked about their feelings after watching it. There were scenes of people making noises everywhere.

The cinema lobby was full of spectators waiting to watch the 12:30 time slot. When they saw the spectators coming out of the entrance of the cinema, they couldn't help but ask: "Hey, hey, friend, is it good to watch?"

Almost all the answers I got were, "It's beautiful, very beautiful. If possible, I really want to sit inside and watch it again."

Hearing such questions, the waiting audience became even more impatient.

After walking out of the cinema, Li Fan asked Yang Jie, Lin Xin and Liu Yu: "What do the three directors think?"

Yang Jie mused: "It is a wonderful movie, but it cannot become a classic."

Lin Xin said: "If there were no Monkey King played by Monkey Boy, I might think that Sun Wukong played by Zhong Liang is not bad, but after watching Monkey King played by Monkey Boy,

You will find that the two are very different. "

Liu Yu said: "Let's not talk about Zhong Liang's appearance. The various actions and the feeling of the performance are not at all like Monkey King. However, considering that this is a movie, it is not unacceptable."

Lin Xin added: "Indeed, it is still acceptable. As Director Yang said, this is a wonderful movie."

Yang Jie looked at Li Fan and said with a smile, "What do you think, Mr. Li Fan?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's pretty much what you said. Overall, I'm satisfied."

Then, Li Fan took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. Soon, the call was connected.

Li Fan said with a smile: "Old man, let's finish reading. How do you feel?"

The call was to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Liang Sheng, and Zheng Jie are also looking forward to the film version of Journey to the West. The first Journey to the West movie is finally released today, so naturally they will not miss it.

And they don't need to go to the county cinema to watch it, they can watch it at the Xianyuan Building in the village.

Xianyuan Building is a comprehensive restaurant, which naturally also has a movie hall. The movie hall is open to guests of Xianyuan Building for free.

At 10 o'clock this morning, the movie hall in Xianyuan Building, like all movie theaters across the country, premiered "The Monkey King" for the first time simultaneously.

When the movie started, the cinema hall was filled with guests from the Xianyuan Building, including Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Liang Sheng, and Zheng Jie.

Now, the screening of "The First Coming of the Monkey King" has ended, and Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Liang Sheng, and Zheng Jie have also walked out of the Xianyuan Building and are walking towards the village.

On the way, Qin Lie received a call from Li Fan and said with a smile: "Overall, it's good. It's just that Sun Wukong still lacks some feeling. But Sun Wukong is extremely difficult to play, so we can't be too demanding."

Li Fan's voice came from the phone: "It seems that the old man is easily satisfied."

Qin Lie laughed and scolded: "You kid, make your TV series well. I'm not strict with other people's movies, but that doesn't mean I'm not strict with your TV series either. To be honest, after watching the first release of the Monkey King today, I found out that Monkey King is going to perform Well, it’s more difficult than I thought before. I have to lower my expectations for your TV series, so as not to have too high expectations. If your TV series doesn’t reach it, you will be embarrassed.”

Li Fandao: "The old man is so reasonable, I am very touched! However, the old man can raise his expectations a little bit. As I said before, I will never let you down."

Qin Lie said: "Okay, okay, since you are still so confident, I will give you a chance. My expectations have been raised again."

Li Fan said: "Just try to improve. If I disappoint you, I will lose."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and said: "By the way, you did a good job in what happened this morning, and the severity of your actions was more appropriate. Next time you encounter such a thing, continue."

Li Fan said: "Old man, you are very well-informed. How long has it been? You already know."

Qin Lie said: "It's already spread all over the world, it's strange that I didn't know about it."


The incident Qin Lie mentioned in the morning was naturally what happened in the square downstairs of that movie theater.

Before the Monkey King came into being,

^0^ Remember in one second【】

By the time the screening ended, the incident had already spread on the Internet.

Regarding Li Fan's incident, it spread very quickly. Countless people were very excited and talked about it on the Internet.

"Haha! From now on, there is another chapter in the legend about Mr. Li Fan, which is really cool."

"Every legend about Mr. Li Fan is very exciting, and this time is no exception. It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time and didn't see Mr. Li Fan's style with my own eyes. It's really a pity."

"Yes, I really envy those who were there to personally witness the birth of the latest legend about Mr. Li Fan."

"The most enviable one is the boss named Liu Dong. The value of that word is simply immeasurable. I don't know how many entrepreneurs will be envious and jealous."

"It's useless to be envious or jealous. That's an opportunity that belongs to Boss Liu. Moreover, the reason why Boss Liu has such an opportunity is because he was unwilling to do things against his conscience before. This is really a good thing. Well done, congratulations to Boss Liu.”

"That lucky young mother is also enviable. That young mother should also be a kind person, so she is destined to be helped by Mr. Li Fan. I wish the young mother, and also wish the baby healthy growth, when he grows up Be a kind person."

"There were rumors before that Mr. Li Fan's skills were extraordinary, and now it's finally confirmed. It's a pity that I didn't see it in person. What a pity, what a pity!"

"Poor third-tier star Wang Zhe, he has completely become the villain this time."

"I can't blame others for this. I can only blame him for having a strong sense of superiority. He thinks that his status as a third-tier star is so great and that he is much nobler than ordinary people. Alas! If he could reach 100% of Mr. Li Fan's At this level, I guess I won’t be embarrassed this time.”


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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