Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1690 Bai Yujing and the Sword of Eternal Life

Remember in one second【】

The Sword of Eternal Life begins with a poem, an ethereal and fairy-like poem, a poem that makes everyone excited.

Guyong is also good at poetry. Everyone has known this for a long time. The opening chapter of the previous "Xia Ke Xing" is also an exciting poem to read.

At the same time, very excellent poems have appeared in many works.

Now, everyone once again appreciates the elegance of ancient poetry.

More importantly, as soon as this poem came out, it immediately showed an extraordinary momentum, making everyone look forward to the content that follows!

"The white jade capital in the sky, the fifth floor and the twelve cities. The immortal touches my head and knots my hair to grant immortality." The content of this poem is not difficult to understand.

It is said that the palace in the sky and the white jade capital have five pavilions and twelve cities. The immortal caressed my head and received my talisman of immortality.

In his previous life, this poem was not originally written by Gu Long, but by the poet Li Bai. Gu Long quoted this poem at the beginning of the Sword of Eternal Life.

Li Bai's original poem is very long and is one of Li Bai's longest poems. Interestingly, the title of this poem is also very long, with 22 characters.

The first four sentences are the four sentences Gu Long quoted at the beginning of The Sword of Eternal Life.

However, the second sentence of Li Bai's original poem was "Twelve Floors and Five Cities", but when Gu Long quoted it, he changed it to "Five Floors and Twelve Cities".

The reason why Gu Long changed it like this may be due to metrical considerations, but after changing it like this, it doesn't seem to be very appropriate.

Because there is a saying of "twelve floors and five floors". Taoism believes that there is a White Jade Capital in the sky, and there are five cities and twelve floors on Kunlun Mountain, not five floors and twelve cities.

Of course, since Gu Long has changed like this, he may have his intentions, and we can only guess on our own.

In addition, Li Bai's widely circulated poem, "Clear water brings out hibiscus, and nature removes the carvings." It also comes from this poem.

Many people know "The white jade capital in the sky, the five cities on the twelfth floor." and "The hibiscus emerges from the clear water, and the natural carvings are removed." But they don't know that they are actually the same poem.

Now that this poem appears in this world, it will naturally become an original poem by Gu Yong.

Therefore, for the countless people in this world who have seen this poem at this time, let’s not talk about the work of Eternal Life Sword. How about it? First of all, this poem is an absolute classic.

Looking at it from another angle, with such a classic poem as the beginning, how can this work be any worse?


Nine strange people suddenly appeared on the stone street. They were wearing jute blouses, multi-eared hemp shoes, and a golden ring as big as a bowl hung on their left ear. Their messy hair was actually red, and it hung around their shoulders like flames.

These nine people were tall and short, old and young. Although their faces were different, their faces were all expressionless. They walked without moving their shoulders or bending their knees, just like zombies.


This is the beginning of Sword of Eternal Life. Right from the beginning, readers seem to have a different feeling than when they read Gu Yong's previous works.

Did you feel different from the beginning? This seems unlikely. Could it be a psychological effect?

A group of readers were a little confused. After thinking carefully for a while, they found the reason, and it really wasn't a psychological effect.

The reason lies in the word "twilight" at the beginning.

If it were Gu Yong's previous works, to express that time is dusk, it would definitely not be like now, with only the word "dusk", a paragraph of its own, simple and crude.

Instead, he will use one or two sentences to describe the dusk environment in detail.

"It's really different." None of the readers thought that the difference in Gu Yong's new work started from the first two words of the opening chapter.

After sighing inwardly, the readers continued reading.

The more I look at it, the more obvious the different feeling becomes.

The story mainly tells that a group of highly capable people gathered in Fengyun Inn to do a business with an organization called Qinglonghui.

It turns out that the Qinglong Society wants to sell something, something that is very attractive to people from various gangs in the world.

Sun Jing, the master of Qinglong Hall, sent out a total of twelve invitations, inviting twelve people to come and participate in the purchase. The one with the highest price will get it.

But in the end, only four people came, namely: Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhang San, and Zhu Dashao.

The other eight people were killed by four people each on the way there.

Only four people arrived, but the business still had to be done.

Gongsun Jing took four people to see the goods. The goods were stored very tightly. The five people passed through many mechanisms before reaching the iron box where the goods were stored.

However, when Gongsun Jing opened the iron box, he was shocked to find that the goods inside were missing.

There was just a note that said: "Thank you, you are such a good person."

It was obvious that the goods had been stolen.

In shock, Gongsun Jing, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhang San, and Zhu Dashao seemed to have guessed who stole the goods.

"If there are really only seven people in the world who can break through these thirteen ambushes, which seven people are they?"

"There is no doubt that there is at least one person among them. No matter how you calculate it, he must be one of these seven people."

"Who is this person?"

"Bai Yujing!"

Several people guessed that Bai Yujing had stolen the goods.

"Bai Yujing." When all the readers saw this name, they were all excited. According to the opening poem "Bai Yujing in the Sky", they knew that Bai Yujing must be the protagonist of this work.

The protagonist finally appears.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"Bai Yujing is not in the sky, but on a horse.

His saddle was old, his boots and scabbard equally old, but his clothes were new.

The scabbard of his sword was already knocking against the saddle, and the spring breeze blew in his face.

He felt very happy and comfortable.

The old saddle was comfortable to sit on, the old boots were comfortable to wear, the old scabbard would never damage the edge of his sword, and the new clothes always made him feel energetic and energetic.

But what pleased him the most was not these, but those eyes.


This is Bai Yujing's appearance. The free and uninhibited words reflect a free and uninhibited prodigal character.

This kind of writing has never appeared in Gu Yong's previous works. Everyone's eyes were filled with excitement.

The eyes that pleased Bai Yujing the most were the eyes of a woman. The woman was sitting in a carriage. She had a pair of very charming eyes and always glanced at Bai Yujing secretly.

This is Bai Yujing's third encounter with a woman.

Bai Yujing is a prodigal who likes to wander, but now he likes these eyes, and maybe also likes the owner of these eyes.

Bai Yujing looked at the woman, pointed at himself, and then at the woman's carriage.

The woman nodded, smiled sweetly, and opened the car door.

So, Bai Yujing got off his horse and entered the woman's carriage.

Bai Yujing told the woman that his name was Bai Yujing, and the woman told Bai Yujing that her name was Yuan Zixia.

Three fast horses galloped past the carriage, and the people on the horses took away the sword Bai Yujing had placed on the saddle.

Yuan Zixia told Bai Yujing that someone had stolen his sword, but Bai Yujing just smiled and did not respond.

Yuan Zixia felt a little disappointed. Bai Yujing didn't care about his sword. Maybe he was not a hero.

However, soon, the three men returned Bai Yujing's sword, and at the same time, they clasped their fists and bowed on their horses.

Those three people recognized Bai Yujing's sword, the most terrifying sword in the world, the Sword of Immortality.

People in the world are afraid of Bai Yujing and Bai Yujing's sword. Because he is the only one who kills, and no one can ever kill him.

Yuan Zixia was stunned and asked Bai Yujing if he knew that those three people would return the sword?

Bai Yujing still just smiled.

Seeing this, all the readers became more and more excited. This kind of free and uninhibited writing gave them a brand new reading experience.

Bai Yujing and Bai Yujing's longevity sword also made them excited.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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