Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1703 Honesty

Remember in one second【】

Duan Yu's popularity with women is also good. All book fans think that the girl who disguises herself as a man must be a very beautiful girl and may be the heroine of this work.

Although it is a short and medium-length work, there are heroines who are not.

It's just that Duan Yu, like Duan Yu, is a little confused about the style. The girl takes the initiative to invite him to drink, but he actually ignores her.

All male book fans really feel extremely sad.

However, it is indeed right to be careful when going out.

The few pieces of advice Duan Yu's father gave him before he went out are of reference value even in today's society.

The story continues.

Opposite Duan Yu, a boat appeared on the water of the West Lake. In the boat, a beautiful woman was singing a love song.

Then another speedboat came. There were four monks on the speedboat, maybe they were fake monks.

The speedboat hit the painting boat, and the four monks on the speedboat rushed towards the beautiful woman singing in the painting boat.

It seems that there is going to be a scene of four monks who don't know the truth and falsehood bullying a beautiful and weak woman in broad daylight.

Duan Yuzheng is young and has a lot of passion in his chest. If he doesn't care about this kind of thing, how can he talk about supporting the weak and overcoming the strong, and doing chivalry and justice?

So Duan Yu rushed across the lake. His Qinggong was very good, and his martial arts was also very good.

He easily knocked four monks into the water and completed a heroic rescue.

However, this time the hero saved the beauty, but he threw away the advice given by his father not to meddle in other people's business.

Duan Yu was about to leave. He was a hero when he did good deeds without leaving his name.

However, the beauty called him out and invited him to rest in the boat. In order to thank Duan Yu for his rescue, she also invited Duan Yu to drink.

The beauty told Duan Yu that she asked Hua Ye to come.

The name is beautiful, the beauty is even more beautiful, and the voice of the beauty is like an oriole emerging from the valley, light, crisp, and sweet.

Wine is also good wine.

Both beauty and wine can make Duan Yu intoxicated.

Therefore, Duan Yu was drunk.

"The bright moon.

On a moonlit night in the West Lake, under the moonlight, the painted boat has been moored on the bank of the willows.

Where are people?

People are intoxicated and people are sleeping.


Duan Yu was taken off the boat and brought to a room filled with the fragrance of flowers. She lay on a bed that was more fragrant than the flowers. There was a woman more beautiful than the flowers beside her, it was Huaye Lai.

Hua Yelai woke up and called Duan Yu's name several times, but Duan Yu didn't answer.

Duan Yu was actually awake, but he didn't want to answer.

Hua Yelai stole Duan Yu's belongings and hid them in a flower pot.

Duan Yu saw it but remained silent.

After Hua Yelai finished hiding her things, she lay down next to Duan Yu and fell asleep.

Hua Ye came to sleep, or pretended to be asleep, but Duan Yu got up. He walked to the flower pot and poured everything into his purse. It was his stuff.

Then, Duan Yu left.

After dawn, Duan Yu was already far away from the place where he slept last night. He took out his purse and looked at it.

But he found that besides the things that were originally his, there were two more things inside.

A string of pearls bigger than longan and a crystal jade tablet are all priceless treasures.

Soon, Duan Yu understood that Hua Yelai often did this kind of thing. The flowerpot was where she hid things. The extra pearls and jade tablets should have been stolen by Hua Yelai from others and placed in the flower pot. Under the basin, when Duan Yu took his things, he poured them into his purse together.

Since it was stolen, Duan Yu was not prepared to return it.

Besides, even if he went, he might not be able to find Hua Yelai.

On the edge of the West Lake, Duan Yu called a boatman and asked him to take him to the Shijia Inn.

But the boatman said that Duan Yu had gotten into a big deal and had offended someone he shouldn't have offended, so he would definitely die.

Unless he goes to Fenglin Temple and finds a Taoist named Gu, there may be a chance of survival.

Who did Duan Yu offend? There should only be those four monks who were knocked into the water by him. It seemed that those four monks had a great backer.

Duan Yu decided to go to Fenglin Temple, but he didn't know how to get there?

At this time, the girl who wanted to invite Duan Yu to drink appeared again.

The girl was still dressed as yesterday, except that there was an elegantly decorated long sword on the silk ribbon around her waist.

Only then did Duan Yu realize that the jade sword he was carrying was missing.

The girl took Duan Yu to Fenglin Temple. On the way, the girl told Duan Yu that her name was Hua Huafeng.

Next to Fenglin Temple, there is a tavern called "Gu Daoren", and the owner of the tavern is also called Gu Daoren.

In the tavern, Duan Yu and Hua Huafeng did not see Gu Daoren, but they saw Gu Daoren's wife, who was very beautiful. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also graceful.

Because she married Taoist Gu, everyone called her a female Taoist priest.

After the female Taoist priest understood the purpose of Duan Yu and Hua Huafeng's visit, she told Duan Yu what kind of person he had offended?

The person he offended was indeed the backer of the four monks, Monk King Tieshui.

Monk King Tieshui used to be the number one master in the Shaolin Temple. Later, he left the Shaolin Temple and recruited many disciples in the world.

No matter who wants to join his disciples, he must first shave his head and become a monk. But once he joins his disciples, he will no longer be afraid of being bullied.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Therefore, Monk King Tieshui had many disciples, and the four monks Duan Yu knocked into the water were disciples of Monk King Tieshui.

The four monks came to find Huaye because they wanted to eliminate harm to the martial arts world.

It turns out that Hua Yelai is a famous thief. Many people in the Jiangnan martial arts world have suffered great losses from Hua Yelai. Monk King Tieshui plans to get rid of Hua Yelai.

But Duan Yu rescued Hua Yelai. In this way, Monk King Tieshui would think that Duan Yu was Hua Yelai's accomplice and would naturally not let Duan Yu go.

Of course, Monk King Tieshui acted in an extreme way, and Duan Yu knocked four of his disciples into the water, which would have damaged his face. He would not let Duan Yu go in this matter.

Afterwards, the female Taoist priest pointed out a way for Duan Yu to find his husband, Taoist Gu.

This is consistent with what the boatman said.

Gu Daoren is addicted to gambling and is currently gambling in a room.

Duan Yu entered the house and saw a total of four people gambling, but soon, one person left.

The remaining three people were very keen on gambling. When they saw Duan Yu, they asked Duan Yu to gamble together.

Duan Yu didn't want to gamble at first, but he thought he was here to ask Daoren Gu for help this time, so he might as well gamble with him so that he could talk to him later.

The money used for gambling was chips. Duan Yu mistakenly believed that one chip represented a penny, so he was very happy to gamble. He bet as much as he wanted, which made the other three people have a good impression of him.

He was very lucky and won a lot of chips in the end. Only then did he realize that one chip represents a thousand silver coins.

Duan Yu was shocked. Fortunately, he won. If he had lost,

Finally, Duan Yu said that he could not take the money he won because he thought that one chip only represented one penny, so he dared to gamble like that.

If he knew that one chip represented one thousand taels of silver, he would not dare to gamble.

In addition to Gu Daoren, the other three people, one named Wang Fei and the other Lu Jiu, are all famous masters in the world.

From the moment Duan Yu entered the house to now, they saw something called "honesty" in Duan Yu.

Very honest!

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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