Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1709 The story is exciting, but not beautiful

Remember in one second【】

The Love Circle is over, and the story of the fourth weapon is fully presented to book fans.

The story of Duoqinghuan always reveals a heavy atmosphere, which makes book fans feel a little heavy.

Stories about revenge are often heavy, not to mention that in the end the protagonist Xiao Shaoying died together with her enemy.

Gao Li, the protagonist of Peacock Ling, has died, and now Xiao Shaoying, the protagonist of Qingqinghuan, has also died.

Regarding the deaths of Gao Li and Xiao Shaoying, book fans have somewhat different feelings.

Gao Li's death made everyone feel regretful and sad, but Xiao Shaoying's death did not seem to have much regret or sadness.

Some are just sad.

This may be because Duoqinghuan is a story about revenge. Xiao Shaoying has no relatives or friends, and only hatred is left in his heart.

Everything he did was just for revenge, and his mission in life was only revenge.

Now that he has succeeded in his revenge, his mission is complete.

He has no relatives or friends. He is actually dead when he is alive.

In this case, death may be his final destination.

Therefore, when Xiao Shaoying and her enemies died in the sea of ​​​​fire in the end, book fans had no regrets or sadness, some just sighed and sighed.

A sigh for life!

Qingqinghuan has a poetic name, so all the book fans like this name.

When they saw this name, everyone thought it would be a romantic and beautiful story.

But unfortunately, behind such a poetic name, there is a heavy story.

It's not beautiful, and it's not romantic.

Hatred is the real fourth weapon and a terrible weapon.

The power of hatred is huge, and everyone has to admit it.

And behind the hatred, the stories are often not pretty.

.On the network,

There is always a sigh in the discussion voices of book fans.

"Sentimental Ring, what a beautiful name, but unfortunately behind the sentimentality, there is ruthlessness. Because of ruthlessness, there are so many killings, and there are so many regrettable people and stories."

"When there is only hatred left in a person's heart, his power is huge, but it is also sad. Just like Xiao Shaoying, in the process of revenge, he is perseverant, wise and brave, but after revenge, he His life has lost its meaning, and death is his best destination.”

"The fourth weapon, 'Love Ring', is the weapon with the most beautiful name, but the 'hatred' it represents is the least beautiful thing."

"Although hatred is not beautiful, you have to admit that it is a terrible weapon."

"It is indeed a terrible weapon, but I hope there is no such weapon in the world."

"Without this kind of weapon, Jianghu would no longer be Jianghu. Not only Jianghu, but also the real world we live in. Hatred is always cruelly accompanying our lives."

"There is no way. Some hatred is indeed unforgettable and cannot be erased. I just want to say that if you can let go of the hatred, try to let it go, and then discover the beauty of life. Don't let some unnecessary hatred destroy your life. Life rules.”

"Indeed, if you can let go of the hatred, let it go as much as possible. Life is always beautiful."


Hatred has become an unavoidable topic. When it comes to this topic, the atmosphere is always a little heavy.

What brought up this topic was another weapon with a very beautiful name, the Amorous Ring.

This seems to make the topic of hatred even more serious.

Book fans are talking about it, and many famous celebrities and martial arts masters have also posted on Weibo about their feelings after reading Duoqinghuan.

Yang Qiming wrote on Weibo: "The ring name 'passionate' is such a poetic weapon? But who has seen the ruthlessness behind it? Hatred has been cruelly accompanying mankind since the birth of mankind. Hatred has been cruel to mankind. It is a weapon and a kind of power. It can make you angry or blind your eyes. Therefore, we should not only see hatred in our eyes."

Li Bo also wrote on Weibo: "The Passionate Ring, the fourth weapon in Gu Yong's works, represents 'hate'. The whole work always reveals a heavy atmosphere, extermination of families, hatred and revenge, we simply cannot There is no way to escape the pain caused by hatred and everything that is forever contrary to beauty. Who can underestimate the power of hatred?"

Luo Ye, a famous martial arts master, wrote silently: "Ge Tingxiang destroyed the Double Ring Gate and planted the seeds of hatred in Xiao Shaoying's heart. Xiao Shaoying, who should have been enjoying a beautiful life comfortably and unrestrainedly, had to let the seeds of hatred in her body. From then on, all that was left in his life was revenge. Although he was not born for hatred, he died for hatred in the end. All other kinds of love, freedom, and pursuit... were so pale in the face of hatred. His life was a miserable life, but he had no choice.”

Wang Yang, the editor-in-chief of Dawuxia, wrote: "Xiao Shaoying is an alcoholic, but he is not a prodigal. He is just a seed of hatred that takes root and sprouts. He is burdened with the reputation of a 'prodigal' and a 'pervert', and is 'Expelled' from the master. From then on, he could no longer enjoy the love of his master, the friendship of his classmates, and the love of his lover. His life was less fun, so he became an alcoholic, but he was also a successful revenger. Messenger, he used his perseverance, wisdom and bravery to finally avenge the 'Double Ring Gate'. This can be regarded as a success in his life. "

Liang Sheng also wrote on Weibo: "Xiao Shaoying is perfect

^0^ Remember in one second【】

He took revenge, but he himself was also buried in the flames of hatred. The raging flames can destroy all matter, but can it also destroy hatred? Xiao Shaoying's story is over, but maybe there is another story about hatred that is about to begin, and there is even another story going on. Many people live in the shadow of hatred throughout their lives. Hatred is undoubtedly a more terrifying weapon than the ring of passion. I hope we can all get rid of the maggot of hatred. "


The story of Duoqinghuan is exciting, but not beautiful. This is helpless. The world is beautiful, but it is definitely not all beautiful.

All the book fans sighed. If they could, they would naturally prefer to read beautiful stories and beautiful fairy tales.

But they also know that since there are beautiful stories, there must also be unbeautiful ones. After enjoying the beautiful stories, they should also bear the unbeautiful stories.

There is no way around it.

Everyone remembers the Amorous Ring, this weapon with a poetic name, and also remembers this not-so-beautiful story.

Of course, I remember even more what this weapon symbolizes, hatred!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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