Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1711 Who is the traitor?

Remember in one second【】

The story of Overlord Gun continues.

Deng Dinghou decided to take a trip to Hungry Tiger Hill to find out who the thief in the joint escort agency was?

Of course, he did not go alone, but asked Ding Xi and Xiao Ma to go with him. Only Ding Xi knew where those six people were buried?

On the way, Deng Dinghou, Ding Xi, and Xiao Ma went to a restaurant called "Xinghua Village" to drink.

Hong Xinghua, the proprietress of Xinghua Village, is an old man in her sixties. She raised Ding Xi when she was young. In Ding Xi's eyes, Hong Xinghua is his elder relative.

Here, Deng Dinghou, Ding Xi, and Xiao Ma saw a gun, the most famous gun in the world, the Overlord Gun!

The only overlord gun in the world!

Overlord, he has conquered the mountains and rivers, and his power is unrivaled in the world.

Spear, the ancestor of all weapons is the spear.

The Overlord Spear is one foot, three feet, seven inches long and weighs seventy-three kilograms, seven taels and three cents.

The owner of the Overlord Spear is named Wang, and he is also the owner of the King's Escort Agency, Wang Wanwu, the "gun that lifts the sky".

Wang Wanwu has great martial arts skills, a strong temper, and is old and spicy.

This time, it was initiated by Deng Dinghou and organized by Baili Changqing to establish a joint escort bureau. Originally, he wanted to invite the King's Escort Bureau to join the joint escort bureau.

But Wang Wanwu said nothing and refused to join. For this reason, he fell out with Baili Changqing and slapped the table to tell Baili Changqing to get out.

This matter has always made Deng Dinghou very regretful and regretful. If the joint escort bureau had the owner of the Overlord Gun join, its reputation would undoubtedly be much greater.

Why is the Overlord Gun in the Xinghua Village Restaurant?

Because its owner will be arriving soon.

Its owner has invited a master who also wields a spear, Mr. Xu Sanye, a golden spear and silver shuttle, to have a duel here today.

This is very strange. How could Wang Wanwu invite Mr. Xu to a duel?

The reputation of the Overlord Spear is far greater than that of the Golden Spear and Silver Shuttle, and Wang Wanwu's martial arts is also far greater than that of Xu Sanye.

There must be a reason for everything to go wrong.

And the reason was soon revealed.

It turns out that the owner of the Overlord Gun is no longer Wang Wanwu, but Wang Wanwu's daughter, Wang Shenglan.

Two girls came to Xinghua Village, one girl drank tea and the other drank wine.

Both girls are very beautiful, but the girl who drinks is more beautiful.

However, girls who drink have wide-eyed almond eyes, but girls who drink tea tend to be shy and blush.

The girl drinking was Wang Wanwu's daughter, Wang Shenglan, and the new owner of the Overlord Gun.

Why did Wang Shenglan become the new owner of the Overlord Gun? Why do you want to have a duel with Jin Gun Xu?

Because her father Wang Shengwu is dead.

On May 13th, Wang Shengwu was shot to death in his study. The gun used to kill Wang Wanwu was an ordinary gun. There were no signs of fighting in the study. There were two sets of cups, chopsticks, and some food and wine on the table.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the person who killed Wang Wanwu must be a friend of Wang Wanwu. He was entertaining friends in his study. His friend took advantage of his unpreparedness and killed him with an ordinary stick.

Who killed Wang Wanwu? Why kill him?

There is no answer yet.

And the reason why Wang Shenglan asked Jin Gunxu to duel was because he wanted to see if Jin Gunxu was the murderer of his father?

After the duel with Jin Gun Xu, she will also find a duel with other gun masters to find out the murderer of her father.

But in fact, her method may not be correct, because her father was killed by the murderer with an ordinary gun while he was unprepared.

Since he was taking advantage of his unpreparedness, the murderer was not necessarily a master of firearms.

But Wang Shenglan is not aware of this yet.

The Overlord Spear is more than three feet long and weighs more than 70 kilograms. It is really unbelievable that Wang Shenglan, a delicate woman with slender hands, wants to dance the Overlord Spear.

However, if Wang Shenglan really dances the Overlord Spear, it will definitely look very beautiful. It is a unique beauty in the world.

In fact, Wang Shenglan can really dance the Overlord Spear. The movement of copying the spear is not only clean and neat, but also graceful. With a slight twist of her slender waist, she rushes out with a single lunge.

It is indeed very beautiful!

Not only is it beautiful, but it is also very strong, and Jin Gun Xu is gradually at a disadvantage.

Afterwards, with Ding Xi's intervention, the two stopped fighting, Wang Shenglan walked away angrily, and Jin Gun Xu decided to retire from the world.

Deng Dinghou and Ding Xi continued their journey to Hungry Tiger Hill, but were blocked by Wang Shenglan on the way.

Wang Shenglan asked Ding Xi, where were you on May 13th? What have you done?

It turned out that when Ding Xi intervened in the fight between the two, he used robbing tactics. Wang Shenglan suspected that Ding Xi was also suspected of killing his father.

But that day Ding Xi was robbing an escort in another place. Marquis Deng Ding could testify because it was his escort that Ding Xi robbed.

Wang Shenglan left angrily again.

The two continued on the road, and Ding Xi told Deng Dinghou that the person who wrote him a letter leaking the news must be one of the four people Baili Changqing, Guidongjing, Jiang Xin, and Ximen Sheng.

Deng Dinghou didn't believe it, because those four people, like him, were the bosses of the joint escort bureau. How could they be insiders?

Ding Xi added that if the traitor was not those four people, then it could only be Deng Dinghou himself.

Deng Dinghou smiled bitterly. He could not refute, because indeed only the five of them knew the secrets, not the sixth one.

Could it be that the traitor is really one of the four persons named Baili Changqing, Gui Dongjing, Jiang Xin, and Ximen Sheng?

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The two arrived at Hungry Tiger Hill and found the place where the six people were buried. They dug the graves and saw the appearance of the six people and the six letters.

Deng Dinghou knew all six of them, and they were all members of the joint escort bureau, but their identities were all gardeners, coachmen, cooks, etc., and there were no useful clues.

However, the six letters hold some clues.

Marquis Deng Ding recognized whose handwriting the six letters were? It was his own handwriting.

But those six letters were not written by him.

Then, there is only one possibility: someone impersonated his handwriting and wrote those six leaked letters to Ding Xi.

Who is counterfeiting his handwriting?

Deng Dinghou knew that there was someone who could imitate his handwriting so well that even he himself could hardly distinguish it.

That person is Guidong Jing among the four of Baili Changqing, Guidong Jing, Jiang Xin and Ximen Sheng.

Gui Dongjing naturally became the object of suspicion for the two of them.

Gui Dongjing himself was one of the bosses. Deng Dinghou originally did not believe that Gui Dongjing was a traitor, but the handwriting of the six letters now convinced him to believe it.

The two decided to find Gui Dongjing, but Gui Dongjing was very skilled in martial arts and the handwriting on the letter alone could not be used as evidence. They were very worried.

When you are worried, you have to drink to relieve your worries. Just by chance, a carriage selling wine and beef came by the roadside.

The two of them approached the carriage, ready to buy some wine and beef, but found a man sitting immediately, it was Gui Dongjing, grinning at them.

Gui Dongjing saw the six letters and said that since the letters were not written by Deng Dinghou, they could only be written by him, and he could not admit it even if he wanted to.

But Deng Dinghou suddenly said that those six letters should not have been written by Gui Dongjing.

Because Deng Dinghou discovered that his and Ding Xi's trip to Hungry Tiger Hill went very smoothly this time. This was definitely not normal. It seemed that someone wanted them to go there on purpose.

And that person is the real traitor. He wants to let Deng Dinghou see the six letters, then suspect Gui Dongjing as the traitor, and go to find Gui Dongjing, and then the two will fight until both sides lose, so that he can reap the benefits. profit.

Gui Dongjing is not a traitor, so who is?

Then the traitor can only be one of the three Baili Changqing, Jiang Xin and Ximen Sheng.

However, these three people also had reasons why they were not insiders. Deng Dinghou and Ding Xi were very troubled.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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