Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1717 The answer is to fight hard

Remember in one second【】

What is the real sixth weapon?

Yang Qiming thought of two words: go all out!

Therefore, Yang Qiming published his thoughts and reasons on his Weibo.

He wrote: ""Farewell Hook", the sixth of the seven weapons, mainly tells the previous stories of Yang Zheng and Di Qinglin, two characters on two planes. This story is similar to the previous five stories. There is a very obvious difference, that is, at the end of the work, Gu Yong did not clearly point out, what is the sixth weapon symbolized by the parting hook?

Why didn't Guyong point it out? I think I intend to leave this issue to readers to figure it out for themselves.

So, what is the real sixth weapon?

determination? Family affection? Get together? pride? Guard against arrogance? These statements all have their own truths, and they are indeed very obvious in the article, but if we say that they are a kind of weapon, it seems unreasonable.

Moreover, based on the previous five weapons, we can know, what is the real weapon that each weapon symbolizes? Guyong will make it very obvious in the previous article, and then touch on the topic at the end.

Therefore, the weapon symbolized by the parting hook should also have a very obvious hint in the previous article.

What is it?

The answer is to work hard!

That's right, 'Desperate' is what the parting hook symbolizes, the sixth real weapon.

Let's see why.

First of all, in the first half of the work, Yang Zheng's true identity is not revealed. We don't know that he is Yang Hen's son, has strong martial arts, and has a parting hook.

At that time, we only knew that Yang Zheng did not know martial arts. He himself said, "I don't know what martial arts is at all. I only know how to knock people down." ’

Yang Zheng said that he did not know martial arts, and he indeed did not use martial arts moves, but he could always hit his enemies, although the process was always very thrilling, and he often defeated the enemies at the critical moment.

What does Yang Zheng rely on? All you have to do is work hard!

Defeat the enemy with all your might.

Moreover, Guyong pointed out these two words very clearly.

Yang Zheng unexpectedly met Lan Da,

Lan Da asked Yang Zheng, ‘What kind of martial arts does your sect practice? ’

Yang Zheng replied, "I don't know what martial arts it is, and I don't have any moves. I only have ten words to practice kung fu." ’

Lan Da asked again, "Which ten words?" ’

Yang Zheng replied, ‘Knock down others, don’t be knocked down by others. ’

Lan Da asked again, 'If you meet a person, not only can't you defeat him, but you will definitely be defeated by him, what will you do then? ’

Yang Zheng replied, 'At that time I could only use the last two words. ’

Lan Da asked again, ‘What two words? ’

Yang Zheng replied, ‘Desperate! ’

‘Desperately’, Yang Zheng answered like this, and he has always done so.

It was like this before without using martial arts to defeat Ying Niu and Ni Ba and force Ying Wuwu away. Later, after taking out the parting hook that had been dusty for many years and using martial arts, it was still the same.

In a desperate way, he used the separation hook to separate one of Lan Da's legs from his body.

When facing Di Qinglin in the end, facing the extremely powerful Di Qinglin who was far superior to him in martial arts, he used his arm as a sacrifice to successfully separate Di Qinglin's head from his body.

What can you rely on? The reliance is not on the parting hook, but on the desperate effort!

In addition, in addition to relying on hard work when fighting against others, "fighting hard" is also reflected in many other places in the article.

For example, if Yang Zheng wants to find out the truth, but he only has ten days, what should he do? Still have to work hard.

Yang Zheng upheld justice with all his strength, defeated evil, and defeated the arrogant bad guy Di Qinglin. He saved his lover Lu Suwen with all his strength, and he never had to be separated from his lover again.

Desperation is a kind of spirit and a kind of power that allows you to defeat enemies who are stronger than you. At the most critical moment, desperation is the ultimate weapon!

Therefore, the sixth weapon is not the farewell hook, but the desperate one!

The above is the reason why I said the sixth weapon is ‘desperate’.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion. Is this Gu Yong’s original intention? This is not certain.

In addition, everyone may have different perceptions, and my answer is for your reference only. "

After Yang Qiming's Weibo post was posted, it quickly spread on the Internet. Countless book fans were very surprised after reading it carefully.

In their opinion, Yang Qiming's answers and explanations were spot on.

"Desperately" should be the real sixth weapon.

Book fans naturally started talking about this again.

"Desperate, indeed it should be desperate. Gu Yong clearly mentioned desperate many times in the whole text. Alas! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Yes, after reading Mr. Yang Qiming's analysis, it feels very obvious. Why didn't we think of it?"

"The answer should be to go all out. Guyong has clearly mentioned it in the previous article. Most of the previous real weapons, Guyong has clearly mentioned in the previous article, and this time should be no exception."

"Yang Zheng was really desperate in every battle. It was especially obvious when he fought with Di Qinglin in the end. He actually used one of his own arms as the price. This was completely desperate."

"Yang Zheng's victory over Di Qinglin did not rely on the farewell hook, but on desperate efforts. Desperate efforts can really defeat enemies stronger than oneself."


^0^ Remember in one second【】

Don’t we often say this, ‘The soft is afraid of the hard, and the hard is afraid of life. ’ Fighting is the ultimate weapon. "

"Desperation should indeed be the real sixth weapon, but I don't know if this is Gu Yongda's original intention?"

"Probably, I can't think of a better answer than 'desperately'."

"It should be so. Gu Yong has clearly put forward most of them in the previous article. However, as long as the answer is not stated by Gu Yong himself, there will definitely be controversy."

"Well, there may indeed be controversy, but most people should agree."


Book fans are discussing Yang Qiming's answer, and a number of martial arts authors are also discussing it.

"Desperately? Well, it is indeed very possible."

"Looking at it this way, the answer of 'desperately' is indeed quite obvious and should not be wrong."

"Although Mr. Yang Qiming is not a martial arts author, he has a very sharp vision. He is amazing!"

"It seems that 'desperate' is recognized by most people, but is this what Gu Yong's original intention was? It is not 100% sure. Therefore, there should still be controversy."

"Controversy will definitely exist unless Gu Yong speaks personally. But I guess Gu Yong will not express his position on this. He will let the controversy continue."

"Since he chose not to address the final issue of the work, it is naturally impossible for him to express his stance on it."

"Although there may still be controversy, I agree with Mr. Yang Qiming's point of view. Desperation is the real sixth weapon."

"I agree, I think this should also be Gu Yong's answer."

"Alas! Why can Gu Yong's works always come up with so many tricks? It makes us envious and jealous!"


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan agreed with the statement of "desperately".

He had also thought carefully about what the sixth real weapon was?

The most appropriate answer he thought of was to fight hard.

However, is this Master Gu Long’s original intention? I don't know, but I can just use it as a reference answer, and don't need to take it seriously.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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