Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1729 A unique suspenseful detective martial arts novel

Remember in one second【】

Book fans finally figured out why Lu Xiaofeng had four eyebrows, and as King Jinpeng asked Lu Xiaofeng to repay the blood debt from the three rebels in the past, they are also the three most powerful, wealthy and martial arts people in the world today. After Lu Xiaofeng agreed to King Jinpeng for some reasons, the whole story officially unfolded.

All the book fans are excited. What kind of strange things will Lu Xiaofeng encounter? Finally, it’s time to show it bit by bit.

The task entrusted by King Jinpeng was so difficult that no matter how capable Lu Xiaofeng was, it would be impossible for her to complete it alone.

Therefore, Lu Xiaofeng needs to find two helpers, Hua Manlou and Ximen Chuixue.

Hua Manlou is Lu Xiaofeng's best friend, so it is natural for her to do so. Ximen Chuixue is also Lu Xiaofeng's friend, but it is not easy for Lu Xiaofeng to invite Ximen Chuixue.

No one in this world can ask Ximen Chuixue to help with things, not even Lu Xiaofeng.

However, Lu Xiaofeng finally asked Ximen Chuixue, because Ximen Chuixue said that if Lu Xiaofeng could shave off those two eyebrow-like beards, he would help Lu Xiaofeng.

As a result, Lu Xiaofeng really shaved off the two eyebrow-like beards. Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows finally turned into Lu Xiaofeng with two eyebrows.

Lu Xiaofeng is a weirdo, and Ximen Chuixue is obviously also a weirdo.

All capable people are weirdos, and weirdos can always meet weirdos.

Therefore, Ximen Chuixue is not the only weirdo Lu Xiaofeng encounters, he always encounters many weirdos.

For example, he met the honest monk who appeared in the introduction, and also met a man who called himself "the grandson of the turtle".

Why do you call yourself that? Because he himself often said that although he was a turtle grandson when he had no money, when he had money he was a big boss.

However, he is always very good at spending money. Therefore, his eldest brother will always turn into a grandson after only three days. When he has no money to pay the bill, he will keep himself there and wait for others to redeem him. .

And he can always be redeemed because he is very capable and there are many people looking for him to do things. If they want to do things to him, they have to spend money to redeem him first.

Lu Xiaofeng ransomed Mr. Guisunzi in Xiaoting Courtyard because he needed help from Mr. Guisunzi for something.

One weirdo after another,

It always leaves a deep impression on all book fans, and the story unfolds bit by bit.

"The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" has been serialized one issue after another.

As the story continues to develop, weird people and strange things continue to appear, and book fans gradually discover that "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is not only a martial arts novel, but also a suspense detective novel.

Because, book fans gradually discovered that the story of the first unit called "Jinpeng Dynasty" was a game, a conspiracy, and a huge conspiracy from the beginning.

Lu Xiaofeng discovered the conspiracy bit by bit and found the truth step by step.

Fake, all fake. Except for the three traitors of the Jin Dynasty, everything else is fake. Many people and many things are fake.

The entruster, King Jinpeng, is fake and not the real King Jinpeng.

So, the fact that King Jinpeng entrusted Lu Xiaofeng to help him escape to justice for the three traitors was naturally false.

It is true that King Jinpeng is content with his own life and does not want to return to his country at all.

Princess Shangguan Danfeng, who first went to look for Lu Xiaofeng, was also fake. The real Shangguan Danfeng was dead and was killed by her cousin Shangguan Feiyan.

Shangguan Feiyan looked very similar to Shangguan Danfeng, so she pretended to be Shangguan Danfeng to contact Lu Xiaofeng, and led Lu Xiaofeng to meet the fake King Jinpeng.

In addition, Shangguan Feiyan also used her true identity to contact Huamanlou, deceiving Huamanlou too much and making Huamanlou really fall in love with her.

Shangguan Feiyan pretended to be Shangguan Danfeng to contact Lu Xiaofeng, which was the beginning of all the lies.

After that, two main "games" emerged, one was the mystery of the owner of Qingyi Tower, and the other was the mystery of the Great Golden Roc King.

These two mysteries intersect and influence each other, forming a third "game". There are lies among lies, and the truth of the matter is always unclear.

Who is the host of Tsing Yi House? It has always been a secret, and the whole story uses it very cleverly. Dugu Yihe and Huo Tianqing used it as a cover-up, trying their best to conceal Huo Xiu's true identity.

In particular, Huo Tianqing's blindness was used very successfully, allowing book fans to be deceived again and again.

He first appeared as the manager of the Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion, but he was so senior in the martial arts world that he was willing to stoop down, which was suspicious. However, the article used the loyalty of the "Seven Heroes of the Market" to dispel it, and then led to the confrontation with Dugu Yihe. doubt.

When Dugu Yihe was under suspicion, Huo Tianqing appeared at the right time and used an excuse to consume Dugu Yihe's martial arts, allowing Ximen Chuixue to win the battle, thus being questioned again.

Huo Tianqing, who was questioned for the second time, had appeared grandly and was about to directly expose the matter, but was dispelled by his death. Finally, Huo Xiu appeared and clarified all doubts.

Of course, this is not the whole truth.

"The mystery of the owner of Qingyi Tower" and "the mystery of the Great Golden Roc King", these two "games" are related to each other.

In the end, the manipulator behind the fake King Jinpeng merged with the mysterious Qingyi landlord, making Huo Xiu the last clue. This is the third "game".

King Jinpeng's commission was false, Shangguan Danfeng was false, Huo Tianqing was false... almost all of them were false, only Huo Xiu's behind-the-scenes manipulation was true.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

The games are intertwined into one game, forming the entire plot of the first unit "Jinpeng Dynasty", making book fans always hesitant between true and false, and doing their best to make twists and turns.

Finally, using the "six toes" as a clue, the truth was revealed.

When Lu Xiaofeng solved all the puzzles and the final truth was finally revealed, all the book fans finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

They were really "too tired" from reading the whole story. They found that if they didn't read it several times, they wouldn't be able to figure out all the various secrets hidden in the book.

If they don't read it several times, they won't be able to understand the whole story.

Of course, although the book fans were tired from reading, they were very excited and excited.

There is nothing wrong with this being a martial arts novel, but it is definitely a suspenseful detective novel.

Or to be more precise, it is a suspense detective martial arts novel.

This new reading experience makes all book fans very excited.

In the previous "Seven Weapons" series, the story of "Jasper Knife" already contained many suspense detective elements.

At that time, some book fans were speculating that Gu Yong might be planning to incorporate suspense detective elements into martial arts novels, and "Jasper Sword" was an attempt.

Now, the story of the "Jinpeng Dynasty" in the first unit of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" has undoubtedly confirmed that the fans' guesses are correct.

Guyong is extremely successful in integrating suspense detective elements into martial arts novels, forming a unique suspense detective martial arts novel.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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