Remember in one second【】

In the circle of screenwriters.

Zhang Na, Yu Sipeng and Wang Rui were very proud and excited when they heard the various congratulations from their colleagues.

Whether the congratulations from colleagues are sincere or fake, it doesn't matter at all.

It is best to be fake, because the more fake it is, the more it can prove the envy and jealousy of peers.

The more envious and jealous their peers are, the more proud they are and the more they feel a sense of superiority.

Of course, they are very humble on the surface.

"Everyone is welcome. This does not mean that our script is better than everyone else's. It only means that we are lucky. Besides, the news may not be accurate, and the script that enters the top three may not be ours."

"Yes, maybe the news is wrong. It's a little too early for everyone to say congratulations now."

"Even if the news is accurate, Director Wang's delay in announcing the results shows that there may still be variables. In fact, everyone's scripts still have hope. Moreover, the odds are equal."

"The three of you must not be modest. Director Wang has not announced the results for a long time. That can only mean that the three scripts are very good. Director Wang can't decide which script should be chosen in the end?"

"I think so too. The three scripts are all so good that it's hard for Director Wang to choose."

"I also thought of a possibility. Could it be that Director Wang is not very satisfied with everyone's scripts and is asking others for scripts?"

"This is impossible. We are all the best screenwriters in the country. If he is not satisfied with our script, who else can he ask for a script?"

"That's right. Even if he is not satisfied with our script, it is impossible to find a better screenwriter than us in the country."

"Director Wang cannot be dissatisfied. The reason why he has not announced the results for a long time must be that he is hesitating between the three scripts and doesn't know which choice to make?"


Seeing their colleagues saying that Director Wang might not be satisfied with their scripts, Zhang Na, Yu Sipeng, and Wang Rui all smiled disdainfully, all thinking at the same time, "It must be true that Director Wang is not satisfied with your scripts, but There is absolutely no way that you will not be dissatisfied with my script, and the script that will be chosen in the end will definitely be mine.”

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, Wang Jin, and Liu Xu walked out of Xianyuan Building after having lunch.

Wang Jin and Liu Xu were still sighing, feeling that the food in Sansheng Village was indeed well-deserved, no, to be more precise, it should be more delicious than rumored.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "If you two like the food here, in addition to buying some ingredients back home, you might also come here often."

Wang Jin and Liu Xu nodded hurriedly, and said at the same time that they were afraid that they would become regular visitors to Sansheng Village in the future.

No one can resist the temptation of Sansheng Village’s delicacies, and neither can Wang Jin and Liu Xu.

A few people walked slowly. After Wang Jin hesitated for a long time, he finally said: "Mr. Li Fan, there are many rumors about the mythical beast that protects the village of Xianyuan Farm. I wonder if we will be lucky enough to see the mythical beast that protects the village?"

Wang Jin was not the first person to ask Li Fan this question. In fact, almost everyone who came to visit Li Fan would ask Li Fan this question.

Li Fan's words were basically the same. He laughed and said, "Director Wang and Director Liu, as long as you visit Sansheng Village more in the future, you will definitely have a chance to see them."

After Wang Jin and Liu Xu heard this, they smiled bitterly in their hearts. It seemed that "going through the back door" would not work, and they could only wait for their own opportunities.

Li Fan accompanied Wang Jin and Liu Xu, and after walking around the village for a while, he took Su Qing and Qin Yulin to say goodbye and left.

Wang Jin and Liu Xu will not leave the village today. They have already booked a room in the Xianyuan Building and plan to stay in the village for a few days before leaving. They are also planning to climb Baiyun Mountain early tomorrow morning.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin walked towards home.

On the way, Qin Yulin said: "Brother-in-law, didn't you say that you would not launch new works until "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is serialized? Why did you agree to them directly? You also said that the serialization would officially start in three days."

Li Fan smiled and said: "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng has been created, and I will just keep it for serialization. I am very interested in creating a work of the type of ancient uprising, so I agreed to them. Are you not clamoring to see new works? Really? Now I can finally watch it.”

Qin Yulin curled his lips and said: "What's so good about uprising-type works? I don't want to read them."

Li Fandao: "The uprising-type works written by others may not be good-looking, but the ones written by my brother-in-law are definitely quite wonderful."

Qin Yulin added: "No matter how exciting it is, I won't watch it. I'll tell grandpa and the others the news. Sister, let's go to grandpa and the others and let him go back alone."

After saying that, Qin Yulin pulled Su Qing and ran away giggling.

Su Qing turned back to Li Fan and made a helpless expression.

The two sisters ran away, and Li Fan had to return home alone.

He came to the study room, turned on the computer, and began to sort out most of the manuscripts he had completed.

In the past life, there happened to be a classic masterpiece about uprising, which was "Water Margin", which is also one of the four famous masterpieces.

After bringing "Journey to the West" to this world, Li Fan was wondering when it would be time to bring "Water Margin" to the world.

This world has "Journey to the West", then

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The other three masterpieces cannot be absent either.

Li Fan has completed most of the manuscript of "Water Margin" and is looking for a suitable opportunity to release it.

Now that the opportunity has appeared, Li Fan no longer hesitates and prepares to officially start serializing "Water Margin" in this world in three days.

"Water Margin" is a previous Ming Dynasty vernacular article chapter novel. The whole book takes the Songjiang Uprising in the late Northern Song Dynasty as the main story background. It describes the heroes of Liangshan resisting oppression, the growth of Liangshan in the water, and being recruited by the Song Dynasty. After being recruited, the book fights for the Song Dynasty and finally dies. grand story.

The art reflects the entire process of the Song Jiang Uprising in history, from its occurrence, development to failure, profoundly reveals the social roots of the uprising, enthusiastically praises the resistance struggle and social ideals of the uprising heroes, and also reveals the uprising in detail. The internal historical reasons for the failure.

"Water Margin" is widely circulated and popular. It is also one of the most epic works in Chinese literature and has a profound influence on later generations of narrative literature.

The author is generally believed to be Shi Naian, and Luo Guanzhong participated in the creation, polishing and arranging the work.

Therefore, the authors of some versions of "Water Margin" are named Shi Naian and Luo Guanzhong.

What is certain is that there must be some very close relationship between Shi Naian and Luo Guanzhong.

As for what the specific relationship is? There are two main opinions.

The first theory is the master-student relationship, that is, Luo Guanzhong was Shi Naian's student.

This statement mainly comes from books such as "Shi Naian's Epitaph" written by Wang Daosheng of Huai'an in the Ming Dynasty, and "Shaoshi Shanfang Bi Cong" by Hu Yinglin in the Qing Dynasty.

There is also a theory that Shi Naian and Luo Guanzhong are actually the same person.

"Shi Naian" is actually a pen name of Luo Guanzhong.

Because "Water Margin" could not be published under a real name in the early Ming Dynasty, Luo Guanzhong gave himself a pen name called "Shi Naian".

The evidence is, firstly: Shi Naian has very little historical data.

Second: In the early Ming Dynasty version of "Water Margin", it was signed solely by Luo Guanzhong, and later it was found that it was jointly signed by Shi Naian and Luo Guanzhong.

Third: "Shi Naian" is read upside down, and the homophonic sound is "I am". In the version of "Water Margin" jointly signed by Shi Naian and Luo Guanzhong, the author's signature is as follows, "Shi Naian-Luo Guanzhong".

Then, the homophonic pronunciation of the three characters "Shi Naian" when read backwards is, "I am - Luo Guanzhong".

This may be just a coincidence, but I have to say that it is really possible.

Both of these statements are agreed by some and opposed by others, and both are controversial.

Relatively speaking, the "master-disciple theory" is more widely spread.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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