Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1775 Select a question maker

Remember in one second【】

Wang Lun didn't seem surprised when Li Fan said that he wasn't in the mood now. He seemed to have expected that Li Fan would say this.

He sneered without any trace, and then said: "Not interested? Sir, do you think that the level of competition at our level is too low and unchallenging, so you are unwilling to take action?"

When Wang Lun said this, he deliberately raised his voice. Everyone around him had already noticed him, and now they heard his words clearly.

In addition to the ordinary tourist spectators, some players participating in the competition also noticed the situation here.

Wang Lun deliberately raised his voice, obviously to let the contestants hear more clearly.

He had already concluded that Li Fan was deliberately showing off before, but in fact he had no poetic talent at all and would definitely not agree to participate in the competition.

In this case, you must give the other party a dilemma.

If Li Fan answers "yes", then he will undoubtedly offend all the contestants present.

If the answer is "no", then Wang Lun will have something to say again. If he provokes the opponent twice more, he may be able to force the opponent to compete.

In this way, he can "appreciate" the other party's masterpiece.

Li Fan naturally understood Wang Lun's thoughts, smiled faintly, and said: "Whether it is a high level or a low level, if you are not interested, you are not interested. If you are not interested, you will not be able to write good poems. If you cannot write good poems, then you have to No more competition."

After hearing Li Fan's answer, Wang Lun felt a little regretful in his heart. Li Fan's answer was less important and he completely avoided the trap he set.

In this way, he not only showed that he would not participate in the competition, but also would not offend the contestants present, which was a clever answer.

Li Fan had already said this, so Wang Lun had no choice but to give up and leave angrily.

Wang Lun left, and the contestants no longer paid attention. Since the young man had already said tactfully that he could not write good poems now, that was the end of the matter.

The surrounding tourists, seeing that there was no excitement to watch, also stopped paying attention and refocused their attention on the center of the competition venue.

Today's competition is quite fierce, and they are looking forward to it.

After Wang Lun left,

Qin Yulin snorted lightly and said, "Brother-in-law, sister, we are not going to watch this poetry competition anymore. Let's go to the painting competition over there."

Su Qing nodded, Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's go over there first."

The painting competition venue was almost as popular as the poetry competition venue, with a large number of spectators surrounding it.

There are many types of paintings, and domestic painting competitions, large and small, are generally in the form of traditional Chinese painting.

Chinese paintings are mainly divided into three categories: figures, landscapes, and flowers and birds. Among them, the "flowers and birds" category is naturally not only flowers and birds, but also various animals and so on.

In the painting competition, most of them are landscapes, flowers and birds, and there are relatively few human figures.

The same is true for the on-site painting competition. The paintings of the contestants hanging in the center of the venue are almost all landscape paintings, flower and bird paintings.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin looked over one by one. The players' levels were high and low, but it was the same as the situation in the poetry competition. The one with the highest level was not necessarily that high, but the one with the lowest level could also win. Gotta take action.

Li Fan and the others will hang the paintings

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

A reminder for novel netizens: please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

After looking at them one by one, I stopped for a while to listen to the discussions of the surrounding tourists, and quickly figured out the situation at the scene.

The competition here is progressing faster than the competition there. Now it has reached the final stage. The three players who have stood out from the previous series of competitions are preparing for the final competition.

In the center of the venue, there are three people standing at this moment. In front of each person is a painting table. On the painting table are rice paper, pens, ink and other painting tools.

All three are men, one is in his twenties and wears glasses. A man about thirty years old, tall and thin. There is also a man in his thirties who looks slightly overweight.

The three of them stood in a row, and their appearances were quite different. They were obviously the three contestants who were going to compete in the final round.

Li Fan and the others came at the right time. Now was obviously the most exciting time. Qin Yulin had a look of great interest on his face. Su Qing's eyes lit up and she was equally interested.

Even Li Fan looked at the three people in the center of the field with interest, wondering who would win the final victory?

The organizer of the competition is Xiangyun Painting Club. The host is a young man in his twenties. At this time, he is using a rather high-pitched voice to introduce the three contestants. At the same time, he also advertises for Xiangyun Painting Club from time to time. .

One of the important purposes why the painting club holds such competitions is to expand its reputation and attract more people to join the painting club.

After various introductions, the host finally said: "The three contestants who stand out are all very good contestants. I believe that the three contestants have the confidence to accept any challenge. Is that true?"

Naturally, the three players all expressed their opinions that they are confident to accept any challenge.

The host added: "Very good! Then, our final competition rules will be different from the previous competitions. For the richness, fun and diversity of the competition, and for the better communication with me

^0^ Remember in one second【】

In order to interact with our on-site audience friends, and in order to ensure the absolute fairness of the final stage of the competition, we will select a question maker among the on-site audience friends. Then, our question maker will pose a question on the spot, and the three contestants will draw pictures within a limited time based on the question asked by the question maker to compete for the final winner. "

After the host finished speaking, the three contestants looked at each other and felt a little surprised.

However, it sounds quite interesting.

They do have the confidence to accept any challenge, so while they are slightly surprised, they are also somewhat eager to give it a try.

The spectators watching the scene also talked loudly. They had watched many games and this was the first time they encountered such a situation.

However, it sounds interesting.

Therefore, the audience at the scene was also eager to try.

The expressions of interest on the faces of Qin Yulin and Su Qing were obviously stronger. Even Li Fan felt, "It's really interesting."

The host was very satisfied with the reaction of the three contestants and the audience. He raised his voice and said, "It seems that our three contestants and the audience friends all have no objections and are a little eager to try. So, We won't waste any more time. Now, if you are interested in writing questions for the three contestants, please raise your right hand. I will randomly select a friend from among the friends who raised their hands to be our question writer. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, at least dozens of people at the scene raised their right hands.

Qin Yulin also raised his right hand with great interest.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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