Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1786: Obtaining the Manuscript

Remember in one second【】

After listening to the story about Yi Yin, the audience all lamented that there was such a legendary figure in the era of the late summer and early Shang Dynasty.

Everyone now knows that the ancestor of cooking is Yi Yin, which makes everyone feel a little ashamed. They all like food and often talk about food, but they don't even know who the ancestor of cooking is.

Fortunately, now they finally know, and it is not too late. At the same time, they are full of gratitude for the "Five Flavors Harmony Theory" and "Huo Huo Theory" founded by Yi Yin.

Without the "Five Flavors Harmony Theory" and "Hot Temperature Theory", perhaps there would be no various delicacies today.

Of course, everyone is also very grateful for this sentence in Li Fan's "The Road Is Difficult", "Suddenly I am riding a boat and dreaming of the sun."

If it weren't for this sentence, they probably didn't know when they would know about the legendary figure Yi Yin.

In addition, they were also very grateful to Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others for their explanations, and expressed their gratitude to Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others explained the story about Yi Yin to the audience, which was just a small episode.

After everyone finished lamenting the legendary figure Yi Yin, they once again began to lament the poem "The Road Is Difficult" itself.

At this time, everyone already knew Li Fan's identity.

Li Fan is the only one in the world who can create a poem like "It's Difficult to Travel" with just a wave of his hand on the spot.

Gu Yong may also have this ability, but no one has seen it personally, not even related rumors.

Therefore, Gu Yong's poetic talent may not be much inferior to Li Fan's, but can he be like Li Fan who can compose poems on the spot in a very short time? That's an unknown.

Therefore, that young man can only be Li Fan.

The whole poem "Traveling is Hard" has only twelve lines and eighty-four words in total. Among the seven-character songs, it can only be regarded as a short story. However, when everyone at the scene read it, it was like reading a long seven-character song.

They read too much into this poem.

Just because this poem has ups and downs, complex changes, nine twists and turns in every hundred steps, and leaps and bounds, its momentum and pattern are like a very long work.

Everyone is immersed in the charm of this poem, "Ice-clogged river", "Snow-covered mountains\

,"The road is difficult, and the most difficult road is the road of life.

And besides lamenting that the road ahead is rugged, there are many misguided paths, the road of life is difficult, and where is the road to go, what else should we do?

We should also use a strong and positive attitude to strive to get rid of the hesitation and depression on the wrong road, and sing the strongest voice full of confidence and looking forward to the future.

There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, so hang up your sails and sail across the sea!

To break through all resistance and realize your ambitions, life requires boldness and optimism.

Everyone felt a strong confidence, courage and strength. They believed that despite the obstacles ahead, one day they would ride on the long wind and break through thousands of miles of waves, hang up the cloud sails, cross the sea, and reach the blue sea and blue sky. !

Everyone clenched their fists, excited and excited, not only for the poem itself, but also for the strong confidence, courage and strength they felt in the poem!

Especially Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others, their whole bodies were trembling slightly. They wanted to become an excellent professional poet, and they believed that they could do it. They had never been more firm in their beliefs than now.

A song called "The Road Is Difficult" will most likely become a turning point in their lives. This is the special charm of poetry.

Everyone is lamenting that what happened here is destined to become a legend about Li Fanxin.

But Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin slowly withdrew from the crowd.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others saw it and did not dare to stay. They just bowed slightly and watched Li Fan and the others leave. This was the courtesy of students to their teachers.

Li Fan waved his hand to indicate to the others that there was no need to do this, and then left with Su Qing and Qin Yulin.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were once again filled with emotion, this was the banished immortal in heaven.

Only a few people saw that Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin had left, so the atmosphere at the scene did not change much.

The three of them stayed away from the crowd. Qin Yulin took out his mobile phone and played with it for a while, then said: "Brother-in-law, the song 'Holding my son's hand and growing old together' has been posted on the Internet, and it is now being hotly debated on the Internet."

Li Fan laughed and said: "It was expected. How could such a classic poem not be circulated on the Internet?"

"Cut!" Qin Yulin and Su Qing said "cut" at the same time, quite helplessly.

The best bridal chamber in the world.

This place, which was not very popular originally, is now overcrowded.

These people were traveling in Huashan today. After the story of Li Fan leaving a poem next to the best bridal chamber in Huashan spread on the Internet, these people naturally saw it.

The story spread to ten, and many tourists who were already traveling in Huashan went straight to the No. 1 bridal chamber in the world with great excitement.

The number one bridal chamber in the world is naturally overcrowded.

Chen Xudong, general manager of Huashan Tourism Management Office, and assistant Yuan Ping were also among the crowd at this time. They rushed here without stopping.

When Chen Xudong saw Li Fan's authentic work left on the rock and the crowds of tourists around it, he was excited and excited, but also a little worried that tourists would cause damage to Li Fan's original work.

If it was really destroyed, there would be no place for him to cry.

Therefore, Chen Xudong personally stayed at the place where Li Fan carved the poem.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Next to the rock, he watched with vigilance the tourists who tried to touch the writing with their hands. Once he found out that a tourist had that intention, he would stop them as soon as possible.

He has contacted the relevant staff and is here for protection. He will stay until the relevant staff arrive.

However, after he answered a phone call, he called his assistant Yuan Ping to his side and asked Yuan Ping to stay here for him and ensure the safety of his handwriting.

Then he left in a hurry.

He had just received a call from his leader, asking him to hand over the matter of the No. 1 bridal chamber in the world to Yuan Ping, and then rushed to the top of the South Peak as quickly as possible.

What happened at the top of the South Peak has been spread on the Internet, and Li Fan left a painting and a poem there.

The original manuscripts of the paintings and poems were still at the scene. The leader asked Chen Xudong to rush to the top of the South Peak. He must do everything possible to leave the original manuscripts of the paintings and poems in Huashan.

The value of these two original manuscripts is extremely huge.

It will be very difficult for Chen Xudong to keep both manuscripts in Huashan. He will face competition from many parties.

Fuyun Poetry Society, the organizer of the poetry competition, was determined to win the manuscript of "The Road Is Difficult", and they had enough reasons.

Without the poetry competition they held, there would be no "Difficult Journey" written by Li Fan.

Therefore, the original manuscript of "The Road Is Difficult" should be left in Fuyun Poetry Society.

Moreover, the paper, pen, inkstone, and ink used by Li Fan when he wrote "The Journey Is Difficult" were all provided by their Fuyun Poetry Society.

Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng insisted that the original manuscript of "The Journey Is Difficult" should be preserved by them. Their reasons were more solid. Li Fan once stated personally that this poem was given to them to encourage them.

The original manuscript should naturally belong to them.

Xiangyun Painting Society is determined to acquire Li Fan's "Horse Hoof Fragrance" painting, which will become their club's treasure.

There is news that the presidents of Fuyun Poetry Society and Xiangyun Painting Society hurried to Huashan as soon as they got the news, and they were bound to get the manuscript.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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