Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1788 The dust has settled

Remember in one second【】

Several parties have temporarily reached a unified opinion on the two manuscripts, and the matter on the top of Mount Huashan has finally come to an end.

The overall champion in the painting competition is vacant, while the overall champion in the poetry competition is Lin Rufeng's "Wang Nanfeng".

The onlookers gradually dispersed, still sighing with emotion as they dispersed. This trip to Huashan will be a memory they will never forget.

At the same time, it can also become a capital for them to show off when chatting with others in the future.

The scene gradually came to an end, but the heated discussion on the Internet had no intention of ending. On the contrary, it only intensified.

The oath of "holding my son's hand and growing old together" has caused countless lovers to hold hands and express their sincere feelings to each other with tears in their eyes.

A poem called "The Road Is Difficult" has allowed countless people who have lost their way on the road of life to find their direction again and strengthen their beliefs.

Regarding the process of his birth, the legend about Li Fanxin gradually formed.

The related story of "Stepping on flowers and returning home with the scent of horseshoes" has also become a legend and is talked about by countless people.

Everyone is almost certain that this poem was also written by Li Fan, but with the help of his sister-in-law's hand.

It's possible that this poem only has this sentence. Li Fan only wrote this sentence in order to come up with a question for the competition.

But it is also possible that Li Fan actually wrote a whole poem at that time, but only chose this sentence to formulate the title.

So, is it a poem or just a line of poetry?

No one knows the answer except Li Fan. This is another unsolved case about Li Fan.

Internal communication circles in various tourist attractions across the country.

Li Fan had already made various scenic spots envious and jealous when he left poems in the best bridal chamber in the world.

Now, Li Fan has left another poem and painting on the top of Mount Huashan, which has made all the scenic spots red-eyed with envy.

Even if Huashan did not obtain the original manuscripts of the poems and paintings in the end, the fact that Li Fan left the poems and paintings could already have a very large influence.

If Huashan can finally obtain the original manuscript, the impact will be unimaginable.

There are endless discussions about various scenic spots.

He did not hide his envy and jealousy at all.

"What kind of luck does Huashan have this time? It allows Li Fan to leave so many stories."

"Alas! Huashan Mountain is really blessed by the goddess of luck this time. I wonder when the goddess of luck will also be blessed by our Huangshan Mountain?"

"Goddess of Luck, why did you go to Huashan? How can Huashan compare to our Lushan? Goddess of Luck should have come to our Lushan."

"In my opinion, Huashan really has to thank the competition organized by Xiangyun Painting Society and Fuyun Poetry Society this time. Without the competition organized by the two parties, there really would be no birth of that poem or painting. So, Huashan is Don’t compete with others for the manuscript.”

"You're right. Huashan has already taken advantage of it. Why are you still fighting for the original manuscript? You should be more generous and give it to others."

"Yes, Huashan should take the initiative to give up the manuscript. If this happened in our scenic spot, we would definitely give it up."

"Yes, our scenic spots will also take the initiative to give up."


Various scenic spots have spoken out, saying that Huashan should take the initiative to withdraw from the competition for the manuscript.

The leaders of the Huashan Scenic Spot Management Office, including Chen Xudong, laughed when they saw it. They knew that this was a sign of envy and jealousy from those scenic spots.

Also, if it happens in your scenic spot, you will give up on your own initiative. I would be surprised if I believe you.

They replied in the circle: "We at Huashan sincerely invite all colleagues to come and appreciate Mr. Li Fan's two original manuscripts. It will be an ultimate enjoyment. We at Huashan will definitely fulfill our friendship as landlords and welcome you all!" "

When the other scenic spots saw it, they were even more envious and jealous, and said at the same time: "Hey!"

When the leaders of the Huashan Scenic Area Management Office saw it, they all laughed proudly.


Bai Yi was also laughing. After laughing, he said: "That boy finally wrote poetry again, and it was still at the same high level. I haven't seen that boy write poetry for a long time. I thought he had forgotten that he was still a poet. .”

Liu Yuan also smiled and said: "That boy has too many identities. Sometimes he probably really forgets that he is still a poet."

Han Zhong said: "It doesn't matter if you forget, as long as you don't forget it all the time. When I think of it occasionally, I will be satisfied if I can come up with two poems for us to appreciate it."

Bai Yi said: "Yes, I haven't seen that boy write poems for a long time, so I was very looking forward to it. Now I finally have two poems."

Liu Yuandao: "Holding Hands and Difficulties in Traveling are still of the same high standard as before. Reading that boy's poems is a kind of enjoyment."

Han Zhong said: "I heard that many parties are competing for the manuscript of Difficult to Travel. I wonder whose hands it will end up in?"

Bai Yi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter whose hands it falls into. Anyway, no matter who gets it, it will be taken care of carefully. We don't have to worry about the original manuscript being damaged."

Han Zhong nodded and said: "That's true. No matter who gets the manuscript in the end, we have to go and see it in person."

Bai Yi and Liu Yuan said at the same time: "This is natural."

Li Fan didn't pay too much attention to the commotion on the Internet. After he and Su Qing and Qin Yulin left the top of Huashan Mountain, they went to some other places in Huashan Mountain.

Along the way, tourists could be heard talking about the story of two poems and one painting he left behind.

Li Fan was not surprised by this. Those were all from his previous life.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It is an absolute classic, coupled with his current influence, it is very normal for it to be spread in such a short period of time.

Li Fan and his two daughters stayed on Mount Huashan for two days. They visited all the main attractions in Mount Huashan and descended to Mount Huashan on the third day.

By this time, the competition for the two original manuscripts had been settled.

The presidents of Xiangyun Painting Society and Fuyun Poetry Society personally went to Huashan and conducted final negotiations with Huashan, Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and other seven people regarding the ownership of the two manuscripts.

After a long period of negotiation and debate, a consensus was finally reached.

The original manuscript of "It's Hard to Travel" is jointly owned by Fuyun Poetry Society and seven people including Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng, and the original manuscript is displayed at Fuyun Poetry Society. Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and other seven people have the right to temporarily take away the manuscript when they need it.

After the original manuscript is used, it will be put on display at Fuyun Poetry Society.

The original manuscript of Horse Hoof Incense is jointly owned by Xiangyun Painting Society and Huashan. Each party has the right to display the manuscript for half a year, with Huashan taking the lead in displaying it.

Huashan will design a display platform specifically for the original manuscript of horse hoof incense in the Huashan Museum.

Once completed, it will be open to visitors.

After countless friends learned this news, they all cheered. They could finally see what kind of painting Horse Hoof Fragrance was.

It is foreseeable that when the original manuscript of Horse Hoof Incense is displayed in the Huashan Museum, it will attract countless people to appreciate it.

The Huashan Tourism Zone Office is very excited and looking forward to this!

After other scenic spots learned the relevant news, they naturally once again expressed their envy and jealousy unabashedly.

After Li Fan learned the relevant news, he nodded. He was satisfied with the result.

Then, he left Huashan with Su Qing and Qin Yulin.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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