Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1794 Central Plains 1 Point of Red

Remember in one second【】

The story of "The Fragrance of the Sea of ​​Blood" continues.

Who was the mastermind who tried so hard to make it look like the five people killed each other?

What is his ulterior motive for doing this?

All the book fans really want to know the answer. They know that Chu Liuxiang will definitely reveal the whole truth of the matter for them.

This is certainly true.

How could Chu Liuxiang not investigate and get to the bottom of such a complicated and weird thing?

However, there are no clues now. If Chu Liuxiang wants to find out the truth of the matter, it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, looking for a needle in a haystack is still a way to do it, which is better than doing nothing.

Therefore, Chu Liuxiang really jumped into the haystack to "find the needle".

In the direction where the corpse floated, Chu Liuxiang found a boat with a person sitting on it.

That person is Chu Liuxiang's friend, Miao Monk Wuhua.

Miao Monk Wu Hua is a famous figure in Buddhism who is extremely talented and talented. He is the best in the world at playing chess, playing the piano, poetry, painting, and cooking. His martial arts skills are also very high, and he is the best among Shaolin disciples.

Miao Monk Wuhua was sitting alone on the boat, seeming to be chanting scriptures or composing poems. Chu Liuxiang did not disturb him.

Except for Miaoseng Wuhua's boat, Chu Liuxiang went to take a look at every boat in the direction where the corpse floated.

In addition to Miao Monk Wuhua, there are also people in the martial arts on the boat.

Those were the four guardians of the Beggar Clan, the four elders, and the new gang leader Nangong Ling.

Nangong Ling is also Chu Liuxiang's friend. They drink about the same amount and eat about the same amount.

On all the boats, except for the wonderful monk Wuhua and Nangong Ling, there were no other martial arts people.

Chu Liuxiang returned to his ship and told the three beauties about seeing Miao Monk Wuhua and Nangong Ling.

The three beauties were also quite familiar with Miao Monk Wuhua and Nangong Ling, and upon hearing this, they said that they had nothing to do with this matter.

Chu Liuxiang agreed with the three beauties,

He also believed that the matter had nothing to do with Miao Seng Wuhua and Nangong Ling.

However, in the direction of the sea area where the corpse floated, there were only two people in the martial arts world. Now that the matter has nothing to do with these two people, there is no more clues.

Chu Liuxiang went into the sea to find the "needle" this time, but did not find any clues. Chu Liuxiang also had no choice but to wait for new clues to appear.

And new clues soon emerged.

There was one more person on Chu Liuxiang's boat, a beautiful woman.

The woman should have slipped onto the boat while Chu Liuxiang was going into the sea to catch the "needle".

She was able to board the ship without being discovered by Chu Liuxiang's three beauties, so she was certainly very capable.

The woman was from Tianchi Shenshui Palace. She came specifically to find Chu Liuxiang because she suspected that Chu Liuxiang had stolen something from their Shenshui Palace, the most important thing, Tianyi Shenshui.

The Tianyi Shenshui in Shenshui Palace was stolen?

Chu Liuxiang was shocked after hearing this. Tianyi Divine Water was stolen. Although only a few drops were stolen, it was a very serious event for the entire martial arts world.

Because, if Tianyi Shenshui is used by others, dozens of first-rate masters in the martial arts world will die inexplicably.

Chu Liuxiang naturally did not steal Tianyi Shenshui, but the woman from the Shenshui Palace did have reasons to doubt him.

Because, the only person in the world who can sneak into the Shenshui Palace to steal the Divine Water is the bandit commander who walks on the moon and leaves a fragrance.

Unless the people inside Shenshui Palace were guarding and stealing.

Chu Liuxiang thought of the corpse of the Shenshui Palace disciple he had discovered before.

Could it be that she is the one who robbed herself?

For some purpose, she stole the Tianyi Divine Water, and then used the Tianyi Divine Water to kill Jamuka, the "King of the Desert". Then, she herself was killed by the murderer hidden behind the scenes.

This possibility is indeed not small.

So, Chu Liuxiang took the women from Shenshui Palace to see the body of the former Shenshui Palace disciple.

However, the woman from Shenshui Palace said that that person was not a disciple of Shenshui Palace. She just wore the clothes of a disciple of Shenshui Palace and pretended to be a disciple of Shenshui Palace.

Then, it can only be the man behind the scenes who asked the woman to pretend to be a member of the Shenshui Palace, and then killed the woman to silence her and put the blame on the "King of the Desert" Jamuka.

Woman is just a poor scapegoat.

There is still no clue about what happened before, but now the Tianyi Divine Water in Shenshui Palace has been stolen again, and the theft of Tianyi Divine Water is obviously inextricably linked to the previous incident.

Things continue to get more complicated, and there are still few clues.

The woman from Shenshui Palace asked Chu Liuxiang to help find out the real culprit who stole Tianyi Shenshui, and then left Chu Liuxiang's ship.

In fact, even if the woman from Shenshui Palace didn't say anything, Chu Liuxiang would definitely investigate and get to the bottom of it. The more complicated the matter, the more interested Chu Liuxiang would be.

The cousin of Su Rongrong, one of the three beauties, is a disciple of Shenshui Palace.

Therefore, Chu Liuxiang asked Su Rongrong to ask her cousin about the recent events in Shenshui Palace. He himself disguised himself as a ginseng medicine dealer named Zhang Xiaolin and went to Jinan, the base of Cinnabar Gate, to look for clues.

Ximen Qian, the killer scholar of Cinnabar Sect, was one of the dead in this incident. Chu Liuxiang thought that he should be able to find some clues by asking for some information from the disciples of Cinnabar Sect.

Arriving in Jinan, Chu Liuxiang, dressed as Zhang Xiaolin, successfully approached Leng Qiuhun, the head disciple of the Cinnabar Sect, through gambling.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After that, after a series of twists and turns, the number one fast sword in the Central Plains and the number one killer in the Central Plains was introduced, the Central Plains Yidianhong.

Zhongyuan Yidianhong is still the most reputable killer. Legend has it that as long as someone can pay a high price, even if Zhongyuan Yidianhong kills his own flesh and blood friends, Zhongyuan Yidianhong will not show mercy.

In addition, Zhongyuan Yianhong is still the most principled killer. As long as he takes other people's business, even if the person he wants to kill is paid ten or twenty times, he cannot be bribed back.

And the reason why he is called "A Little Red" is because he never bothers to expend even half an inch of effort when killing someone. He stabs the enemy's vital point and always kills the person just right. He never stabs even half an inch more. Only a little blood will be left on the tip of the sword.

Therefore, he is called Yidian Hong.

Chu Liuxiang, who was pretending to be Zhang Xiaolin, went to the Tianxing Sect's territory because of searching for clues. The Tianxing Sect happened to spend a lot of money to invite Zhongyuan Yidianhong to help kill the people of the Cinnabar Sect.

Zhongyuan Yidianhong regarded Chu Liuxiang as a member of the Cinnabar Sect, so he attacked Chu Liuxiang and wanted to kill Chu Liuxiang.

But unfortunately, although his martial arts is considered first-class, it is not at the top and he cannot kill Chu Liuxiang.

He launched a series of killing moves, but Chu Liuxiang dodged them one by one with a smile and did not fight back.

Later, both men recognized each other's identity.

The two talked about the topic of killing, and Chu Liuxiang said that he had never killed anyone, and said that fighting for bloodshed was the most stupid thing that humans can do.

But Zhongyuan Yidianhong said, "You have never killed anyone, how do you know the joy of killing someone?"

Chu Liuxiang added, "You have never been killed, and you will never know the pain of being killed. If a person can only base his own happiness on the pain of others, such a person is too useless."

Chu Liuxiang and Zhongyuan Yidianhong, and their conversation after they recognized each other's identities gave book fans a new understanding of the two.

Chu Liuxiang never killed anyone? This surprised all the book fans.

It is naturally impossible for Chu Liuxiang to kill good people, but Chu Liuxiang has never killed even a bad person, which is really incredible.

Book fans have a new understanding of Chu Liuxiang.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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