Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1796 Guess

Remember in one second【】

Chu Liuxiang decided to find Qiu Yunsu.

But Qiu Yunsu has disappeared for twenty years, how to find her?

Sun Xuepu told Chu Liuxiang that twenty years ago, he painted Qiu Yunsu's portrait at a place called Wuyi'an. Master Su Xin, the host of Wuyi Temple, is Qiu Yunsu's close friend and may know Qiu Yunsu's whereabouts.

After many twists and turns, Chu Liuxiang finally arrived at Wu Yi'an.

However, Master Su Xin has died, and there is only one unconscious nun in Wuyi Nunnery.

And just when Chu Liuxiang was checking the body of Master Su Xin, he was suddenly attacked by a man in black.

This man in black, Chu Liuxiang, had seen him before. He was the man who killed Song Gang before and used ninjutsu to escape into Daming Lake.

This man in black is also very likely to be the black hand hidden behind the scenes.

It's a pity that Chu Liuxiang can't see the face of the man in black.

The black man's sneak attack did not hurt Chu Liuxiang, but it did hurt the unconscious nun.

When the nun was dying, she looked at Chu Liuxiang, and her eyes suddenly became strangely clear and bright. At this moment, the nun actually regained her consciousness.

What does the nun want to tell Chu Liuxiang? But she exhausted the last strength of her life and could only say the word "nothing".


This is actually a very important clue that the nun suddenly regained her consciousness and told Chu Liuxiang.

But unfortunately, Chu Liuxiang didn't understand the meaning of the word "wu" the nun said. He thought the nun said "wu" or "wu".

Because the nun died under the plane tree.

Could it be that the nun wanted to tell him that there were clues under the sycamore tree?

There will naturally be no clues under the sycamore tree, and Master Su Xin is dead, and Chu Liuxiang can't find Qiu Yunsu either.

Qiu Yunsu could not be found, and the previous clues were lost again.

The black hand hidden behind the scenes once again interrupted Chu Liuxiang's clues in advance. It was obvious that he was a very terrifying opponent.

But the more this happens,

The more Chu Liuxiang shows no intention of shrinking back, the more he will get to the bottom of the whole matter.

He knew that new clues would surely appear again.

New clues do emerge.

Chu Liuxiang met another person, a young man who called himself "Black Pearl".

The boy is very beautiful. If he is a woman, she must be a very beautiful woman.

Black Pearl is the son of Zhamuhe, the king of the desert. He came to the Central Plains this time to find out about his father Zhamuhe.

His father is missing.

He didn't know that his father was actually dead.

Black Pearl told Chu Liuxiang that his father Zhamuhe did receive a letter before he left, and he took that letter with him.

Chu Liuxiang was overjoyed. The letter was naturally written by Qiu Yunsu to Zhamuhe. If he knew the content of the letter, he should be able to make great progress.

It's a pity that Black Pearl didn't trust Chu Liuxiang at first and refused to show Chu Liuxiang the letter.

After several twists and turns, Black Pearl finally believed Chu Liuxiang, gave the letter to Chu Liuxiang and left.

But because there was a little red in the Central Plains, the letter was destroyed before Chu Liuxiang had time to read it.

Now we can only rely on Black Pearl to read the letter and tell Chu Liuxiang the content of the letter.

Therefore, Chu Liuxiang has to continue looking for the black pearl.

Before finding the black pearl, Chu Liuxiang learned a very important piece of news from the White Jade Demon of the Beggar Clan.

Twenty years ago, Qiu Yunsu changed her name to Ye Shuzhen and married Ci, the former director of the Beggar Clan.

No wonder Qiu Yunsu disappeared in the past twenty years. It turned out that she changed her name and married the former leader of the Beggar Clan.

In this way, Chu Liuxiang has new clues to find Qiu Yunsu.

Ci, the former director of the Beggar Clan, has died of illness, so Qiu Yunsu should live in seclusion somewhere.

Nangong Ling, the current leader of the Beggar Clan, must know where Qiu Yunsu lives in seclusion.

And Nangong Ling is Chu Liuxiang's good friend. Chu Liuxiang only needs to ask Nangong Ling.

Things seem to be getting a little simpler.

After that, Chu Liuxiang met Black Pearl again, and Black Pearl did know what was written in the letter?

He told Chu Liuxiang, and what he wrote in the letter was, "We have been apart for many years. I miss you so much. I will go even better than before. However, I have become more haggard than before. Now I am even more in trouble. I hope you will remember your old laziness and ask for help." , If you don’t come, I will die.”

The signature below is the character "苏".

All the previous speculations were finally confirmed. The person who wrote the letter was really Qiu Yunsu, and the content of the letter was really that Qiu Yunsu had encountered difficulties and needed help.

However, the situation now is different from before.

Before, Chu Liuxiang didn't know that Qiu Yunsu had changed her name and married Ci, the former director of the Beggar Clan, so she had such doubts.

But now, since Qiu Yunsu is the wife of the former leader of the Beggar Clan, and when Qiu Yunsu wrote those four letters, the former leader Ci should still be alive.

Ren Ci died of illness recently. After his death, Nangong Ling, who was raised by Ren Ci, became the new gang leader.

Logically speaking, Qiu Yunsu should not encounter any difficulties. Even if he encounters difficulties, the Beggar Gang can solve them.

So why did Qiu Yunsu write to the four people for help?

It seems that we still have to find Qiu Yunsu.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Chu Liuxiang arrived at the Beggar Gang, found Nangong Ling, and asked Nangong Ling to take him to see Qiu Yunsu.

At that time, "Wonderful Monk" Wuhua was also there.

Nangong Ling and Chu Liuxiang are good friends. Naturally, Nangong Ling will not refuse Chu Liuxiang's request. He plans to take Chu Liuxiang to see Qiu Yunsu himself.

The place where Qiu Yunsu lived in seclusion was on a mountain southeast of Qufu. Nangong Ling and Chu Liuxiang walked for a full day before arriving.

On the way, Nangong Ling talked about his life experience. It turned out that he was an orphan. He was raised by his former gang director Ci and taught him martial arts.

In Nangong Ling's opinion, Ren Ci was the kindest and kindest person he had ever seen in his life.

Chu Liuxiang has known Nangong Ling for many years, and this is the first time she heard Nangong Ling talk about this.

Then, the two of them went up the mountain, and at a cliff, they were blocked by a man.

The man claimed to be Tianfeng Jushiro, from Iga Valley, Fuso Dongying Prefecture.

Chu Liuxiang and Nangong Ling were shocked after hearing this. It turned out that this person had a lot of background.

It was the Ninja of Iga who became famous in Fujian and Zhejiang more than twenty years ago. He was known as the "Ninja of Iga, the Invincible Dragon".

Tianfeng Shiro claimed that he was willing to accept the humiliation of Ren Ci for Qiu Yunsu, and returned to Japan with hatred, swearing that Ren Ci would never come to the sergeant again as long as he lived. For the sake of Qiu Yunsu's happiness, he was willing to accept a slap from Ren Ci without fighting back. He still refuses to marry because of Qiu Yunsu.

Tianfeng Shirojiro also said that now that Ren Ci is dead, Qiu Yunsu finally belongs to him completely, and he will never let anyone see her again.

And Chu Liuxiang came here just to see Qiu Yunsu, so naturally it was impossible for her to retreat.

Therefore, the two fought against each other.

In the end, Tianfeng Shiroro was defeated and left, leaving only the wig and mask in Chu Liuxiang's hands.

It turned out that Feng Shishiro was disguised as his companion that day.

Then, of course, he cannot be the real Tianfeng Jushiro.

Not only that, because of the fight between the two, Chu Liuxiang was able to deduce that the person who pretended to be Tianfeng Shiro, wanted to prevent him from seeing Qiu Yunsu, and even wanted to kill him, must be someone he knew, and also knew him people.

And this person should be the mastermind hiding behind the scenes.

Who is this guy? Chu Liuxiang seemed to have some kind of guess.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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