Remember in one second【】

Li Fan said that he was also looking forward to it. This was not wrong. He was really looking forward to it. {Sui}{Dream}Novel eng]}

However, what he is looking forward to is not the content of the second story, but the praise and discussion of the second story from the book fans in this world.

In fact, he looks forward to it every time he publishes a work.

I look forward to those classic works from the previous life becoming classics in this world, and I also look forward to the evaluation of those works in this world.

The second story in the "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" series is called "The Great Desert".

One week later, "The Great Desert" will be officially serialized in "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazine.

In the next week, book fans discussed "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" on the Internet with unabated enthusiasm.

Chu Liuxiang is a very perfect person, and perfect people are always lovable.

When book fans discuss Chu Liuxiang, they always inevitably compare Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng.

The two people have similarities, but more differences.

Book fans always enjoy the various comparisons between the two.

In addition, the topic of Wuhua is still one of the most interesting topics for book fans.

Now everyone generally believes that Wuhua is indeed not dead, and they are also thinking about what kind of bigger conspiracy Wuhua will plot in the next story?

Also, will his wife Li Qi really show up?

If it does appear, what role will it play?

Is the cold-blooded backlash between Wu Hua and Nangong Ling really related to her?

A series of questions such as this made book fans look forward to the next story while discussing it.

And time does not pass slowly. A week later, a new issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" was released, and the second series of stories "The Great Desert" officially began to be serialized.

Countless book fans were so excited that they opened "The Great Desert" as soon as they bought the magazine.

At the end of "The Fragrance of the Sea of ​​Blood\

,"Chu Liuxiang was exhausted physically and mentally because of Wu Hua's death. He just wanted to return to the ship that belonged to him as soon as possible and fell drunk in the gentle hometown of his three close friends, Li Hongxiu, Su Rongrong and Song Tian'er.

The opening of "The Great Desert" immediately follows the ending of "The Fragrance of the Sea of ​​Blood".

"Chu Liuxiang returned to his boat, just like a wanderer returning home. The wind on the sea was moist and warm, as warm as his mood.

From the depths of the sea and sky, a white cloud flew slowly over. The ship was rippling in the blue waves, and its smooth deck was brighter than a mirror in the bright sunshine.

He took off his clothes, shoes and socks. The hot deck burned his bare feet, making him feel lazy and his whole body seemed to be floating.


The opening chapter follows the previous story, making book fans excited.

This is enough to prove that the story of "The Fragrance of the Sea of ​​Blood" is really not over yet, and Wuhua should really not be dead yet.

And Chu Liuxiang finally returned to his ship, which also made book fans happy and relieved.

Nangong Ling and Wu Hua betrayed their friendship one after another and died one after another, which made Chu Liuxiang really tired.

The book fans were very distressed. They just hoped that Chu Liuxiang could take a good rest.

However, accidents often happen when people least expect them to happen.

"Chu Liuxiang couldn't help but shout loudly: 'Su Rongrong, Li Hongxiu, Song Tian'er, if you don't bring out the delicious food, I will swallow the boat.'

However, there was no sound, no response, and no one in the entire boat.

Su Rongrong, Li Hongxiu, and Song Tianer are all gone.


None of Chu Liuxiang's three confidantes were on board, they were all missing.

Chu Liuxiang was shocked and searched every corner of the ship, but still could not find the three women.

There is no way that the three women left without saying goodbye. Now it can only mean that an accident happened.

Chu Liuxiang was very anxious, and suddenly found a pile of yellow sand on the chair, with a shiny black pearl on the sand.

There is a note next to the black pearl, which reads: "Stealing horses by Chu Liuxiang Lake, black pearl robbed beauty at sea."

Seeing the yellow sand, black pearls and note, Chu Liuxiang breathed a long sigh of relief, and the book fans also breathed a sigh of relief.

Through the yellow sand, black pearls and notes, it is not difficult to see that the three women were kidnapped by black pearls and taken to the desert.

Although it was a "hijacking", the three women should not be in any danger. Black Pearl was definitely a trustworthy friend of Chu Liuxiang, and he should not harm the three women.

Moreover, book fans are now almost certain that Black Pearl should be a daughter, so she should not hurt the three daughters.

As for why she wanted to kidnap three girls into the desert?

I don’t know about this issue now.

However, we can make some guesses.

After Black Pearl kidnapped the three girls and left, she deliberately left behind the Black Pearl that symbolized her identity, as well as a pile of yellow sand that could explain the location of the kidnapping, and a clearly written note, which showed that she wanted Chu Liuxiang to know, It was she who kidnapped the three girls.

Moreover, she abducted the three women into the desert.

Then, the purpose should be to let Chu Liuxiang go to the desert to find them. She knew that Chu Liuxiang would definitely look for the three women.

Looking for the three women is naturally equivalent to looking for

^0^ Remember in one second【】

She did.

She left her horse to Chu Liuxiang, which further illustrates this point.

Why did she let Chu Liuxiang find her?

There should be only one reason, and that is that she fell in love with Chu Liuxiang.

Fans of the book think so, and think this should be true, even if they are just guessing.

However, Chu Liuxiang obviously does not think so.

Because at this time, Chu Liuxiang didn't know that Black Pearl was actually a girl. At most, he just thought in his heart, why does this kid look like a woman most of the time?

However, Chu Liuxiang was quite relieved about the safety of the three girls. Although he didn't know why Black Pearl kidnapped the three girls, he also believed that Black Pearl would not harm the three girls.

But even so, Chu Liuxiang was still very anxious. He knew that the three women should not be in danger, but he was still very worried.

Therefore, without any delay, he directly rode on the BMW left by Black Pearl and embarked on the road to find the three women.

His destination is naturally the desert.

He drove almost non-stop day and night, and he had a BMW and a good horse. Within a few days, he reached the vast desert with yellow sand.

He just came to look for Su Rongrong, Li Hongxiu, and Song Tian'er, but he didn't know that he would encounter a series of complicated and mysterious things in this desert.

The conspiracy and trajectory of "The Great Desert" may have already unfolded from the moment Chu Liuxiang set foot in the desert.

The series continues. When Chu Liuxiang first arrived in the desert, she met her former best friend Hu Tiehua, and then introduced another best friend Ji Bingyan...

The whole story unfolds bit by bit in this way, and book fans are obsessed with it bit by bit.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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