Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1805 A little bit of love in the Central Plains

Remember in one second【】

Book fans believe that the person who deceived Zhongyuan was not Black Pearl, but Wuhua.

It seems that Wuhua has appeared a long time ago, and it is obvious that he is in the same group as Shi Guanyin.

I just don’t know if there is any relationship between them?

After Wuhua faked his death, why did he come to this desert, and why did he walk with Shi Guanyin?

Could it be that it was Wuhua and Shi Guanyin who secretly conspired to plot and direct the rebellious ministers of Kucha Kingdom to rebel?

It is foreseeable that when the time is right, they should kill the new King of Kucha and replace him.

Are they after the lofty throne and power?

Book fans think so, and it is indeed possible.

Keep reading and all the mysteries will eventually be solved.

Yidianhong revealed to Chu Liuxiang that there were two extremely high-ranking ministers of the Kingdom of Kucha. After the King of Kucha was exiled, they assisted the new king in presiding over the government.

There is also a Han named Wu Juxuan who is also secretly assisting the new king of Kucha.

In order to find out the news, Chu Liuxiang used his superb disguise skills to disguise himself and Ji Bingyan as two other people, and then followed Yidianhong to see Wu Juxuan and the two ministers of Qiuci Kingdom.

Wu Juxuan, in the eyes of Chu Liuxiang, Ji Bingyan, and Dian Hong, had a waxy triangular face, but his facial features seemed to be crowded together. A few rat whiskers under his chin seemed to have been burned by fire and turned yellow. He is also scorched and has a miasma-like head and rat eyes, which makes him afraid of compliments.

Now Chu Liuxiang was disguised as a hunchback, while Ji Bingyan was disguised as a pockmark. The two of them were following behind a little bit. They were so inconspicuous that anyone would ignore them.

However, Wu Juxuan inadvertently took action and restrained Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan.

Chu Liuxiang, Ji Bingyan, and Yidianhong were shocked. Wu Juxuan's martial arts was actually extremely high. Even though it was not as good as Chu Liuxiang, it should not be inferior to Ji Bingyan and Yidianhong.

Moreover, he had just caught Chu Liuxiang, whose martial arts was superior to his, by surprise.

Why did he suddenly take action to restrain Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan?

Chu Liuxiang, who was disguised as a hunchback, said: "My friend has such a handsome technique.

Just using this kind of skill to deal with two unknown people with ropes tied to their bodies, isn't it making a mountain out of a molehill? "

However, Wu Juxuan said leisurely: "Is the dignified Chu Xiangshuai also a nobody?"

It turned out that he had recognized Chu Liuxiang.

Chu Liuxiang's skill in disguise is extremely good. After he changes his disguise, except for a few people who are very familiar with him and may be able to recognize him, it is absolutely impossible for others to recognize him as Chu Liuxiang.

What's more, Wu Juxuan probably doesn't know Chu Liuxiang. Not to mention that Chu Liuxiang is now disguised as a hunchback. Even if Chu Liuxiang, who is not disguised, is standing here, Wu Juxuan probably won't be able to recognize him.

But why did he easily recognize Chu Liuxiang, who was already disguised as a hunchback?

Could it be that he knew Chu Liuxiang and was very familiar with her?

Is his current appearance of a miasma-headed rat-eyed person a result of his disguise?

Wu Juxuan also changed his appearance. It should be certain that he was very familiar with Chu Liuxiang.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to recognize Chu Liuxiang easily.

But, who could it be?

Chu Liuxiang still can't guess Wu Juxuan's true identity. Book fans have a guess, but they can't be sure.

Only by continuing to read will you know the answer.

Book fans think so in their hearts.

Wu Juxuan also made an appointment to meet with someone, and it turned out to be Shi Guanyin.

Shi Guanyin finally officially appeared.

It turned out that Wu Juxuan was also in the same group as Shi Guanyin.

Moreover, Wu Juxuan was very respectful to Shi Guanyin.

Of course, this seems normal. Shi Guanyin's martial arts is extremely high. I'm afraid no one would dare to make a mistake in front of Shi Guanyin.

However, there is another thing that is strange.

Although Shi Guanyin makes people talk about her in a disgraceful way, she is always polite when she talks to people, which makes people feel like bathing in the spring breeze.

But when she spoke to Wu Juxuan, she never showed any pretense. Wu Juxuan also accepted it and was still respectful to Shi Guanyin.

This is a little strange.

Weird places often mean there is a problem, but fans of the book haven't figured it out yet.

Shi Guanyin took Chu Liuxiang, Ji Bingyan, and Yidianhong back to her residence and handed them over to one of her disciples, Qu Wurong.

Qu Wurong was originally extremely beautiful, but her current face was ugly and terrifying.

Chu Liuxiang was very regretful and sad. She remembered that Qiu Yunsu looked like this after she was disfigured.

It was obvious that although Qu Wurong was a disciple of Shi Guanyin, she was also disfigured by Shi Guanyin just because she was too beautiful.

Sometimes, being too pretty can really make you suffer.

However, the woman who was disfigured by Shi Guanyin seemed to have good luck next time, and Qiu Yunsu gained her own love.

Now Qu Wurong has also gained his own love.

Not Chu Liuxiang, but a little red.

The once most ruthless killer Zhongyuan Yidianhong fell in love with Qu Wurongxiang. It is really incredible that Yidianhong would fall in love with a woman.

But it's true.

The process of two people falling in love is actually quite simple. Dianhong just said to Qu Wurong

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Just six words.

"You're not ugly, you're beautiful."

Just these six words made Qu Wurong's body tremble slightly, and the next development seemed to be somewhat logical.

Until later, when Dian Hong was accidentally injured by Hu Tiehua and broke his arm, Qu Wurong still refused to leave him.

Sometimes love is really simple and only requires six words.

Of course, the premise is that these six words must be sincere from your heart and cannot tolerate even a trace of deception.

Otherwise, love will never be simple.

Dianhong gained his love, but the current situation between him, Chu Liuxiang, and Ji Bingyan was not good.

They are now fish in Shi Guanyin's hands and must find a way to escape.

Otherwise, you will just be at the mercy of others.

After a series of disturbances, and with the help of a mysterious figure called "Thrush", Chu Liuxiang, Ji Bingyan and Yidian Hong finally escaped from Shi Guanyin's residence.

Of course, Dian Hong must have left with Qu Wurong.

Qu Wurong finally left the place that once brought her endless painful memories.

After several people escaped, they met Hu Tiehua and Princess Pipa who came to look for them.

It was here that Dian Hong was accidentally injured by Hu Tiehua and lost his arm.

That's the arm he uses to kill people.

His arm has killed too many people, maybe it's time to rest.

Therefore, it is not Hu Tiehua’s fault for being a little red.

Besides, he already has love now. How can a person who has love kill another person?

So, maybe it was God's arrangement that he now lost his murderous arm.

In this way, he and his lover can have a perfect destination.

A perfect destination is what many people dream of.

Therefore, he has no regrets.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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