Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1807 Red and Pink Bones

Remember in one second【】

Wu Juxuan is the "Wonderful Monk" Wuhua, this should be certain.

The following facts indeed proved this point.

It didn't take Chu Liuxiang long to catch up with Wu Juxuan. After the two exchanged words, Wu Juxuan admitted that he was Wuhua.

He took off the human skin mask he used to disguise himself, and it turned out to be the handsome "Miao Monk" Wuhua.

Chu Liuxiang and Wuhua met again, and they must have some emotions in their hearts.

However, at this time, the two of them were already at odds with each other, and there seemed to be no trace of their former friendship left.

In this fight, Chu Liuxiang couldn't be fooled again, and Wuhua couldn't be stupid enough to use the fake death strategy again.

Therefore, this fight should be the last fight between the two of them in this life.

Although Wuhua had made complete preparations, studied Chu Liuxiang very thoroughly, and was absolutely sure that he would be able to kill Chu Liuxiang this time.

But unfortunately, he is still no match for Chu Liuxiang.

There is no doubt that Chu Liuxiang won in the end.

Fortunately, Chu Liuxiang never killed anyone, so he would not kill Wuhua. He wanted to bring Wuhua back to the Central Plains and accept legal sanctions.

After Chu Liuxiang restrained Wuhua, he hid Wuhua in a mountain col and then went to find Shi Guanyin.

In the battle with Wuhua just now, Chu Liuxiang finally revealed Shi Guanyin's true identity.

It turns out that Shi Guanyin was Li Qi from the Huangshan family, the mother of Wu Hua and Nangong Ling.

All the book fans were shocked, and then suddenly realized.

It turned out that Shi Guanyin was Wuhua's mother.

Then, many of the problems that have troubled book fans before will be explained.

Wu Hua and Nangong Ling finally found out the real reason for their cold-blooded backlash.

Back then, after Shi Guanyin forced Qiu Yunsu to disfigure herself, Ci, the director of the Beggar Clan, actually married Qiu Yunsu. Qiu Yunsu was a blessing in disguise and lived a happy life ever since.

This is something Shi Guanyin absolutely cannot tolerate.

She was going to kill Ren Ci.

However, when she went to find Ren Ci, she discovered that her husband Tianfeng Shishiro had found Ren Ci before her and deliberately died in Ren Ci's hands, entrusting Nangong Ling to Ren Ci's care.

After discovering this, Shi Guanyin suddenly changed her mind. She was no longer going to kill Ren Ci. She thought of a better way.

She wanted to wait for Ren Ci to raise Nangong Ling to adulthood, and then go to meet Nangong Ling to recognize him. By the way, she told Nangong Ling that Ren Ci was not his benefactor, but his father-killing enemy, and she wanted Nangong Ling to kill Ren Ci himself.

Wouldn't this be much better than killing Ren Ci now?

This is what Shi Guanyin thought and did, and it really succeeded.

After Nangong Ling knew everything, he actually killed Ren Ci with his own hands.

Shi Guanyin did not hesitate to wait for more than ten years in order to destroy someone. This character is really chilling.

The doubts that have troubled book fans for a long time are finally solved. In addition to sighing, book fans still sigh.

Shi Guanyin is really a terrible woman.

And this terrifying woman was standing in front of a mirror, admiring her own face and body in the mirror obsessively.

She watched Hu Tiehua, Ji Bingyan, Princess Pipa, King Qiuci and others drink poisonous wine, then returned to her residence, and then looked at herself in the mirror obsessively. She was already drunk.

It turned out that Shi Guanyin fell in love with herself.

She doesn't love anyone, including her husband and son, she only loves herself.

When Chu Liuxiang came to Shi Guanyin's residence, Shi Guanyin was still intoxicated by her own beautiful face in the mirror.

Chu Liuxiang could only sigh.

When Chu Liuxiang came, Shi Guanyin was a little surprised that her son Wuhua failed to kill Chu Liuxiang.

But it was just a little unexpected, she didn't take Chu Liuxiang seriously.

If she wanted to, she could kill Chu Liuxiang at any time.

This is not because she is overconfident, but because her martial arts skills are far superior to Chu Liuxiang's.

She said that she could kill Chu Liuxiang within a hundred moves. After hearing this, Chu Liuxiang could only smile bitterly because he believed it.

And when Chu Liuxiang actually fought against Shi Guanyin, he was even more convinced of this. He was really far from Shi Guanyin's opponent.

Shi Guanyin didn't need a hundred moves to kill him.

Chu Liuxiang's martial arts is far inferior to Shi Guanyin, but Chu Liuxiang still possesses unparalleled wisdom.

In the next move, he no longer attacked Shi Guanyin, but instead struck the mirror with a backhand palm.

Mirror didn't know martial arts, so naturally she couldn't avoid Chu Liuxiang's palm, and was instantly shattered.

The mirror was broken, and the stone Guanyin in the mirror was also broken.

Shi Guanyin looked in the mirror and saw that the only person she loved was broken, as if she had been hit hard, and she was stunned.

And at the critical moment, Chu Liuxiang delivered a fatal blow to Shi Guanyin.

The aloof Shi Guanyin was knocked down.

Shi Guanyin couldn't believe that Chu Liuxiang actually knocked her down.

Perhaps unwilling to accept failure, Shi Guanyin committed suicide directly after falling.

The originally attractive and beautiful body turned into a skeleton in an instant.

No one in the world could kill Shi Guanyin, but she killed herself.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

The powder turned into withered bones in an instant, and the distance between the beauty and the withered bones was only a thin line.

So, what about the distance between victory and defeat? How many more?

Chu Liuxiang suddenly felt desolate.

He left Shi Guanyin's residence and went to the mountain col where Wuhua was hidden. He wanted to take Wuhua back to the Central Plains to face legal sanctions.

However, no one leaves without money.

Because, a long arrow has penetrated Wuhua's throat.

Wuhua was killed by someone, by the mysterious thrush.

Because there was a note left beside him, "Chu Xiangshuai doesn't want to kill anyone, Thrush will definitely do it for him."

Forget about who this mysterious thrush is? "Miao Monk" Wuhua is really dead this time.

Book fans sighed, Wuhua died after all.

Of course, Wuhua has done all the bad things, and death is destined to be his only destination.

After that, Chu Liuxiang met Hu Tiehua, Ji Bingyan, Princess Pipa, and King Qiuci.

Chu Liuxiang was pleasantly surprised. He once thought that the four of them had been poisoned by Shi Guanyin.

In fact, the four of them were indeed forced to drink poisonous wine by Shi Guanyin, and it was the mysterious thrush who saved them.

King Qiuci invited Chu Liuxiang and the others to visit Qiuci Kingdom. Princess Pipa had already made a secret promise to Chu Liuxiang and eagerly hoped that Chu Liuxiang would go.

However, Chu Liuxiang declined, and he also declined Princess Pipa's love.

In the end, King Qiuci left, and so did Princess Pipa. Perhaps she and Chu Liuxiang were from two different worlds and could not be together.

The three girls, Su Rongrong, Li Hongxiu and Song Tianer, have still not been found, and the identity of the mysterious thrush is also a mystery.

As for the second series of stories in the Legend of Chu Liuxiang, the Great Desert officially ends here.

When all the mysteries are solved, the story naturally comes to an end, and the book fans let out a long breath.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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