Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1818 Know the truth about something

Remember in one second【】

The story continues.

Li Xunhuan coughed and walked into the woods.

However, as soon as he entered the woods, Li Xunhuan's lazy and lonely expression completely changed. He suddenly became as agile and vigorous as a hound.

No one in the world can escape his pursuit.

At this time, book fans obviously have a new understanding of Li Xunhuan.

It turned out that when Li Xunhuan was doing things seriously, he was still as sharp and light-hearted.

He wanted to track down Cha Meng, because he knew that the person who really stole the baggage must be secretly lurking around Cha Meng in order to observe the progress between Cha Meng and him.

As long as you find Cha Meng, you will definitely be able to find the person who secretly stole the baggage around.

Li Xunhuan remembered that ten years ago, there was a small restaurant nearby.

Even though things have changed in ten years, Li Xunhuan hoped that the restaurant would still be there, not because he was nostalgic, but because after analysis, Li Xunhuan believed that Cha Meng and the others would settle down in that restaurant.

As long as Zha Meng and others really settled in that restaurant, he would be able to find the real person who stole the baggage just by searching around the restaurant.

The restaurant is indeed still there.

As expected, Zha Meng and others settled in this restaurant, but Zha Meng and others were unable to notice Li Xunhuan's arrival.

Because they are already dead.

Zha Meng, Yu Erguaizi, and the four boys were all dead. Naturally, they were killed by someone, a man who drew his sword very quickly.

The only person in the entire world who can draw a sword so fast is A Fei.

A Fei obviously didn't really leave. He knew that these people planned to make things difficult for Li Xunhuan, so he helped Li Xunhuan get rid of these people.

Li Xunhuan helped him kill Zhuge Lei, so he helped Li Xunhuan kill these people. He didn't want to be in debt to Li Xunhuan.

Ah Fei didn't kill everyone. He left one alive. He tied him up in the restaurant and asked the owner of the restaurant to help him watch. He knew that Li Xunhuan needed a survivor for questioning.

Although his martial arts experience is insufficient,

But he is obviously a very thoughtful person.

That living person is called Hong Hanmin.

Li Xunhuan met the owner of the restaurant and also met Hong Hanmin.

The owner of the restaurant was still the same owner ten years ago. Li Xunhuan recognized him, and he also recognized Li Xunhuan.

And Hong Hanmin was the person who hid around Cha Meng and others and stole the baggage in the previous inn.

Now, the contents of that baggage have been worn on Hong Hanmin's body.

It was one of the most famous magical treasures in the world, golden silk armor.

This thing is invulnerable to water and fire, and is indeed a treasure.

Li Xunhuan asked Hong Hanmin to hand over the golden silk armor, not because he wanted the golden silk armor, but because he came here just for the baggage.

The thing in the bag now is the golden silk armor, so he naturally wants to get the golden silk armor back.

At this moment, the restaurant owner brought a bottle of wine to Li Xunhuan and asked him to drink some wine first.

Wine was obviously something Li Xunhuan couldn't refuse.

So, he drank a drink without hesitation.

After Li Xunhuan drank the wine, he said it was good wine and invited the boss to have a drink as well.

However, the boss said that he could not drink this wine.

Because if he drinks it, the poison in the wine will immediately take effect as long as he uses his true strength, and he will bleed to death from the seven holes.

It turned out that the wine was poisonous.

And just now Li Xunhuan drank the wine, which was obviously a very bad thing.

Hong Hanmin was surprised and happy, thinking that his boss was helping him, and was thanking him, saying that he would be grateful in the future.

However, before he finished speaking, he was directly punched to death by the boss.

It turns out that the boss actually has special skills, but he has always pretended to be soft and weak.

He deceived everyone, including Li Xunhuan.

Moreover, once you cheat, it lasts for ten years.

Now, for the sake of the golden armor, the boss finally reveals his true colors.

Li Xunhuan looked at Hong Hanmin's body on the ground and sighed quietly. He had told Hong Hanmin long ago that with the golden silk armor, he would die faster.

The current facts have exactly proved this point, but Hong Hanmin has no chance to regret it.

However, Li Xunhuan seemed to have forgotten that he himself was poisoned and might die.

Of course, Li Xunhuan may no longer care about life and death.

Therefore, he knew clearly that he had been poisoned, but he still continued to drink, and he drank the same pot of poisoned wine.

In his own words, drinking a cup is poisoning, and drinking a pot is poisoning.

Since they are all poisoned, why not drink to their heart's content?

After all, it was really good wine.

It would be a pity to poison such a good wine.

Li Xunhuan felt a little regretful.

As soon as the restaurant owner took action, Li Xunhuan recognized his identity, Sun Kui, the "Purple Faced Erlang".

Sun Kui has disappeared from the world for twenty years, which means that he has been here pretending to be a restaurant owner for twenty years.

Now, for the golden silk armor, Sun Kui took action and exposed his identity.

Later, Sun Kui's wife, Mrs. Qiangwei, a famous beauty from twenty years ago, also appeared.

The two of them told Li Xunhuan the news that the 'Plum Blossom Bandits' who were rampant in the world thirty years ago appeared again...

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After that, Sun Kui suddenly killed his wife.

After that, another man in Tsing Yi came. The man in Tsing Yi said that Li Xun Huan was not actually poisoned. It was obviously a very stupid thing to poison an alcoholic's wine.

Li Xunhuan also admitted that he was not poisoned.

Sun Kui was shocked. He always thought that Li Xunhuan was really poisoned.

After some twists and turns, the man in Tsing Yi took action and killed Sun Kui.

For a piece of golden silk armor, you kill me and I kill you, which is quite lively.

The person in Tsing Yi is a masked woman. Judging from her perfect figure, she should be extremely beautiful.

She also wanted golden silk armor, but Li Xunhuan was not going to give it to her.

She knew that Li Xunhuan was not poisoned, so she did not rob him openly. She did not want to have his throat pierced directly by Xiao Li's flying knife.

She planned to exchange her weapon "Green Devil's Hand" with Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan said, "In Bai Xiaosheng's 'Weapon Catalog', the Green Devil's Hand ranked ninth, which is considered a treasure."

"Weapon spectrum"? When book fans saw this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

The weapon spectrum is obviously the ranking of weapons in the world, and the ranking of weapons is actually equivalent to the ranking of martial arts to a certain extent.

Now that the Green Demon Hand is ranked ninth, how high can Li Xunhuan's flying knife be ranked?

It should rank first.

All the book fans are thinking about this question, and they soon know the answer.

Through Li Xunhuan's words, they learned that Xiao Li's flying knife ranked third on Bai Xiaosheng's weapon list.

Just ranked third?

Book fans were quite surprised. They originally thought that Xiao Li's Flying Knife would be ranked first.

Even Xiao Li's Flying Knife, which has a good reputation, only ranks third. Doesn't that mean that the first two weapons are more powerful than Xiao Li's Flying Knife?

What are the differences?

Book fans want to know the answer, but what are the first two weapons are not immediately introduced? It's a pity for book fans.

The man in Tsing Yi tried to exchange the "Green Devil's Hand" for the golden silk armor but failed. Later, he tried various methods and even planned to exchange his seductive body.

But Li Xunhuan remained unmoved.

The man in Tsing Yi finally had to choose to give up and leave, but the words he said when leaving made Li Xunhuan's eyes suddenly filled with sadness and pain.

The man in Tsing Yi said, "Li Xunhuan, you are not a man, you are not a person at all. You are useless at all. No wonder your unmarried wife ran away with your best friend. Now I know why?"

Li Xunhuan's unmarried wife ran away with his best friend?

What's happening here?

Although I still don’t understand what’s going on? But all the book fans discovered that they seemed to already know a little bit of the truth.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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