Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1820 The painful answer

Remember in one second【】

Fans of the book are thinking in their minds, and it should be true.

Otherwise, Li Xun Huan's eyes would not have turned deathly gray in an instant.

Lin Shiyin is the woman he misses deeply, but now he has hurt her son. How heavy must he feel?

Of course, that vicious child brought it upon himself. Not to mention that his martial arts was disabled, even if he was killed, that child would be the one who brought his own destruction.

In the eyes of book fans, Li Xunhuan would have done a good job in abolishing his martial arts. The woman named Lin Shiyin could not discipline her own children, so she should let Li Xunhuan help discipline her.

That child's nature was definitely not so vicious. The reason why he was like this was definitely caused by the over-indulgence of the man named Long Xiaoyun and the woman named Lin Shiyin.

If this continues, one day the child will die in the hands of others. Now that Li Xunhuan has abolished his martial arts, he has definitely saved the child.

Therefore, in the eyes of book fans, there is absolutely no need for Li Xunhuan to feel a little guilty.

But this is just the opinion of book fans after all. Li Xunhuan obviously does not think so. He loves Lin Shiyin deeply, so how can he let Lin Shiyin be harmed even a little bit?

Now that he has disabled her child's martial arts, he is afraid that it will cause great harm to her, so he is heartbroken.

This is because book fans can understand a man's infatuation with a woman.

However, if Li Xunhuan loved Lin Shiyin so much, why would Lin Shiyin marry Long Xiaoyun?

Could it be that Lin Shiyin didn't like Li Xunhuan at all? Or maybe they fell in love with each other after meeting Long Xiaoyun?

If that's the case, it's obviously not worth it if Li Xunhuan is still so infatuated now.

Book fans never want this to be the case. They don't want the woman that Li Xunhuan has missed for ten years to be someone who is not worthy of Li Xunhuan's longing.

In that case, Li Xunhuan's ten-year infatuation would appear even more tragic.

Li Xunhuan fell into memories.

He remembered that it was the seventh day of the lunar new year, and he had to rush out before celebrating the New Year because of something very important.

It was snowing that day too,

Lin Shiyin specially made a table of exquisite wine and food for him, and drank with him in her own courtyard to enjoy the snow.

Lin Shiyin had grown up in their home since she was a child. Her father was the uncle-in-law of Li Xunhuan's father. Before the two old men died, they had already agreed to get married.

He and Lin Shiyin grew up together. They were not only lovers, but also very good friends.

The plum blossoms were blooming beautifully that day, and Lin Shiyin's drunken smile was even more beautiful than the plum blossoms. That day was really filled with happiness and joy.

But alas, misfortunes also followed.

When he returned from abroad, he encountered a large number of enemies. Even though he was highly skilled in martial arts and killed many enemies, he was inevitably seriously injured in the end and was about to die under the enemy's sword.

Long Xiaoyun appeared and rescued him.

From then on, Long Xiaoyun was not only his benefactor, but also his best friend.

He invited Long Xiaoyun to be a guest at his home, and Long Xiaoyun was infatuated with Lin Shiyin from the first moment he saw her.

For Lin Shiyin, Long Xiaoyun fell in love with her. In less than half a month, a man as strong as steel had become sallow and thin, and his bones were broken.

At this time, Long Xiaoyun didn't know that Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin were engaged. He begged Li Xunhuan to betroth his cousin to him, vowing to treat her well.

From this moment on, Li Xunhuan suddenly fell into great pain.

He loved Lin Shiyin unforgettablely, how could he agree to Long Xiaoyun's request?

But Long Xiaoyun was not only his savior, but also his best friend. How could he see Long Xiaoyun falling into lovesickness before his eyes?

He couldn't directly tell Lin Shiyin to marry Long Xiaoyun, because he knew that Lin Shiyin also loved him unforgettable and would never marry anyone else.

He was full of pain and contradictions, so he indulged himself in drinking. After being drunk for five days, he finally made a decision. It was a really painful decision.

He decided to let Lin Shiyin leave him alone.

So he begged Lin Shiyin to take care of Long Xiaoyun's illness, but he himself began to indulge in sex, drinking and drinking, and even refused to go home during menstruation.

He wanted to create an opportunity for Long Xiaoyun and Lin Shiyin to get close.

When Lin Shiyin cried to persuade him, he laughed and walked away. Instead, he turned into Bengali and actually brought home the famous prostitutes Xiaohong and Xiaocui from the capital.

Two years later, Lin Shiyin was finally heartbroken and disappointed.

She finally chose Long Xiaoyun, who was passionately devoted to her.

Li Xunhuan's plan finally succeeded, but this success was so bitter and painful. How could he stay here to see the plum blossoms of the past?

So, he gave his entire home to Lin Shiyin as a dowry, and passed away alone, determined never to see her again.

This is the truth of the matter, and it is the reason why Li Xunhuan has been drinking and thinking about a woman for the past ten years.

All the previous questions now have answers, and the answers are more poignant and sad than fans of the book imagined.

Li Xunhuan actually personally gave the woman he loved and loved him deeply to his benefactor and his best friend.

From the moment Lin Shiyin finally gave up on Li Xunhuan and accepted Long Xiaoyun, what kind of pain and sorrow should Li Xunhuan feel in his heart?

Book fans find it difficult to imagine such pain and sorrow.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

And when Lin Shiyin got married to his best friend, he gave his home to the two of them and left alone.

This kind of pain and sorrow is even greater than before, and it is even more unimaginable for book fans.

The home I once had and the woman I once loved deeply have now become someone else’s.

Standing outside your home, watching the woman you love deeply and your best friend share your home hand in hand.

I am just a passer-by.

And all of this was facilitated by himself.

Book fans can't help but shudder and tremble just by imagining such pain and sorrow.

They dare not imagine it anymore.

Whose fault is all this?

Li Xunhuan, Lin Shiyin, and Long Xiaoyun were all at fault.

Although book fans understand Li Xunhuan's approach, they definitely disapprove of it. This is definitely an unwise decision. He helped Long Xiaoyun, but harmed himself and Lin Shiyin.

Long Xiaoyun didn't know at first that Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin were engaged. He didn't know that they were deeply in love with each other, so he asked Li Xunhuan to betroth Lin Shiyin to him. This was not wrong, and he didn't blame him.

But in the next two years, Long Xiaoyun must have known about the relationship between Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin, and also must have known that Li Xunhuan loved Lin Shiyin deeply. However, he did not take the initiative to give up on Lin Shiyin, but still asked Li Xunhuan to push Lin Shiyin to accept her. he.

This is unforgivable.

Lin Shiyin was actually a victim. She must have been very helpless and confused at that time. She didn't understand why her beloved cousin suddenly changed his appearance.

After two years of hard persuasion and two years of heartbreak, he was finally completely heartbroken and despairing, and accepted Long Xiaoyun, who was passionately devoted to him.

Li Xunhuan harmed himself and her.

But if she always believed that Li Xunhuan could not change his appearance, and always believed that Li Xunhuan must have a special reason for doing this, the ending of her and Li Xunhuan might be able to change.

There are no ifs, all that is left is helplessness and a sad ending.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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