Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1824 Borrowing tickets for 1 use

Remember in one second【】

Sky Plaza.

After waiting for a while, Qin Yulin said again: "Brother-in-law, how about we also go to the auction site to have a look?"

Li Fandao: "Don't you have something serious to do?"

Qin Yulin chuckled and said, "Don't worry about the business, let's go to the auction first. The auction is much more interesting than the business.

Li Fan thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go to the auction first. However, before that, we have to find out the relevant information about this auction."

Li Fan was also a little curious about the auction. He had never been to the auction site either in his previous life or in this life, and he wanted to take a look.

Qin Yulin cheered and said, "It's easy to find out the information. Let's go to the auction house and find out. I seem to remember roughly where it is. It's not far from here. Brother-in-law, let's go now."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now."

Motian Auction House, the largest auction house in the Magic City, ranks only behind Longyuan Auction House in the country nationwide.

Skyscraper Auction House rarely holds auctions, but once it does, it must be a large-scale auction. Not only will there be many auction treasures, but it will also attract a large number of celebrities and wealthy people from all over the country to participate or watch. Or bidding.

Today, another auction will be held here, starting at ten o'clock in the morning.

It is now half past nine in the morning, and the guests attending the auction are entering the venue one after another. Everyone who is qualified to enter the auction site is either rich or noble.

However, even if everyone is either rich or noble, they are still divided into three, six or nine levels.

If you are rich, there must be someone richer than you. If you are expensive, there must be someone more expensive than you.

Generally speaking, those who are richer and more noble are not willing to sit with those who are not as rich as them, as it will lower their status.

Therefore, the auction venue divides the guest area into a general hall and a VIP private room. The VIP private room is divided into first-level private rooms, second-level private rooms and third-level private rooms.

First-class private rooms have the highest specifications.

What kind of people sit in what level of private rooms?

The auction house knows it, and the people who come to the auction know it themselves.

Therefore, people who come to participate in the auction generally have no ambiguity about the level of private rooms arranged for the auction.

Guests continued to enter the venue, and less than half of the people were already sitting in the hall, but there were almost no people in the private rooms of all levels.

One is because there are relatively few people who are qualified to be in VIP private rooms.

Secondly, it is impossible for them to arrive early. If they can arrive at the starting time, it is already very good.

Auction entrance.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin have already inquired about today's auction.

Now, Li Fan had a slight headache. He needed a ticket to enter the shooting venue, which he didn't have.

He was asking Nu how to get in?

At this time, he saw the man and woman from before again, walking towards the entrance.

The two people were originally going to attend the auction, so it was not surprising that they came here.

The two people also saw Li Fan and Qin Yulin, and they were very surprised. They were thinking, "What is that kid doing here? Does he also want to go in and participate in the auction?"

Then there was a burst of schadenfreude in my heart, "Not just anyone can enter an auction of this level. Who is not rich or noble? Besides, you need a ticket to enter. Without entry, There's no way you can get in with a ticket. That kid doesn't have a ticket. Isn't he just trying to embarrass himself by coming here?"

The two of them were thinking this in their hearts as they approached, waiting for Li Fan to be chased away by the big and rough security guards at the entrance.

Li Fan looked at the expressions of the two people and knew what they were thinking. Then his eyes lit up and the admission ticket was secured.

When the two of them approached, Li Fan said with a smile: "Isn't this the gentleman just now? You two are also here to participate in the auction? Didn't you buy the bag just now?"

The man's face darkened, and he snorted heavily. He did not answer Li Fan's last question, but said, "Of course we are here to participate in the auction, but I don't know what you are here for?"

Li Fan still said with a smile: "We are also here to participate in the auction."

"Oh, really?" the man sneered, "You can't get in without a ticket."

"Admission tickets..." Li Fan paused deliberately, and then two items suddenly appeared in his empty hand as if by magic. They looked very cool, similar to admission tickets. .

Li Fan held the two things in his hand, raised them, and continued, "Is this the thing you are talking about? Sorry, I have it."

The man and the woman next to him saw that Li Fan really took out the ticket, and their expressions changed slightly. They knew that the people who could get the tickets for today's auction were all rich or noble.

Could it be that you have made a mistake? Isn’t this kid in front of me an ordinary person?

Although they are not sure yet, the two of them dare not continue to laugh at Li Fan. If they really make a mistake, the problem may be big.

But we can't just give up, at least we have to find a step down.

So, the woman snorted softly and said, "We have the tickets, too. My dear, show him our tickets."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This was what the man wanted. He also wanted to find a step to go down, and this was a good step, so he nodded and said, "Okay, we really should go in."

The man said as he opened his handbag and prepared to take out the two tickets.

However, the man's expression suddenly changed, and the two tickets in his bag disappeared.

"How is this possible?" The man searched back and forth in the bag several times. The more he searched, the more anxious he became, but he still couldn't find it.

The woman next to me also noticed something strange and asked, "What's wrong?"

The man whispered: "The ticket is missing. This shouldn't be the case."

Why is the man's ticket missing?

Only Li Fan at the scene knew the reason. With the help of the mysterious power of space, it was a very simple matter for him to get the two tickets from the man's bag.

Li Fan suppressed his smile and said with great concern: "What's wrong? Is the ticket missing? Don't worry, I believe you really have the ticket, it's just missing."

The man nodded and said, "Of course, of course I do have a ticket."

Li Fan said again: "Then we won't disturb you. You look for it slowly. Don't be anxious. We will go in first and wait for you."

After that, he said to Qin Yulin, who had been watching the excitement silently, "Girl, let's go. Let's go in first. Don't bother this gentleman looking for tickets."

Qin Yulin chuckled and said, "Okay!"

After that, the two of them entered the auction venue with two tickets and under the complicated gaze of the woman.

The man stopped looking for tickets and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Inside the entrance channel.

Qin Yulin said: "Brother-in-law, do these two tickets belong to those two people?"

Although she didn't know how Li Fan got those two tickets? But she knew that these two tickets should belong to those two people.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course it belongs to them, we just borrowed it for use."

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up, and she knew this was the case, and then she said: "Then they can't get in? It's really pitiful."

Li Fandao: "That's not necessarily true. Wasn't that man on the phone just now? If he has enough skills, he might still be able to come in."

Qin Yulin said with a smile: "Then it depends on his ability."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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