Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1826 The 1st Auction Item

Remember in one second【】

in the hall.

The person in charge was stunned. He found that what Li Fan said did seem to make some sense.

Since everyone is seated according to the number, you only need to look at where each person sits to know the seat number on their ticket.

If you can say that this ticket was originally yours based on this alone, then you can just find someone in the lobby and say that the ticket in his hand is yours.

The person in charge nodded and said to the man: "Besides this, do you have any other evidence to prove that these two tickets were originally yours?"

"This..." The man found that he had no other evidence. He didn't even know when his ticket was and how it got into Li Fan's hands. What evidence could he have?

He said anxiously: "Mr. Cai, there is no other evidence, but these two tickets are really ours. This is not the first time I have come to participate in the auction here. Mr. Cai should believe me." .”

The person in charge handed the two tickets back to Li Fan respectfully, and then said: "I'm very sorry, sir, for disturbing you."

Then he turned around and said to the man: "Sir, since you have no other evidence to prove that these two tickets are yours, then I can only say sorry. However, please don't worry, sir, our auction house will provide you with Rearrange seats, please come with me."

"This...this..." The man was obviously not willing to do it, but he had no other option for the time being. He could only look at Li Fan unwillingly, and then took the woman and left with the person in charge.

After a few people left, Qin Yulin asked: "Brother-in-law, do you think the person in charge really doesn't believe what the man said?"

Li Fan said: "No, he believes that these two tickets belong to that man."

Qin Yulin was a little confused and asked: "Since he believes it, then why doesn't he let us return the ticket to the man? Moreover, he never showed any intention of doubting us from beginning to end."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Because he is a smart man."

"Smart man?" Qin Yulin thought thoughtfully.

The person in charge found two new seats for the man and the woman. Some seats are reserved appropriately for each auction, just to deal with some emergencies.

Although men and women are unwilling to give in,

But seeing that the auction had rearranged their seats, they said nothing more.

In the manager's office.

An assistant-looking person next to him said: "Sir, I think what that gentleman said should be true, and those two tickets should really be theirs. That young gentleman should have really taken their tickets. Voucher.”

The person in charge said: "It's not that it should be, but it is true that those two tickets belong to that gentleman."

The assistant asked doubtfully: "If that's the case, then why would sir handle it like this?"

The person in charge smiled and said, "What do you think should be done?"

The assistant said: "Of course, let the young gentleman return the tickets. If he can't produce other tickets, they should be asked to leave. I think he is very handsome and young. He is already a good person." You shouldn’t be eligible to come in.”

The person in charge shook his head and said: "Let's not worry about how the young gentleman got the ticket. Let's just talk about what happened after he got the ticket. If he is just an ordinary person, do you think he has the courage? Come in and sit in the corresponding seat openly? Can you still be so calm and tell lies with your eyes open when facing our interrogation? "

"This..." The assistant nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "Sir, do you think he is not an ordinary person?"

The person in charge said: "It will definitely not be an ordinary person. As for his specific identity? This is unknown, but no matter what, it will definitely not be simple."

The assistant nodded and said, "Sir, I understand."

It's 10 a.m. and the auction is about to begin.

The entire hall was already packed. There were actually far more people in this world who were either rich or noble than people imagined.

In the VIP rooms on the second and third floors, the richer and more expensive people are basically everywhere.

The auction is about to begin. Qin Yulin is curious about what will be auctioned today?

Li Fan was also looking forward to it. He had seen a lot of auctions on TV and in novels, but this was the first time he had come to an auction in person.

I wonder if there will be a scene like on TV or in novels, where several parties are fighting for something, and no one is willing to give in, and in the end the price is raised very high?

The auctioneer stepped onto the auction stage. He was about forty years old, and his eyes would flash from time to time.

It was obvious that this was a very experienced auctioneer.

"Dear guests and friends..."

The opening remarks are very important for the auctioneer. It is not just the auctioneer representing the auction house and welcoming the guests.

An excellent auctioneer will start to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene during the opening remarks, completely stimulating everyone's appetite, and full of endless expectations for the upcoming auction items. It seems that if you don't get something to auction today, you will be sorry to come back. Like this trip.

The auctioneer on the stage now is obviously a very good auctioneer.

Under his guidance and mobilization, everyone at the scene seemed a little ready to move.

Finally, the auctioneer also introduced the meaning of the auction.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Justice, as someone said before, this is a semi-charity auction.

All commissions collected by the auction house today will be used to provide voluntary assistance to children in need to keep out the cold.

In addition, at the end of the auction, a voluntary donation process will be initiated. We hope that all the guests present can make a small contribution.

The action of the auction made some people frown secretly, but more people nodded happily. Many people are still willing to do a little bit for this kind of voluntary assistance that is sure to be implemented.

Next, the first item in the official auction was a semi-raw jade stone.

The length is about 30 centimeters, and the thickness and height are both about 10 centimeters. A little stone skin is cut on one side, and a skylight is opened, revealing the emerald green inside.

For those who don't understand or even half understand, this is definitely a top-quality rough stone, and the starting price is 500,000.





I don’t know whether it’s because the auctioneer managed to arouse everyone’s emotions well before, or because the allure of this semi-raw jade stone is not small, but now people are bidding very quickly.

Although the price of each increase is not high, it keeps increasing.

The auctioneer was very satisfied with the situation at the scene. He kept promoting the semi-raw stone without leaving any trace, tempting everyone at the scene to keep increasing the price.

Not long after, the price had exceeded 1 million.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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