Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1832 I don’t understand

Remember in one second【】

Those in the hall who thought Li Fan was showing off originally thought that Li Fan was done showing off and would not increase the price this time.

But he didn't expect that Li Fan not only continued to bid, but also added 100,000, still showing his intention to fight to the end.

This makes everyone have to admire Li Fan's courage. Li Fan is definitely the first person who dares to show off like this at the skyscraper auction.

This also made everyone feel extremely excited.

Now, they are looking forward to the attitude of Private Room No. 12. Should they continue to increase prices, or should they take some necessary measures?

This is really exciting!

People in the hall are paying attention to the progress of the situation, and people in the VIP rooms on the second and third floors are also paying attention.

It was extremely rare for people in the lobby to directly confront people in their VIP rooms.

Now that it has appeared, they are naturally very interested.

Especially those who know Private Room No. 12 are even more interested in it.

In the private room No. 15, there was also a young man, wearing a purple top, and he was also accompanied by a younger and older man.

The young man in purple said with a smile: "This kind of scene rarely occurs. That kid Liu Hui is probably fuming with anger now. Interesting! Interesting!"

The older man said: "The young man in the hall only adds 100,000 each time. This will undoubtedly make the fourth young master of the Liu family even more angry. I am afraid there will be something good to watch next."

The young man in purple said again: "The young man in the hall is very courageous. Yes, yes, I appreciate it very much! I hope he won't be cowardly and fight that guy Liu Hui to the end."

The young man in private room No. 12 is indeed called Liu Hui, the fourth young master of the Liu family in the magical city.

The man next to him, about forty years old, is called Yang Yuan. He is a distant uncle of Liu Hui and has been working with Liu Hui.

At this time, Liu Hui was indeed fuming with anger. He slapped the coffee table in front of him and said bitterly: "How dare you increase the price? That guy dares to continue to increase the price, and it's only 100,000 more. This is definitely... It really pissed me off that it was deliberately targeted at me.”

Yang Yuan said: "Young Master Liu, looking at this, we really need to find someone to 'collude' with him.


Although he is Liu Hui's uncle, he usually calls Liu Hui "Young Master Liu".

Liu Hui gritted his teeth and said: "If you add the last price and increase it directly to 10 million, I don't believe it. 10 million won't scare him to death."

Yang Yuan hesitated for a moment, then persuaded: "Master Liu, if you buy such a raw amber stone for 10 million, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain after you go."

Liu waved his hand and said, "Uncle Yuan, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Yang Yuan could only say: "Okay."

10 million!

Private room No. 12 expressed its attitude and increased the price again, directly to 10 million.

The auctioneer was extremely excited. The amber rough stone that he thought would not be auctioned unexpectedly fetched a high price of 10 million.

I have to thank the good private room 12 for this. Well, it seems that I should thank the young man in row 16 in the second area.

The entire hall was in a complete uproar. Private room No. 12 still chose to continue to increase the price, which somewhat surprised them.

Moreover, buying a piece of suspected amber rough stone for 10 million, I have to say, this is really rich and willful, and he is worthy of being in the VIP room.

At the same time, everyone felt a little regretful, because in everyone's opinion, a direct bid of 10 million for private room No. 12 should make this matter settled.

The boy in row 16, Area 2, can no longer bid any more.

In this way, they neither saw the necessary measures being taken in Private Room No. 12, nor did they see the pretense of the boy in Row 16, Area 2, being exposed.

It's really a pity that that kid managed to pretend to be such a big dick.

But soon, they no longer felt regretful, but became extremely excited again, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Because, the boy in row 16, District 2, did not choose to give up.

10.1 million!

The boy also chose to continue bidding.

Moreover, it still happened to be an extra 100,000 yuan. This is definitely a pace that will piss off Private Room No. 12. Private Room No. 12 may not be able to endure it any longer.

However, by this time, more people began to think that the boy in row 16, District 2, might not be just showing off.

If it was just to show off, I could have given up when I offered 6 million for private room No. 12.

At that time, my pussy was already pretending to be perfect, so there was no need to continue taking risks.

Even if he wanted to take another risk and install a bigger and more perfect pussy, he increased the price to 6.1 million. This time, the bid for private room No. 12 reached a full 10 million. He would not do it anyway. The price should be increased.

If he was really pretending, he would never dare to bet 10.1 million unless he was crazy.

Is he crazy?

of course not.

Therefore, he probably wasn't just showing off, but really wanted that piece of amber stone.

However, no matter how you look at it, that piece of amber rough stone cannot be worth such a high price. So what is it for?

Is it also for the sake of face? Don't want to lose to the people in the VIP room?

This is unacceptable

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Yes, since the establishment of Motian Auction House, there has never been a person in the hall who would argue with someone in the VIP room just because of face.

This is completely unreasonable.

So, what is the young man in row 16 of Area 2 doing?

More and more people are suddenly discovering that things are not as they thought they were.

What they thought before seemed not to be the truth.

Things seemed to be more complicated than they previously thought.

Those who thought Li Fan was not pretending before smiled faintly and thought in their hearts, "At this time, have you finally realized that he is not pretending?"

A corner of the hall.

The men and women who provided Li Fan with tickets were completely dumbfounded at this time.

"10.1 million, that boy dared to quote 10.1 million. What is going on?" The two of them couldn't figure it out at all.

At this time, even they thought that Li Fan might not be showing off.

So, this means that that boy can really spend more than 10 million on live transactions.

It is obviously impossible for such a young person to be able to come up with so much money on his own.

Then, it can only show that his background is not simple.

A person with such an extraordinary background is definitely qualified to enjoy the treatment of a VIP private room. What the hell are you doing here in the lobby?

Well, no, since that kid's background is not simple, why did he have to steal admission tickets to get in?

What the hell is going on?

Men and women are completely confused.

x767e;x5eax7d22;x3010;x4e91;x6765;x9601;x3011;x5c0f;x8bf4;x7f51; x7684;x7ae0;x8282;x5c0f;x8bf4; xff0c;x6240;xf;x8bf4;x79d2;x66f4;x65b0;x3002;

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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