Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1840 Moa

Remember in one second【】

There are still eight hours left before Xiao Ju can sense what kind of bird it is. .

This made Li Fan very excited and looking forward to it.

Now, Li Fan has returned to Motian Square, and Qin Yulin is still working here, so he naturally wants to wait for Qin Yulin.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Yulin finished his work, and the two of them went directly back to Qin Yulin's apartment without making any other delays.

Of course, Li Fan cooked dinner. During the meal, Qin Yulin expressed that he wanted to go back to Qin's house in Qinyuewan tomorrow to take a look.

Li Fan naturally agreed and promised to accompany Qin Yulin tomorrow.

After dinner and some troubles, the sky became darker and darker, and Li Fan became more and more excited and looking forward to it.

Seven hours of eight hours have passed. In about an hour, we will be able to find out what kind of huge bird egg it is?

If it is an extinct species, then his discovery this time will shock the whole world, and Li Fan is very much looking forward to it.

Qin Yulin returned to his room, lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone.

Li Fan also returned to his room, browsing the news and waiting for news about Xiao Ju.

About an hour later, Xiao Ju's voice finally sounded in his mind, "Master, it's ready."

Li Fan felt happy, and with a thought, he entered the fairy space.

The big stone was placed by the Baiyun Lake in the space. Li Fan appeared directly by the Baiyun Lake, and Xiao Ju was standing by the big stone waiting.

Li Fan carefully observed the big stone. From the appearance, there was no change.

Then, Li Fan asked impatiently: "Xiao Cur, what kind of bird egg is this?"

Little Curse replied: "In the way you humans call it, this kind of bird egg is called a moa, and it is the largest giant moa."

"Moa?" Li Fan whispered, and it turned out to be an extinct bird.

Although the moa is extinct, Li Fan is no stranger to this bird. He once searched for some information about the moa out of interest.

past lives and this world,

Moa once lived in similar conditions and became extinct.

When it comes to moa, many people may involuntarily think of dinosaurs, but the two actually have no relationship.

Of course, it's okay to say that they are related. They are named by the same person.

They were named by the famous anatomist and paleontologist, Richard Owen.

In the 19th century, Owen obtained a very unusual bone. After studying it for four years, he announced to the osteological community and the world that it was a femur of a bird larger than an ostrich.

Owen called it "dinornis," which translates to the fearsome big bird. When our country introduced this term, we simplified it and called it moa.

Later, biologists gradually discovered more than ten species of moa of different sizes.

The difference is very obvious. The largest giant moa is nearly 4 meters tall and is the tallest bird in the world. The smallest moa is only the size of a turkey.

In this world, according to research and calculations by biologists, it is generally believed that the number of moa declined rapidly in the mid-18th century. By the early 19th century, the numbers were already very small. Finally, it became completely extinct around the 1850s.

However, some biologists believe that sporadic moa still survived into the 20th century.

Even to this day, there may still be moa living in some corner of the world.

Of course, this is just speculation by some biologists and has no basis in fact.

Therefore, it is generally believed that the moa became extinct around the 1850s.

But now, Li Fan can prove that the moa did not become completely extinct around the 1850s.

The evidence was the moa egg in front of him in the big stone.

According to Xiao Ju's inference, this bird egg cannot exist for more than 50 years, which at least proves that moas still existed in the world around the 1960s and 1970s.

Because this moa egg cannot appear out of thin air, it must have been laid by a female moa.

Now, the parents of this bird egg are definitely gone, and the world's moa may have become truly extinct.

However, due to various external factors, this bird egg has survived tenaciously for decades. Now it is encountered by Li Fan by chance. The chick inside is destined to break out of the egg and continue the life of the moa family.

With this moa egg, the moa are not truly extinct.

Of course, if this bird egg had not encountered Li Fan, the moa would have been truly extinct.

Because, even if this big stone is not auctioned by Motian Auction House, it will continue to be in its original environment, with the life breath of the bird eggs inside. Although it can last for a while, the chick inside the egg will definitely not be able to break out.

As time goes by, the life breath of the bird egg will eventually slowly die away, eventually forming a real bird egg amber, or after a longer period of time, a bird egg fossil will be formed.

But now, when it meets Li Fan, it will neither become amber nor a fossil, but will break out of its shell and become what should be the last moa in the world.

This may be God's reward for its tenacious survival for decades.

Li Fan was very pleasantly surprised and asked Xiao Ju: "Xiao Ju, it will probably take a while for this guy to return to his normal life breath."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

How long? "

Xiao Ju replied: "According to the current recovery speed, it will take about 10 days. However, there is something called 'Spirit Summoning Liquid' in the space mall, which can provide it with spiritual power and help it speed up its recovery."

Li Fan was overjoyed and said, "Since there is such a thing, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xiao Ju smiled and explained: "Because its previous life breath was too weak and could not withstand the power of the 'Spirit Summoning Liquid'."

Li Fan nodded and said: "So that's the case, can this guy bear it now?"

Xiao Ju nodded and said, "That's enough."

Li Fanxi said: "Okay, then I will buy the 'Spirit Summoning Liquid'. I hope this guy's life breath can return to normal levels soon."

After saying that, Li Fan came to the thatched house in the center of the space, opened the mall system, and found the "Spirit Summoning Liquid". One million reputations are worth one bottle.

The price is not cheap, but Li Fan's current reputation value is enough, and it only costs 1 million, so there is no need to consider it at all.

After buying a bottle of "Spirit Summoning Liquid", Li Fan returned to the big stone by Baiyun Lake.

"Little Curse, how do you use this thing?" Li Fan asked.

Xiaoshu replied: "The master can now break open the stone, take out the bird eggs inside, and then pour the 'spiritual summoning liquid' directly on the bird eggs."

Li Fan kept talking. In space, he could use the power of space. It was too easy to break such a stone.

Moreover, it will not have any impact on the bird eggs inside.

Using the power of space, Li Fan broke open the stone wrapped in the bird's eggs. The eggs that had been sleeping in the stone for decades finally saw the light of day.

Looking at the bird egg in front of him, Li Fan clicked his tongue twice. It was indeed a giant bird egg, with a length of 25 centimeters, a width of 18 centimeters, and a bluish-green color.

This is a moa egg. This is the first time Li Fan has seen this thing, which is quite strange.

After observing for a while, Li Fan relocated the bird eggs and poured the "Spirit Summoning Liquid" on them.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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