Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1845 The old naughty expert comes again

Remember in one second【】


Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng were all shocked after hearing Qin Lie's words.

They all naturally know that the moa is a bird that is taller and stronger than the ostrich, and is even the tallest bird in the world.

It's just that a mainstream view in the biological community now believes that moa were completely extinct around the 1750s, more than two hundred years ago.

This little guy really can't be a moa.

However, after Qin Lie said this, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng all discovered that the physical characteristics of this little guy were indeed very similar to the moa.

Su Yilin said: "Old Qin, don't mention it. The physical characteristics of this little guy are really very similar to the moa. Even if it is not a moa, it must have a strong blood relationship with the moa."

Qin Lie nodded and said, "That's true."

Zheng Jie looked at the little guy in front of her, thoughtfully, and suddenly said slowly: "This little guy is really probably a moa."

"Oh?" The other three old men, Qin Yulin, and Li Fan all looked at Zheng Jie.

Zheng Jie smiled and continued: "Although the mainstream view in the biological community believes that moa were completely extinct in the 1850s, not all biologists think so. Some biologists believe that it was not until the 20th century that In the early days, there were still moa living in the world, and some biologists even speculated that moa may not have been completely extinct yet, and perhaps there are still sporadic moa living in some unknown corner of the world. . If the speculations of those biologists are true, then this little guy might really be a moa."

After hearing this, the three old men nodded slowly, as if there was indeed something to say.

So, is this little guy really a moa?

The four old men looked at Li Fan together, with the obvious intention of asking Li Fan to tell them the answer quickly.

Li Fan laughed and said: "I share the same view as several old men, thinking that this guy may really be a moa. But after all, we are not biologists who specialize in studying these, and we cannot be 100% sure. After all, there are some The animals are really similar. However, I have invited two experts to identify them, and I believe there will be a definite answer soon.”

After hearing what Li Fan said, the four old men nodded in agreement.


Zheng Jie said: "Are the two experts you mentioned Mr. Zhang and Mr. Luo?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "It's the two elders. I told them that I found a very interesting guy. The two elders seemed to be very excited. They will probably come as soon as possible. They should arrive tomorrow."

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "The only things that can interest those two old guys so much are these magical animals and plants."

Liang Sheng said: "Whether this little guy is a moa or not, he will never let those two old guys down."

Qin Yulin had been listening to the conversation of several people silently, and she had a feeling in her heart. No wonder she didn't recognize this animal. It turned out to be extinct for more than 200 years.

Well, it's also possible that there was no real extinction.

Moa, she had never heard of this animal before, and this was the first time she heard of it.

However, although this is the first time I heard about it, from the name "Moa", I can feel that this guy will be very big when he grows up.

No wonder this guy is still so big now as a fledgling.

Suddenly, Qin Yulin became very looking forward to the growth of this unattractive guy!

The four old men are looking forward to the arrival of the two experts Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen!

If the two experts confirm that this little guy is really a moa, it will definitely cause a huge sensation in the world. The already world-famous Xianyuan Farm will undoubtedly become even more famous.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Li Fan was thinking about when the two experts would come? Suddenly, I heard a very familiar voice that I hadn't heard for a long time, "Boy Fan, are you at home? We are already here, come out quickly, come out!"

This voice belongs to Zhang Guangling.

Listening to the tone of this speech, it is really difficult to associate the speaker with an academician of the Academy of Sciences. There is no seriousness of an academician of the Academy of Sciences at all.

This is why Li Fan calls himself an "old naughty expert".

Li Fan was overjoyed, walked out of the room, went to the balcony and looked into the yard. Two energetic old people with strong steps walked into the yard from the gate.

The two old people were Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen.

Li Fan hurriedly went downstairs to greet him, and laughed loudly: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Luo, welcome, welcome. It's been a few days. You two are getting better and better, and you are getting younger and younger."

Li Fan's words were not a compliment. The two old men were really getting younger and younger. They were obviously over 60 years old, but they seemed to be less than 50 years old. Just based on their appearance, they could no longer be called old people.

Why is this happening?

In addition to the two old naughty characters, they also often eat ingredients from Sansheng Village.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen were also very happy to see Li Fan. Although they were much older than Li Fan, they were very comfortable communicating with Li Fan.

Zhang Guangling also laughed and said: "You still have such a good level of speaking, not bad, not bad, keep it up. However, don't say anything else for now. Quickly bring out that interesting guy you said. Let's take a look. If we If your guess is right, it should be one

^0^ Remember in one second【】

An endangered animal? Hurry, take it out quickly and let us see what kind of endangered animal it is? "

Luo Yunwen also urged him non-stop.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Don't be so anxious, you two. Come on, sit down and have a cup of tea. Mr. Zheng and Mr. Liang have been waiting for you. I'll call them right now and ask them to come over. Go see that little guy."

Although Zhang Guangling was very itchy, he was not in a hurry at this moment, so he said: "Okay! You call quickly and ask those old guys to come over quickly. Ask them to walk faster or trot over. Anyway, those few The old guy’s health is getting better and better, and it’s not a problem to run several thousand kilometers.”

Li Fan smiled, first called Zheng Jie, and then called Qin Yulin, asking her to come back quickly.

Not long after, Qin Yulin ran back first and naturally greeted the two experts.

The two experts were first amazed by Qin Yulin's appearance, and then they suddenly realized it after learning that Qin Yulin was Su Qing's sister.

No wonder she has such a face, she turns out to be Su Qing's sister.

Not long after Qin Yulin came back, four old men, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin, also hurried over.

As soon as Zheng Jie walked into the courtyard door, she couldn't wait to say: "Okay, okay! You two old guys are finally here, hurry up and see what kind of animal that little guy is?"

The three old men, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin, also hurriedly urged.

It turned out that the four old men were also anxious.

Zhang Guangling said: "We have wanted to see it for a long time. We are just waiting for you four old guys to come over."

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen had met Qin Lie and Su Yilin before and were already very familiar with each other.

Then, the six old men looked at Li Fan together. Although they did not speak, their meaning was already very obvious.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Since the old men are so impatient, let's go."

Later, Li Fan took a group of people to the place where he placed the little guy.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, Su Yilin, and Qin Yulin have already met the little guy. Their attention is not on the little guy now, but on Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen.

They observed the reactions of the two experts and waited for their answers.

And they soon knew the answer.

Because when Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen saw the little guy for the first time, they both exclaimed in disbelief:



Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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