Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1848 Flying deep into the jungle

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

Zhang Guangling hung up the phone and said: "I have already told Ambrose about the matter. He should be extremely excited and excited now. Then, he will rush here as soon as possible."

Li Fan said: "When he came here, weren't we already here? Why didn't he go directly to the place where we inspected it?"

Luo Yunwen smiled and said: "The little guy is here. He must come to see the little guy first. For him, there is nothing more attractive than this. Then, he will rush to the place where we will conduct an on-site inspection. . The field trip will not be short, if we gain anything, we may have to stay there for several months.”

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, then I will arrange for someone to receive Mr. Ambrose."

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen nodded at the same time: "This is the best!"

Then, Li Fan chuckled and said: "Now that the two experts have confirmed that this little guy is indeed a moa. So, can we officially announce the existence of this little guy to the outside world?"

Zhang Guangling said with a smile: "You kid can't wait for a long time. In fact, we can't wait too. After we report this little guy's matter to the country and collect some data during the field inspection, we will officially report it to the state." Announcement to the whole world. The existence of this little guy is destined to cause a great sensation all over the world!”

Li Fandao: "Thank you to the two experts for your hard work. I'm looking forward to it very much!"

Luo Yunwen said: "Of course you are looking forward to it. Your Xianyuan Farm will once again be famous all over the world. Okay, okay, you can leave. Lao Zhang and I are going to collect data on this little guy. By the way , we will set off early tomorrow morning for a field trip."

After hearing what Luo Yunwen said, Li Fan, Qin Yulin and several old men knew that the two experts were about to conduct a formal observation of the little guy, so they stopped disturbing him and left.

Tomorrow morning they will set off for a field trip, and the four old men have gone back to make preparations.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin also returned home. Li Fan didn't need to make preparations, but Qin Yulin did.

Early the next morning, Li Fan summoned Xiao Tian into the Immortal Fate Space. Some of the places he went to this time were very dangerous, and he had to rely on Xiao Tian's power to pass.


Li Fan, Qin Yulin, four old men, and two experts, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, officially set off for the field investigation site.

Nanhai Province, the southernmost province of China, has a small land area, but if the sea area is included, it is the largest province in China.

To the west of Nanhai Province, there is a large area of ​​deserted land, which is the destination of Li Fan and his party this time.

Now, they have arrived.

The fatigue of the journey did not affect their excitement and anticipation at all.

Li Fan pointed to the jungle in front of him and said, "Enter this jungle and walk straight into the depths. After hundreds of kilometers in a straight line, that's where I found the little guy. However, if you only use your feet to walk, It’s almost impossible to get there, even by helicopter, due to various factors.”

Zhang Guangling nodded and said: "If that place was so easy to reach, you wouldn't be able to find that little guy there. Lao Luo and I have visited this place for inspection. However, we only went deep into about 100 kilometers."

Luo Yunwen looked at Li Fan and said with a smile: "It's difficult to get there using a helicopter, but I know that you can get there easily."

Li Fan laughed, did not deny it, and said proudly: "If there is one person in this world who can get there, then that person must be me."

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and he said, "Brother-in-law, are you talking about Xiaotian? It's here too? How did it come? Where is it now?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course it flew here by itself. With its speed, it is much faster than us taking a plane or a car. It has already arrived."

Qin Yulin added: "Brother-in-law, since Xiaotian is coming too, why don't we just sit on its back and fly over? It will take a lot of trouble in airplanes and cars."

Li Fan said: "Xiaotian flies rapidly above the clouds. Except for me, you can't sit on it. Only when Xiaotian flies slowly at low altitude can you ride."

Qin Yulin curled his lips and muttered: "Okay then."

Then he became excited and continued: "What about now? Brother-in-law, now we should be able to take Xiaotian and fly to the place you mentioned, right?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "This is possible, but it depends on the wishes of the two experts. Should we go there directly first, or conduct an investigation on the periphery first?"

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen looked at each other and nodded to each other. After that, Zhang Guangling said: "Let's go there directly first, and then use that place as the center to spread the investigation around."

Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng naturally had no objections.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll let Xiao Tian show up."

Naturally, Xiaotian didn't fly here from Sansheng Village by himself, but stayed in the Immortal Space, but he couldn't let anyone else know.

When he got off the car, Li Fan found an opportunity to summon Xiao Tian out of the space and asked Xiao Tian to follow them secretly.

Qin Yulin was very excited, and several old men were also looking forward to it. Although they had already

^0^ Remember in one second【】

They were no longer curious, but that didn't mean they weren't looking forward to Xiao Tian's appearance.

Soon, with a clear, high-pitched whistle, Xiaotian appeared in the extremely high sky, and then slowly descended.

Qin Yulin and several old men all raised their heads and looked at Xiaotian, who was getting lower and lower and getting bigger.

Until Xiaotian slowly fell to the ground, his huge body was like a hill.

Although Qin Yulin and several old men have met Xiaotian many times, they still feel extremely incredible every time they meet.

They don't understand why Xiaotian can grow so huge? I only know that Sansheng Village is a magical place, and Li Fan is also a magical boy.

Li Fan jumped onto Xiao Tian's broad back, and then pulled Qin Yulin and several old men up.

Eight people sat on Xiao Tian's back, not crowded at all, and there was still a lot of space left.

After everyone was seated, Li Fan smiled and said: "We are about to set off."

Qin Yulin was very excited and said, "Okay! Okay! Brother-in-law, let's go quickly."

The four old men and the two expert old men are also looking forward to it.

Then, Xiaotian slowly took off, carrying eight people and flying towards the depths of the jungle.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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