Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1851 The three most desired holy villages

Remember in one second【】

Biologists from various countries need enough time to accept and digest the news that moa are really not extinct yet.

"It's really unbelievable. China actually discovered the moa. I really can't believe it."

"But it is a fact. This is the news released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Of course this is true, but even if it is true, it is also unbelievable."

"But we have to believe it in the end. It's unbelievable that not long ago we were saying that God would change Ambrose's view. But what God really changed was our view."

"I said not long ago that Ambrose was too stubborn and I have to apologize to him now."

"The baby moa was discovered by Li Fan, the owner of Xianyuan Farm. I would like to say that Li Fan is really a magical person."

"Li Fan is already a legendary figure, especially in China. You have to know that his identity is far more than the owner of Xianyuan Farm."

"Of course I know this. He is also the most famous musician, various writers, cartoonists, and fairy tale writers in China. There are many legendary stories about him. He is also called by the music circle of Lanzhou as the most genius in the world. Music writer, his Western works, "Harry Potter Series", "Sherlock Holmes", etc., have become the best-selling works in the world. He has too many identities and too many stories. Another moa chick was discovered, and his legend continues.”

"I wonder if Ambrose already knows the news? If he knows, he will definitely go crazy with excitement."

"I think Ambrose is already in China at this time. Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen have a good relationship with him, and they know that he has been looking for moa, so they should tell him the news as soon as possible."


Biologists from various countries can't believe it, but they can't believe that moa are really not extinct yet.

After being shocked, they also became extremely surprised and excited.

The reason why they previously believed that Ambrose's search for moa was a waste of time was simply because they absolutely believed that the moa had been extinct for more than 200 years.

That doesn't mean they aren't interested in that tall, strong, scary, mysterious bird.

In fact,

They were extremely sorry that the moa became extinct more than 200 years ago. They also spent a lot of time studying the moa, and they also hoped that the moa would not become extinct.

Now, the moa is really not extinct. They can really see that mysterious big bird with their own eyes. Naturally, they are also extremely surprised and excited.

Moa also have a fatal temptation for them.

Now, their biggest wish is to appear in front of the moa immediately.

Where are the moas?

Sansheng Village in China.

Therefore, they also made a decision at the first opportunity and immediately went to Sansheng Village in China.


After so many days of a lot of reports and heated discussions about Li Fan's participation in the Magic Sky Auction a few days ago and his donation of 1 billion, the popularity has decreased slightly.

However, this afternoon, the Chinese Academy of Sciences issued an announcement to the world, pushing Li Fan to the absolute focus of the entire society.

Many people have never heard of this animal, but just by looking at the name "Moa", everyone knows that it must be an extinct animal.

This may be because this name makes people subconsciously think of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs have become extinct in ancient times, and moa should also have become extinct.

Everyone's subconscious belief has no scientific basis, but it is indeed correct.

At least until today, the mainstream view in the world's biological community believed that moa became extinct more than 200 years ago.

For everyone now, they just subconsciously believe that moa is an extinct animal. This little bit of knowledge is far from meeting everyone's needs.

Nowadays, everyone is very interested in moa, and many people have begun to search for information about moa on the Internet.

This inquiry made them more and more interested in moa.

"As expected, the moa became extinct more than 200 years ago. I feel like this is an extinct animal."

"Oh my god! The giant moa can actually grow to nearly 4 meters tall. It is indeed a terrifying big bird."

"It turns out that moa have nothing to do with dinosaurs, and they have only been extinct for more than 200 years. I thought that like dinosaurs, they became extinct in ancient times."

"The moa became extinct more than 200 years ago? This was the view before today. Now, our Mr. Li Fan from China has discovered a living moa. This is to change the conclusions of previous biologists. It’s completely disruptive. It’s definitely going to be a huge hit in the world.”

"Mr. Li Fan is indeed a legend in our country. He can even discover the moa, which has been thought to be extinct for more than 200 years. It is really legendary."

"I heard that the place where the moa was found is somewhere in the wilderness in the west of Nanhai Province. No human has ever set foot there. It is estimated that only Mr. Li Fan has the ability to enter such a deserted place."

"The extinction of moa more than 200 years ago is the mainstream view in the world's biological community, but it does not seem to be the view of all biologists. Some biologists seem to believe that moa are not completely extinct yet."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"Mr. Li Fan has now discovered a living moa chick, which proves that the moa is not extinct yet. Mr. Li Fan's discovery is destined to shock the entire world."

"The whole world is now in a state of shock. There is news on the Internet that biologists from all over the world, after learning about the discovery of live moa in China, were all extremely shocked and unbelievable, and then became extremely confused. Excited and excited. Now, biologists from all over the world are rushing to our Sansheng Village. The moa is a huge temptation for them. "

"Moa is not just a temptation for biologists. For most people in the world, when they learn that a mysterious large bird that has been thought to have been extinct for more than 200 years is suddenly discovered to still be alive in this world. When in the world, you will definitely feel extremely shocked and incredible, and you will also be very eager to see that mysterious big bird in person. For most people, the moa has a fatal temptation. Sansheng Village. It’s the place they yearn for most now.”

"Sansheng Village was already very famous in the world, and now Mr. Li Fan has brought new allure to Sansheng Village. Thinking of the fact that there are many foreign biologists and ordinary foreigners rushing to Sansheng Village at this moment. Holy Village, I can’t help but be excited, proud and proud, thank you Mr. Li Fan!”

"The moa discovered by Mr. Li Fan is the giant moa. Unfortunately, that guy is still a chick and cannot show its terrifying size to everyone."

"You don't need to worry about this. That guy in Sansheng Village will definitely grow very fast and become bigger. It won't take too long before it can show its terrifying size to everyone."

"That's right, in Sansheng Village, not to mention the several mysterious beasts that protect the village, even the sizes of other animals are far larger than those in other places. It is really a magical place."

"I can guarantee that in the near future, Sansheng Village will definitely become the most desirable place for everyone in the world."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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