Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1855 How did they get in?

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

Ambrose has spent a day in Sansheng Village. During this day, he spent most of the day observing moa chicks and doing various data.

During this day, biologists from all over the world also arrived one after another. They met Ambrose. Some congratulated Ambrose, while others apologized.

Then, all the biologists looked at the moa chicks with gleaming eyes, as if they were seeing a rare treasure.

This was the first time they had seen a living moa, and even though it was just a chick, it was absolutely thrilling.

Ferdinand said to Ambrose: "Teacher, this moa chick has been almost observed. Can we go to the place where the chick was found and conduct a field investigation? Mr. Zhang Guangling, Mr. Luo Yunwen, and Mr. Li Fan from China , they have been conducting on-site inspections for two days, and I don’t know if they have discovered anything?”

Ambrose nodded and said: "We are indeed going to do an on-site inspection. We will go there in one more day, and I have to observe this little guy for another day. Although they have been inspecting for two days, it is almost impossible to gain anything in two days. .”

The other biologists nodded in agreement.

But soon, they changed their minds.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences once again issued an announcement to the world. The main content is that Zhang Guangling, Luo Yunwen, and Li Fan are currently investigating in the deserted land in the west of Nanhai Province. They have made major discoveries. They have discovered no more than 10 adult moa footprints. Based on this, it can be proved with almost absolute certainty that moa do exist in that area.

This announcement naturally reached the ears of many biologists in Sansheng Village, including Ambrose, immediately.

Ferdinand said in surprise and excitement: "Teacher, this...this...they made such an important discovery so quickly."

Ambrose was in disbelief and was extremely surprised, and said to Ferdinand: "Ferdinand, we are leaving for Nanhai Province immediately. I don't want to waste even a second now."

The footprints of an adult moa that were no more than 10 days old made Ambrose unable to hold back the throbbing in his heart.

The same goes for the rest of the biologists. They originally planned to stay in Sansheng Village for one more day, but after this announcement from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they could no longer stay.

Footprints of an adult moa no older than 10 days old,

For them, the temptation is too great.

They all want to be the first to spot an adult moa in the wild.

So, they all rushed to Nanhai Province of China at the first time.

A barren land to the west of Nanhai Province.

Two experts, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, finally completed their inspection of the footprints after reporting data to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and taking certain protective measures at the footprint site.

Afterwards, Zhang Guangling said excitedly: "Now we can be sure that in this deserted land, we may encounter adult moa at any time. This is really exciting and exciting! However, so are adult giant moa. A very dangerous animal, although we still don’t know what the moa’s temperament is? But we must be extra careful.”

Everyone nodded. A big guy nearly 4 meters tall, no matter whether its temperament is docile or explosive, is definitely very dangerous.

Ostriches can be used as a reference for this. African adult ostriches can grow to nearly 3 meters tall. Their feet are so powerful that they can even kill a strong adult male lion with one kick.

Ostrich is definitely a very dangerous animal.

The moa is taller, stronger, and more powerful than the ostrich, so it is naturally more dangerous than the ostrich.

Of course, with Li Fan here, there won't be any danger.

However, it's always right to be careful.

Then, Luo Yunwen said: "After we issued this announcement, the biologists who are still in Sansheng are afraid that they will not be able to sit still anymore, and they will definitely rush here as soon as possible. Here is There is a question, it is almost impossible for them to reach here from the edge of this desolate land, should we ask Xiao Tian to bring them here?"

This is indeed a problem.

It stands to reason that those biologists going out for scientific research have nothing to do with Li Fan. Li Fan does not need to take the initiative to consider the other party unless the other party takes the initiative to ask him for help.

But this time the situation is a bit special, and this time it has something to do with Li Fan.

After all, they all came here for the moa, and Li Fan didn't want any accidents to happen to them during this inspection.

Li Fan said: "When they arrive at the perimeter, I will ask Xiao Tian to pick them up. However, if they are unwilling to let Xiao Tian help and want to walk in by themselves, then there is no force."

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen both nodded, and if they were unwilling to accept help, they would naturally not force it.

The next afternoon.

After a non-stop journey, a group of biologists, including Ambrose, finally arrived at the outskirts of the barren land in the west of Nanhai Province.

Looking at the endless wasteland with extremely complex terrain, a group of biologists sighed, are there moa living in this wasteland?

Biologists are very yearning for and looking forward to it!

However, now there is a fact before them. The terrain in front of them is already extremely complicated within the range of sight, and the terrain inside that cannot be seen now must be even more complicated.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This is an inaccessible territory.

"Perhaps, we should let our country request helicopter support from China." A biologist said.

"Helicopters are also affected and interfered by various environmental factors. If a helicopter enters such terrain, the risk is probably not small."

"But Li Fan, Zhang Guangling, and Luo Yunwen went in. How did they get in?"

"It should also be with the help of a helicopter. If the helicopter flies carefully, there should be no problem."


Biologists have speculated that Li Fan and his party entered it with the help of a helicopter.

However, Ambrose said: "No, they didn't use a helicopter."

"Didn't use a helicopter? Did they go in on foot? It's not that difficult." The other biologists said.

Ambrose smiled and said, "I didn't go in on foot. Have you ever heard of how many mythical beasts there are that protect the village in Xianyuan Farm?"

A biologist replied: "I have indeed heard of it, but they are all legends. They are so miraculous that they are not enough for people to believe. Even if there are animals to help protect the farm, it is impossible to be as exaggerated as the legends."

Regarding this statement, the other biologists nodded secretly, and they also thought so.

Ambrose said: "It is indeed a legend, but it is real. The legend is not exaggerated. It is an unsolved mystery. But no matter what, the beast that protects the village really exists. This time they entered this desolate land. The land relies on the power of one of the sacred beasts that protects the village."

"This...Mr. Ambrose, are you telling the truth?" The other biologists couldn't believe it.

Ambrose smiled and said: "Of course it is true. Xianyuan Farm is originally a very magical place with many unsolved mysteries."

I recommend a friend's book, "Super Little Mountain Farmer", which is well written. Everyone is welcome to collect and read it.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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